Thursday, December 03, 2020


I was amused to get a call before 7 am from Leanne at Prime Management. I know not everybody would be amused, but I had been up for more than an hour; she didn't realize I was in California. I had sent a note about not being able to register in the Sunrise Bay portal, but we straightened that out.

Did a wash, cleaned the tub, and emailed the accountant at Johnson Dental headquarters to tell the corporation I'm getting impatient for my $4780 refund. I said I'd bill them if my credit card charged interest. 

After that, I got my cart and walked to the Market, then Ralph's. Walked part way home, then caught a bus, so I went about two, I guess. 

I had every intention of walking/busing somewhere after lunch, but I didn't. Instead, I foolishly sat down at the laptop, watched some things on YouTube, and played Royale Match, 

The fact is, I'm a little down in the dumps. I'm lonely, that's the problem. I miss both family and friends. Yes, I can and do talk on the phone and correspond by text and email, but that's not the same. I'm active, but a lot of the things I do, I conjure up because I know it's unhealthy to sit for long periods. I did yesterday, in the afternoon, though. Didn't go out after lunch except to walk to Von's for salmon and beer.

That reminds me, Jim is coming over today, so that will be enjoyable. First I have to go to the hospital for the CO-VID test which the dermatologist office requires. Let's hope they can get a reading, unlike the other three times I was tested.


1 comment:

iloveac said...

Feeling lonely is a painful experience. I agree skype, phone, text, email, etc. don't help enough. We humans need face to face contact. This symptom is rampant in the population at large. You're doing as much as you can to avoid it. Maybe Jim could come over twice a week for lunch/conversation unless he's teaching every day. This isolation is almost, if not worse than getting CoVid for many people.
Many people get it and get over it. It's those at greatest risk who have to be so careful. Of course, we don't want to spread it either in case we don't know we have it. It's awful.


Weight: I was up 1.2 at home and 1.4 at T.O.P.S., to 127.6 and 128.4, respectively--no prob, I'm still within my comfort zone. The ...