It was off to Malvern, PA early on to spend the day at Bounce, the big pickleball facility there. I saw lots of fun matches, including some by those I love, and here's the venue::
Monday, September 30, 2024
Sunday, September 29, 2024
Saturday, September 28, 2024
Friday Two
Friday And Frank One
Friday, September 27, 2024
Thursday, September 26, 2024
Went to Island Heights, near Toms River, and walked the "boardwalk" next to the estuary. It was cloudy, but fairly warm, and the rain held off until later. Water was rather rough; here I am on one of the piers (in my glamour pose, of course):
Wednesday, September 25, 2024
Tuesday and Jersey
Vickie got me to the Sheraton and the Airporter got me to LAX in plenty of time for my 11:07 flight. I had gotten up at 4:30,had only coffee at home, so got toast (and more coffee) during the two hours I waited. Flight was no more gruesome than usual, with me rigid with terror most of the time.
Got into Philly airport a little late, close to 8:00. Zipped to Jersey, had dinner, chatted happily then bed. This house is great and I'm so glad to be here, but no time for more now.
Tuesday, September 24, 2024
Stripped the bed, washed the linens, and remade when I got up. Continued packing and hauling things out that I had forgotten earlier. I then spent more than an hour continuing to ferret out info on the owners of Jim's apartment complex. I looked here and there on line, then called the Ventura assessor's office. Finally got some more info (it's an LLC), including where the owners live (up in the pricey hills) but was unable to get a phone number or email.
I then set out for the post office with the gift for Mr. K. that I had re-packed--incredibly, postage was still thirty-two dollars and change. At that, I gave up and just paid it.
On my way to the P.O. I met Vickie coming out; she 'll be picking me up any minute and driving me to the Sheraton, where I get the Airporter to LAX. Stopped at Von's on my way back for rolls, as I had put my loaf of bread in the freezer. Crossing the middle of the complex on my way home, I saw Lorraine sitting at a table studying her bible. I had intended to have my lunch out there, anyway, so made and packed it (naturally adding a can of hazy IPA), and joined her. She's a little whiffty, but not a bad sort, and we chatted happily. Got home about 3:00, then again dove into year 5, episode something of my addiction, Frasier.
Did two loads of wash, showered and washed my hair. Vickie called to suggest we leave earlier than planned--she'll be here at about 5:45, which I was glad to hear, being a chronic worrier about being late. Changed my phone alarm to wake me at 4:30...
...and now I'm up. I poured my coffee, emptied the dishwasher, zipped up my suitcases (I always overpack), and now I'm signing off. God's country, here I come!
Monday, September 23, 2024
After the usual Sunday morning stuff (crossword was so-so) and breakfast, I peeled the six tangerines I had left, separated the segments, and put them in the freezer, keeping one out for breakfast this morning. Did some packing, swept the patio, took the trash to the trash place, then took off about noon to visit Jim.
I could have walked, but it's almost two miles and I just didn't feel like it. Good thing, as I got off on Victoria and still had to walk about a mile to Victoria Care Center. I got to Jim's room just as he was finishing lunch and I was pleased to see he had eaten every scrap. I was doubly pleased to find him considerably better than he had been.
Of course, I have to qualify that statement: He was much better compared to the last time I saw him, but that doesn't mean he's well. However, we talked and even had a pretty normal conversation. He was disturbed, and rightly so, because he doesn't have his wallet, his keys, or anything else from his apartment. He couldn't remember the name of the owners, to whom he's paid rent these last many years, so I said I'd look it up. I said I'd also get in touch with the social worker, which I will today to get a progress report. Anyway, we had a nice visit for half an hour or so.
I went from there to Telephone, where I got the 11 bus to the mall. It was already 3:00 by the time I sat down in the middle to have my lunch, but that was okay. After, I picked up a few things at Target, then bused home.
Spent quite some time on this laptop, trying to find the info for Jim's apartment. I was able to uncover--I think--the names of the owners through various look-up websites.. Jim had said the man, Austin Coe, had died and left them (he owns more than one) to his wife and son. I was able to find his obituary, which included the name of survivors, Mary Jo Coe (it rhymes 😀!) and Austin, Jr. I'll call the housing authority or today to see if I can get in touch with them. Settled down to watch my daily Frasier, then had scrambled eggs for dinner.
Sunday, September 22, 2024
In the morning, I did a small color wash, then wrapped K.'s gift of coins and artifacts. Left about 10:30, as I wanted to walk to the P.O. before busing to town. Did so, only to find the postage to Japan would cost $32,75, The things I was sending were only a fraction of that, so I decided to take it home and repackage it, which I did after dinner. I'll trek back to send it off tomorrow.
Bused into town and saw it was booming. It was Art Walk weekend--lots of people and very festive, but the restaurants were crowded, too. I headed to Paradise Pantry, which was jammed inside and out and put in my name for a table for two. Had to wait only about twenty minutes, but it was a beautiful day and I strolled around. I was called, sat down, and Noreen came shortly thereafter.
We both got their yummy grilled turkey and pesto and, this time, I added caramelized onions on mine--oh, mama, was that good! I had their equally good IPA, "Purple Tears," the only place I know that carries it. Noreen and I caught up with each other's goings on, and stayed for more than an hour. I walked her part way to her car, then spent time looking at the various booths. A new (temporary) street mural was in front of the mission:
Saturday, September 21, 2024
Went up 1.8 at home and 2.2 at T.O.P.S. to 127.4 and 128, respectively. I'm not concerned, as I regularly fluctuate and I'm still within my comfort zone of 125 to 130. Last week, Lennie had asked me to conduct the meeting, as she's gone to North Dakota to help her brother campaign for governor:
Merrill Piepkorn (born 1949)[1] is an American entertainer and politician who has served in the North Dakota Senate from the 44th district since 2016. He is a member of the Democratic Party. Piepkorn is a candidate in the 2024 North Dakota gubernatorial election. He has also hosted radio shows on Prairie Public Radio and served as the public address announcer for the Fargo-Moorhead RedHawks.
Interesting that he's also a singer and harmonica player, but that's North Dakota, I guess. Unfortunately, I also looked up the ND polls and Piepkorn is far behind the GOP candidate.
Anyway, the meeting went okay, although Sharon was on one of her usual talkathons. I'm able to limit her a bit so others can get a word in, but it isn't easy. She and I, Cheryl and Bev were the only attendees, as Lora was up in Prescott inspecting her new house being built.
I kept the session reasonably short and was home by 10:00. Had breakfast, made and packed lunch, and walked the overpass to meet Diane for our lib lunch at noon. We had a good, long session--yes, we talk a lot, too, but both of us do and we enjoy each other.
Got home at 3:00 and did nothing until 5:30 but sit and watch Frasier (one of these days, I'll get off that kick, but I don't know when). Diane had given me a small packaged Italian meal, which I had for dinner. Called Noreen after and asked if she was available for lunch today. She was and we'll meet at the Paradise Pantry in town.
Son Mike is in Sri Lanka again and posted that he had had barracuda for dinner. Actually, it looks pretty good:
Friday, September 20, 2024
On my way to Von's in the morning, I stopped into Great Clips to see if Maria was available. She wasn't, so I decided to try later in the day or tomorrow.
Got some beautiful strawberries at Von's, as well as broccoli, and oatmeal--I eat so damn healthy, I can hardly stand myself--then spent more than an hour on the laptop addressing various issues. They included having to complete a mercantile license renewal for the house in Jersey, the change in my mortgage from Chase (insurance went up), and other boring business matters. SO-FI is changing frm Rent Café to Bilt something or other for rent payments, so I have to switch that over. I also packaged up the coins I'm sending to Mr. K.; as mentioned before, he has an interest.
I was pleased when David W. called and we had a long talk. He's the ornithologist with whom I'm friendly; he lives here across the way upstairs. I'd love to have one of my daughters meet him, but that kind of thing almost never turns out, I guess. Anyway, we've both had our problems with management, but things have been fine lately.
Got ready for my 4:00 dentist appointment and was out front waiting for the LYFT ride early. Miracle of miracles, the driver said yes, he had been given the correct Telephone Road address. After months of having drivers sent to the other street and gated entrance, SCAN seems finally to have gotten it right.
At Zak Dental, I had an annoying exchange with the receptionist, who wanted me to provide the names of my medications before I had my teeth cleaned. I don't carry them with me (although that might not be a bad idea), but why I wasn't informed of this beforehand, I don't know. Anyway, it was straightened out and I had my appointment. Made a date for December 9 for another and a check-up. Later, though, I received via email and was asked to return, several long and, it seems to me, unnecessarily detailed documents to complete and return.
It wasn't quite 5:00 when I left, so I went to Great Clips. Maria was free and trimmed my hair--it looks okay, I guess, but not great.
I got a recorded call from Victoria Care Center, where Jim is, announcing that they test residents (patients? inmates?) every two days for COVID and there are no active cases at this time.
T.O.P.S. today and I'm running the meeting, so all can be confident, it'll be short and sweet. Also, meeting Diane for lib lunch today.
Thursday, September 19, 2024
After breakfast (and my cryptograms and crosswords), I walked down Victoria to Telephone to go to that poor-excuse-for-a-mercantile-establishment, Wal-Mart. I just wanted shoelaces which, incredibly, I can't seem to find anywhere else. At Wal-Mart, they're actually under lock and key, so you have to ring a buzzer and wait an age before somebody comes. Anyway, I got them and also picked up some nice tangerines.
While I was in the neighborhood, I stopped at BOA; son Mike had gotten a sizable check from Bank of Hawaii (he has some of his mail sent here) and I deposited it for him. Also, I had been told by his Dad that recently-turned-eleven Mr. K. was interested in coins, specifically American ones. I want to send him metal dollars (no longer silver, of course), plus a fifty-cent piece. It occurred to med he might like a two-dollar bill, also. I was surprised they actually had one--nice and crisp, too--so I'll send that, too.
Home, I had lunch, then set up my pill regime for the two weeks I'll be in Jersey. I want to try to get as much as possible done packing for my trip before it gets too close. Cleaned up a bit, then left to take the 6 bus back to Telephone Road and the 11 to the Barnes & Nobel shopping center. I was there before 5:00, Ellen and Greg came later, and we perused the books for a half hour or so, then left for Stephen's Greek.
I hadn't been there for several months and it was, of course, so good to be with Ellen and Greg. They are sorta, kinda no longer a couple, but are good friends and Greg will be caring for her when she has her knee operation. I had a lamb burger and a good IPA and, of course, we talked and laughed over the evening. I was driven home and got in at 8:00 after a good, good outing.
Because I leave at 6:00 am on Tuesday to start my trip, I want to train myself to get up earlier again. Annoyingly, I had been successful in staying up until 10 and getting up at 6:30, but now I want to reverse the process. Got up with the re-set alarm at 5:30 and will try to for 5:00.
Wednesday, September 18, 2024
Ellen picked me up and we drove to Miramar Eye in Camarillo for my 1:45 appointment. . They did some tests and Dr. Neel examined me.; So far, so good, but she wants to see me in four months, so I made a date for January. We were both hungry after--hadn't had lunch--so went to Yolanda's.
After, El was kind enough to take me to the Pacific Coast Coin Collector. I wanted to know if the two silver dollars (one dated 1878) I have were worth anything--I was hoping for ten thou, at least. However, the guy said he'd give me fifty bucks for both and the heck with that, I might as well keep them. For the life of me, I can't remember how I happened to acquire them.
I asked El to drop me off at the Senior Center on Ventura Avenue, a I want to attend a LJBT+ presentation, aimed at older people of those orientations. It was interesting in light of the gay people in my family and those with whom I'm friendly. Because it was by the Agency on Aging and when I first moved here, I was in that group, I chatted with some of the presenters. Some pics:
Tuesday, September 17, 2024
Did a color wash in the morning, then putzed around with this and that until 1:15 when I went to meet Lorraine at the mailboxes. We drove to Victoria Care Center and while Lorraine visited two people she knows there, I saw Jim. I was pleasantly surprised that he seemed considerably better than he had at the hospital. That doesn't mean he was perfectly okay or even as "with it" as he was when I met him, but he was more responsive for sure. I stayed for only about fifteen minutes, then said I'd visit again before I leave for Jersey.
I then searched out the P.T. and dietician, both of whom were optimistic. Jim himself had mentioned that he's in group exercise and that he likes the food better than the hospital's. The dietician said he's been eating 74 to 100 percent of his meals--they actually figure it that way, she has a chart. Also visited the social worker, who said a psychiatrist will evaluate Jim's condition, as to whether he should be in permanent placement or not. I now am hopeful he may be able to live in his own place, especially since he has home-health services. I told him I'd visit again before I go to Jersey.
Texted Suzanne, Vickie, and Ellen about Jim, then talked to Vickie. Told her I'LL get the Access Van to take me to the Sheraton where I'll get the Airporter to LAX, but asked if she'll be backup, in case they don't show. She insisted I not call the Van, that she'd take me, although we have to leave at 6:00 am. What a good friend.
I then decided to go to Soaring Spirits dinner after all. Took the 21 bus to Telephone Avenue, then walked a mile (the Santa Ana winds made that a challenge), then boarded the 11. I had switched purses and darn, forgot my bus pass. However, I sweet-talked the drivers and both were okay with me boarding. Got to Stone Fire Grille, got a child's pizza and an IPA and greatly enjoyed being there with Vera, Gayle, Glenda, and Lydall with our far-ranging talk, as always. Vera took me home and I got in at 7:30. Not a bad day.
Monday, September 16, 2024
Sunday With Stella And Frida
I believe I hold the title of "World's Worst Procrastinator," but yesterday, I actually got some things done that had been hanging for an age. I separated and filed a depressingly high pile of papers and put away the family pictures and papers I had gone over with Larry. I also. took almost all the magazines out of the living room (large) basket, separated them into Time, TOPS, Sunset, and a few others, obliterated the mailing information on them, and carted them to the trash enclosure.*
After the chores, I packed lunch and bused to town, eating in my favorite spot across from the mission. Just as I was finishing, who do I see but Stella, taking a stroll after mass at the mission. She invited me to go with her to the Blue Agave, which is nearby and I happily accepted. Stella had enchiladas and insisted on giving me one; she also treated me to a glass of Chardonnay. I hadn't been to the Blue Agave for at least a year and was charmed by the new picture on the wall of Frida Kahlo, the Mexican artist and political activist. Here she is with Stella:
Sunday, September 15, 2024
Met Diane at the other McDonald's, the one by Target, at noon and that's the last I want to eat their McFood. I'll be glad to meet Diane there again, but next time, I'll bring my own. The chicken sandwich tasted as if it had been in storage for a month and the French fries were simply terrible. I didn't say anything, though, as Diane needs to conserve money and the whole meal was only six bucks--also came with little round fried things and a soda, which I didn't drink because I had my IPA.
Anyway, we had our usual good time. I "introduced her" to Jeanne, in a manner of speaking by showing her this picture I got yesterday from Jeanne after our conversation: :
Saturday, September 14, 2024
After a two-week hiatus, I went back to T.O.P.S. and it was puzzling: I went up 1.2 pounds at home, to 125.6, but down.07 at the meeting to 125.8. No prob, since I'm still in my comfort zone, but dunno why that large a discrepancy. The meeting was reasonably okay. Lennie asked me to lead next week and before we left, I asked the other five to think of one of the most distressing or hurtful experiences relating to overweight that may have prompted them to take it off. I'll build a (short) program on that.
Didn't get breakfast until 10:15 and after a few chores, I packed my lunch and bused to the mall. Instead of eating outside, I found there's a kind of large terrace off the second floor, with small tables and chairs, so I went there and enjoyed it. Here's the view:
I was home by 3:00 and ran into Suzanne. I invited her in to chat for a bit and we caught up with each other's lives. Sadly, she said she had seen Vickie, who seems to be sinking down and is terribly discouraged at her condition. She's dealing not only with the cancer, but with the hip problem and now an infected toe again. I'll get in touch with her soon.
Friday, September 13, 2024
About 7:00 am, I was busily Facebooking when my phone omitted a horrendous siren blast and announced an earthquake. I was advised to take cover, etc. and AAGH! However, I didn't feel anything. Diane texted me that she had seen her medicine cabinet shake and ran into the closet to hide, although I'm not quite sure that's protective.
Terry and Larry came at noon and we first spent two hours talking and talking, then looked over a very small part of the early Byrne family pictures and artifacts I have. That was a lot of fun and Larry enjoyed it immensely. Here's one on the Ventnor beach, circa 1940, Larry and Frank next to Dad, Betty and me in front:
At one point, we started talking about the sudden and horrific accident that took my father's life on June 2, 1950. To my amazement, Larry began to cry; then so did I. He was never at all emotional as a boy or even later in life and it was somehow refreshing to see and feel honest emotion from both of us.
We cheered up and went to the Stone Fire Grille for lunch. Larry and I both had personal pizzas with sides, Terry a vegetable platter and we chatted happily. After, we drove to town, parked at the museum, and strolled Main Street, stopping into various stores and shops. It was very quiet, I guess because by that time, it was late in the afternoon.
Walked back to the museum and off we went back to Telegraph Drive to said our goodbyes. What fun it was to have them here! There's a bare possibility I might go to the big Byrne Christmas gathering in December, but who knows?
Called Cheryl to ask her to pick me up for T.O.P.S. today, which she will. So now I guess I'm back into my normal life. It's a good life and the way I want it, but when visitors I love leave, I have to adjust.
* My mother was given the middle name of "Eugene," not the feminine vesion of "Eugenia,"as that was the name of the doctor who delivered. My sister was named after her and we always called her "Gene." When she got older, it embarrassed her to have a man's name (and presumably, she constantly had to correct other's spelling), so she started spelling it "Jean." However, it's my blog, I knew her as Gene, she's not around to contradict, and I'm going with the RIGHT one! 😁
Thursday, September 12, 2024
Ellen picked me up at noon and we drove off to Margarita Villa at the Ventura Harbor. Terry and Larry were already there and shortly, Carolyn came. What a great time we had celebrating Ellen's birthday, especially with the additional of the special guest, Margarita. The birthday girl chose strawberry:
Wednesday, September 11, 2024
Terry and Larry picked me up a little after 10:00 and we drove to Santa Barbara. Got there shortly before noon and found Betty in the recreation room. I asked to have her brought out to the atrium, and the very kind and accommodating staff member wheeled her there. Shortly after, Carolyn and her son, Finn, arrived and we settled down to have a long, good, family gathering. Here's Larry saying hello to Betty when we got there, Terry in the doorway:

Tuesday, September 10, 2024
Did a color wash, then spent the rest of the morning tidying up. Larry and Terry called when they were a short distance away and, after some confusion about which entrance I could beam them in, we met up and it was so good to see them. I got them in the Hill Street gate, so they could park in my spot, then we strolled to my apartment. We sat and chatted for a bit, then I suggested the Thai restaurant right across in the Von's shopping center and that's where we went for lunch. We had a great time and I got to know Terry better:
She's 64 and lives in Mississippi. She was in the navy for four years and now teaches business courses at a college. Married to (yet another) Mike, has two daughters and a grandson about to start college. She's an outgoing, talkative type and it's fun to be with her. As for Larry, at 92, he's slowed down a bit and uses a cane. However, he's mentally sound and we three enjoyed getting to know each other over lunch.
We strolled back to my place and decided we'd go see Betty today, then Larry and Terry went back to their motel. I called niece Carolyn and she'll meet us at Villa Alamar. Tomorrow, all five of us will take Ellen to a birthday lunch at Margaritaville at the Ventura Harbor. Later, I called Larry to suggest he and Terry might like to eat at Aloha and stroll the harbor; I think it's fairly near the motel.
Happy day: I slept straight through and just got up at 5:30--that feels so good.
Monday, September 09, 2024
Sunday routine accomplished: changed bed, did crossword (got every one except the capitol of Oregon), and took weekly med. After breakfast, I dry-dusted the hard floors, then wet-mopped the kitchen area.
What my grandson in Japan would like is U.S. coins, so I gathered pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters, and will send, along with an ordinary silver dollar. Maybe I'll go to the bank and add a two-dollar bill. Came across two silver dollars that are actually silver. They were in my drawer and I just can't remember where I got them. One of them is dated 1878 and, after looking it up, I saw it may be worth a fair amount--two hundred bucks or so. Eventually, I hope to get to the coin collector and ask. Don't think I'll send him that.
Today is Mr. K.'s actual birthday--Japan is a day ahead of the U.S.--so I sent him an e-card. Will send the paper one with the coins.
Packed my lunch and ate it again in the middle:
While there, I called Ellen and she'll come over here on Wednesday, her birthday and go out to lunch with Larry and Terry. Greg willl be back from Colorado and he plans to take her for her Bday on Thursday. Niece Carolyn texted Ellen and me and we'll be meeting up shortly, along with Larry and Terry.
Sunday, September 08, 2024
Sizzling Saturday
Hot. I'm writing this a half-hour after twelve noon and it's 85 degrees. It's expected to be 88 at 4:00. These temps are unusual for Ventura, but pale in comparison to Ellen's Ojai place. There, it's--gulp!--104.
As for my day, I washed the bathroom rugs early on and will mop the hard floors today or tomorrow. Should vacuum, too, in preparation for Larry's and Terry's visit. I then walked over to Von's--wanted to go early before the noonday heat. Got some strawberries, fresh veggies and frozen meals, as well as paper items.
Washed and sliced the strawberries, then sweetened with Stevia, and stowed them in the freezer. I'm not sure why, but I like them better thawed after being frozen rather than eating them immediately, but I do. Later, I had some with cottage cheese--yummy.
Toyed with the idea of going in the pool, but didn't. I did, however, make my lunch and eat it in the middle. It was actually pleasant--up to 88, but there was a light breeze and it felt good.
Aside from that, I spent time on an e-card for my grandson in Tokyo, who will be eleven tomorrow. Sent it, but also went to CVS to get a "real" one, which I'll send shortly with his gift. Also bought a card for Ellen, whose birthday is this Wednesday. Also gathered up some items for whim which I'll describe tomorrow. Other than that, I didn't do much except watch yet more episodes of Frazier.
It's supposed to get up to 91 today.
Saturday, September 07, 2024
Uber took me to Miramar Eye for my 9:00 appointment and I saw Dr. Trotter. He finds the changes in my macular degeneration "concerning" and advised me to see a retina specialist. I made an appointment for September 17 with Dr. Teel in Camarillo. I'm nervous about it, but determined not to obsess until I get more information and some kind of direction.
I packed a lunch, Ellen came over with hers, and off we went to the pool at 1:30. We were there until after 5:00 and it felt glorious in the cool pool considering the temp in Ventura was was 98 degrees. At 7:00 pm, it was still 80 here, but that was practically glacial compared to Ojai where El lives--the high yesterday was 111.
Most of the day, only another couple was at the pool until late afternoon when a family with a few kids came. It was wonderful to be there, especially with my darling daughter; we talked and talked and talked. Greg will be back from Colorado on Monday and it looks as if he'll be here for El when she gets her knee surgery on the thirtieth, so that's good. Brother Larry and niece Terry will arrive on Monday and El's birthday is Wednesday--lots going on.
After quite some time in the big pool, we actually felt a little cool and went in the hot tub, which felt great, too. We finally left, then chatted for a while back at my place. El left, then I showered and washed my hair.
Note: Jim is now recuperating at Victorian Care Center. I talked to the people there and have agreed to be his emergency contact.
Friday, September 06, 2024
Busy day. Did a quick white wash while I showered, then took care of a few other minor chores. The social worker, Angel, called. to say would be moved to Victorian Care Center today if transportation if they can get funding for transportation. Later, she called to say Medicare would pay the hundred and fifty bucks. The idea is for him to be in the care center until he recovers from COVID and his various other ailments, notably the blood infection and kidney problem. Started my balance exercises again; I had neglected them when I was down with The Plague, but don't want to skip anymore.
Brother Larry called to say he and his daughter, Terry, will be here Monday. They're going to be staying at the Best Western "at the pier," he said, but I'm only aware of the one on Thompson Street. Will look it up.
Walked the short distance to McDonald's and met Diane. I didn't get one of the specials, instead settled for a McChicken sandwich. Incredibly, that and a soda totaled $3.22. I'm so used to eating at actual restaurants, where I regularly spend $25 to $30 for lunch, I was astounded. Of course, I didn't get the soda, as I had my IPA with me. I have to confess I also got a sundae and treated Diane to one. Haven't had ice cream for months and it was good.
Diane and I proceeded to sit there until almost 4:00, a marathon talk session even for us. As we parted, Ellen called to tell me about her contractor contacts I sat on a bench in the shopping center while we talked for a half hour or so. Her birthday is on Wednesday and we'll work something out about that, maybe including Greg. I then went directly to Nails D'Elegance in the same shopping center for a much needed pedicure.
Darn, I slept very poorly last night. It's now 6:25 and I have a 9:00 eye doctor appointment. Will probably want to nap later.
Thursday, September 05, 2024
Wednesday And VCMC
I visited Jim in the hospital yesterday; left about 10:30 and bused to the transit center. I usually walk to Loma Vista Road, as it's only a bit more than a mile, but yesterday, I decided to take it easy. I feel fine, have no symptoms and, of course, have tested negative twice, but I thought it was prudent, just coming off from an illness. (Imagine me being prudent--hard to believe.)
I had never been at VCMC (Ventura Community Medical Center) before and found it shiny clean and, I got the impression, well run. I think it's fairly new. It did have a security set up at the entrance, almost like the airport, but unfortunately, I guess most large public buildings do now.
I was directed to medical/surgical one, found a nurse, and was asked to don a cone mask, plastic covering, and gloves, which I did. Went into Jim's room and saw him, of course, in bed. He's in a private room with a large picture window and nice view of flowers and foliage, I guess because he has COVID. I brought him a book--a biography of Ira Gershwin--to which he had little reaction. For that matter, he had little reaction to my visit, but that's typical of Jim. We chatted for a few minutes, I asked if he was eating, he said nothing tasted good, and I notice on his tray an unopened box of cornflakes and an unopened carton of milk. I stayed for only ten or so--I didn't want to tire him--then said goodbye and said I'd be in touch.
I then talked to his nurse--a very nice young man--who said Jim had actually improved and, in fact, was eating a little more than he had. That was good to hear, I thanked him and left. When I went out to the lobby, I asked the receptionist to call Angel, the social worker. I spoke to her and she mentioned that Jim would have to apply for Medi-Cal (for low-income people instead of Medicare) in order to recover in a care facility. She asked if I'd help with that and I agreed, of course, although I have no idea what Jim's income is.
I left, bused back to the transit center, went to Target and got three big grapefruits and some nice tomatoes, then bused home. Made a sandwich, took it and an IPA to the complex center along with my book (I'm re-reading one on the perils of the Grand Canyon) and enjoyed myself in the beautiful sunshine. Lorraine called in the evening and we chatted a bit.
Wednesday, September 04, 2024
Tested again--negative. And now, with this latest, plus ten days after infection, plus no symptoms for several days, I've finished with COVID. Unless I show symptoms again, I'm not going to obsess over it. Hearted by that news, I walked over to VON'S for bread, a frozen pizza, and a few other things, including five pounds of carrots...
...What was I thinking??? Five pounds is a lot of carrots, so I had to spend some time preparing them. After washing and trimming, I put half in the slow cooker with a few tangerines, a dash of cinnamon, and set it on. The other half, I seasoned and olive oil-ed and roasted in the oven. I had some with lunch, but it's a good thing I have room in the freezer.
On the serious side, I got calls about Jim from two social workers: Cheryl from the Agency on Aging and Angel, from the hospital. I gave them some basic information (his home address and so on) and we talked over the situation. Angel will recommend that Jim enter a care facility to recover from his current condition, then possibly there'll be a permanent placement. At this point, I agree that this is best situation possible.
This appeared on Instagram: my (soon to be ex) daughter-in-law, Paula, who will be participating in the Run for Hope in Singapore in November.
Paula's journey, marked by her own battle with breast cancer and the loss of her former helper to the disease, underscores the critical importance of early detection and regular screenings for women, particularly those over 40. As an ambassador of Run For Hope 2024, Paula uses her experience to advocate for cancer research and raise awareness, sharing her story to inspire others to prioritize their health and support the fight against cancer.
Join Paula in supporting Run For Hope as we work together to raise awareness and combat cancer.
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Thursday, August 23: Lunch with the most recent gang of company was nice. Had the menu I planned and everybody seemed to like it; just serve...
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