Wednesday, December 16, 2020


Hectic continues to describe my days. Betty's daughter-in-law, Robyn, called and asked if I'd include myself in a birthday Zoom plan. Yeah, sure, but just arrange things with Ellen. I'm not really anxious to participate, but of course, I will. They were planning for our siblings to be "on," too. Oh, really? My brother, Frank, is more ga-ga than Betty and our 84-year-old brother in Bangkok, according to his daughter, neither sees nor hears very well, so is pretty slow on the uptake. Also, it's thirteen hours or so ahead there, so it would be the middle of the night for both him and my boys. Anyway, they can work it out.

I had bought a card from the dog for my niece's son and daughter and can't find it anywhere--I must have lost it. I walked down to the market on Victoria (1 1/2 mi.) to buy another, then realized it was at another store. Walked back to Telephone Road and caught the 11 bus to that one, got the card, then walked over to Office Max where I finally found an address book. 

Didn't get home until after 5:00. I called Jim and we had a long talk; invited him to lunch today and I'm happy to say he accepted. I'm just at a low ebb for various reasons--the season, for one, and my birthday, for another. I think the Zoom thing is planned for the day before--Sunday--and I'll ask Carolyn is she has any problem with me visiting Betty on Monday, our actual birthday.  

I heard from Dr. Keihani's office and the news is mixed: The cost is much better, but there's a waiting period until May. I'm going to consult some people and decide what I want to do. 

El called and we discussed my birthday, the Zoom call, and Christmas. She'll come here for the, which is actually Monday, and I'll stay overnight there on Christmas Eve. That's something to look forward to, anyway.

I called Jim to ask if he's available for lunch today. He is, so that's something else to look forward to, instead of this damn dreary disease dreck. 

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Weight: I was up 1.2 at home and 1.4 at T.O.P.S., to 127.6 and 128.4, respectively--no prob, I'm still within my comfort zone. The ...