Wednesday, December 09, 2020

Surgery, Sort Of

I finished breakfast about 8:30, then nervously prepared for the ten o'clock dermatology appointment for the removal of the growth on my nose. I'm always paranoid about being late for things, so was just getting ready to leave for the bus when the phone rang. It was Dr. T.'s office, saying they had had some "technological problems" and would have to ask me to wait for them to call in an hour or so to reschedule when I could come in later in the day. Geez, I had had that appointment at Oxnard Dentistry, then got the call the wife went into labor, and I had to reschedule. Was I upset over the derm call? Not at all, I was thrilled to have a little more breathing space. 

Later, I was called and asked to come in between 11:30 and 11:45. I barely made it, as the 6 bus was late, but I did. Once there, I was taken to the sort-of surgery room, and had the M.O.H.S. procedure. In my case, Doc deadened the area next to my nose, cut out the crud, then he and nurse left me for an hour. That was okay, as I took with me Edward Curtin's Seeking Truth in a Country of Lies: Critical & Lyrical Essays.  I'm absolutely stunned at his insight into modern life, in particular the evils of American imperialism, especially since it's so championed by "liberals." Besides something to read, I had been told to bring water and a snack. I did--grapes and pretzels--but I didn't get hungry or thirsty, so brought them home.

Doc had to come back once to cut more out, then it was declared "clear" and he put in deep stitches that will dissolve in some time or other and others that will dissolve later--or something. Nurse then cleaned up and put a big dressing on, and I was released a little after 3:00. I walked to the nearby market for bananas and blueberries, walked to the transit center (only about a  mile, but at least I got some in), and got home.  I had been told to take Tylenol, but I didn't have any. I did have Aleve, so took two of those; later, I read the instructions paper I shouldn't take Aleve. Well, too late, but I went to CVS for Tylenol, so I could take some before bed. 

Ate some vegetable potstickers for dinner--I still wasn't very hungry--then was about to call Ellen, but she beat met to it and we had a good talk.  

I was surprised to get a call about 8:00 pm from Dr. T., asking how I was doing. I guess this is the new thing, but it sure didn't happen when I was a girl. Doctors were august creatures, just slightly above the angels in the moral hierarchy and they would never have called off-hours. Not sure if this part of the COVID thing or part of the medicine-is-a-business thing. 

Anyway, I told him about the Aleve thing and he said it shouldn't be a problem. Then he asked if I had been keeping a cold pack on it...uh, what? I had just skimmed the paper I had been given and had missed that part. He told me to do that right away to reduce the swelling. I did and kept it on while I watched Will & Grace, but AAGH! I just looked at the instructions paper and it says "for fifteen minutes every two hours," so I goofed there, too. I'm pretty sure a medical professional (ret.) is reading this and gasping in horror at my poor patient-ship, so I should be ashamed. (But I'm not, so there!)  Anyway, when I got up this morning, it feels okay: doesn't hurt and isn't badly swollen.

I was touched when Jim called last night to see how the surgery went. We had a good talk and I was glad to hear he called the government agency he was concerned about and finally, his problem seems to be resolved. 

So the easy part re my health is over; tomorrow, the hard one: Oxnard Dentistry.         

1 comment:

iloveac said...

I think that's one reason they now call especially when the patient came alone. Your stress level blocks understanding completely. Good idea to have a second pair of ears come along. Glad it went as well as it did. You'll be fine.


Weight: I was up 1.2 at home and 1.4 at T.O.P.S., to 127.6 and 128.4, respectively--no prob, I'm still within my comfort zone. The ...