Tuesday, December 08, 2020

Jim, The Wind, And Other Stuff

 Jim had asked if I could help him with getting his driver license to a particular site on the Internet--long story I won't go into--so of course, I said I would. I spent some time cleaning up a bit, as I haven't had anyone* in for quite a long time.

He came at one with his lunch, as usual. We had planned to eat outside, also as usual, but the Santa Ana winds were so fierce, we just couldn't stay out. Yes, the gov has us under lockdown, but he was going to come in for the computer stuff, anyway, so we ate at my place.

After, we went into my bedroom (but Sister Immaculata  wasn't around, so we weren't worried 😁) where my laptop and printer are. I scanned the license, saved it, sent it to my email, then to his and so on and so forth. Anyway, for various reasons, it took about an hour, but we finally got it done.

Jim returned the favor by getting my Christmas decorations out of a very high cabinet, which I was afraid to attempt. He left about 4:00. I called Betty back (she had called me in the morning, but I didn't hear it) and responded to an email from Greg thanking me for the birthday cards (one from me, one from Gwennie and Cissy, the kitties). 

I got a call from Dr. T.'s office, the dermatologist telling me to bring water, a snack, and a book to wait out the M.O.H.S. procedure today. I'll leave after breakfast, as I'm supposed to get there by 9:45.

Walked over to Von's for bread and romaine; the wind was still pretty strong, but I think not quite as bad. There's an enormous amount of debris all over the complex, mostly from the palm and pine trees that dot the campus. 

Called Ellen just to chat. She was on her way back from The Hip Vegan, Greg's favorite place, with dinner for the two of them. 

*Aside from Ellen, and daughters are different.

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Weight: I was up 1.2 at home and 1.4 at T.O.P.S., to 127.6 and 128.4, respectively--no prob, I'm still within my comfort zone. The ...