Thursday, December 24, 2020


Talk about a low ebb: Nursing my cold, I didn't go out, with two exceptions: a trip to Von's for a few things and to CVS for Thera-Flu in tablet form. (To me, the kind you dissolve in water is revolting.)

Called the Access Van, asked to get to Ojai at noon, gave them Ellen's address, and was informed they don't take people to homes. Okay, I said, then take me to Von's and that was permitted. Called El later and she'll pick me up there. 

Other than that, nothing much. I fooled around on the lap top, but that got old quickly. Actually turned on the "discussion" part of The Birds DVD to see some of the actors and others involved in the movie discussing it. I figure that was filmed at least 25, if not more years ago, but I enjoyed it more than the movie, which isn't saying much.

El called to ask that I take me temp this morning; she had given me a thermometer. I will and will take it with me to her house. 

I'm looking forward to seeing Ellen, but aside from that, there doesn't seem to be much of anything good coming up. Along with, I guess, millions of others, I can't wait to get this year over with.

But one piece of good news: Mike posted on my Facebook page that my package arrived--on Christmas Eve! (In Singapore, they're a day ahead of us.) I guess it's too much to hope the one to Japan was received. I already know my letter and Christmas card to my almost-ninety-five-year-old in Bangkok didn't arrive yet.  

UPDATE: I had emailed son in Japan to see if the package arrived and just got a reply that yes, it had. YAY!


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Weight: I was up 1.2 at home and 1.4 at T.O.P.S., to 127.6 and 128.4, respectively--no prob, I'm still within my comfort zone. The ...