Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Various Annoyances

Stripped the bed, re-made, and put in a bleach wash early. I was pleased to get a call from my friend, Nancy, and we talked for 45 or so. She still stays in--she doesn't even go to the supermarket, her DIL shops for her--and has gained an unfortunate amount of weight. She does have a number of ailments, including that hemoglobin thing and, most worrisome, shortness of breath. Anyway, it was good to talk to her.

However, that was the high point of the day. I waited around for Yandoo to call. I had been assured by Quentin, to whom I spoke on Monday, that someone would call from the local branch to set up a time to come and find out why my pictures keep freezing. He told me, not just once, but twice that someone would call between 9:00 and 1:00, "no later than 1:00." Did anyone call? Why, no. I called them and repeated the whole damn scenario--I have the ticket number--and waited some more. Finally,  I called one more time near the end of day. At this point, I was given a "hot line," called it, and was told the appointment was for the 29th and somebody would be here between 8 and 12.  Since when? The guy said I had been contacted. Really? How--phone, text, email? He didn't know. So I just ended by telling him I had no intention of paying the extra charge for the upgrade, since it didn't work. He said it would be taken off. AAGH! 

Walked over to Von's for vitamin D and Thera-Flu. When I got home, I realized I already had the first, plus I had accidentally gotten the second that you have to put in warm water, not in tablet form. Had one last night and--ugh! I don't even like the taste. What a day.  

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Weight: I was up 1.2 at home and 1.4 at T.O.P.S., to 127.6 and 128.4, respectively--no prob, I'm still within my comfort zone. The ...