Sunday, March 31, 2019


Walked Kimball. After breakfast, I went to various stores and stocked up on produce: grapes, blueberries, tomatoes, onions, and more, plus rice cakes and salad dressing.
Took off for the bus in plenty of time, but decided to walk to the next stop. A bus passed me, so I figured the hell with it and walked the rest of the 1.9 miles to Rincon Restaurant/Brewery. Got there just about 12:30 and Carole came soon after.
The place was jumpin' both inside and out--very festive and fun, but the ceilings are very high and the noise level was tolerable. We had a really good time and good food and beer, too. We talked very frankly about our family members with dementia, including her husband, Vane (whoever would saddle a kid with that name like that should be shot) and we were there for almost two hours.
Vane picked us up (her car's in the shop) and took us to the mall, where Trader Joe's and the transit center are located. They went to the former and dropped me at the latter, where I took a bus into town. 
Walked to The Promenade in gentle warmth and under lovely blue skies. Did the loop up to Main, stopped in various places, then hopped a bus and was home at 5:00.
Diane had sent me info on a meeting of the Democratic Socialist club and yes, I'll go. I'm not at all sure I want to join an existing political organization, especially if it supports one of the black-hearted bastards who call themselves liberals, but I'm interested in what they have to say. It's next Thursday and I said I'd pick her up.
I e-mail Carolyn B. to see if she wanted to have lunch in Ojai on Monday and Tuesday. I like to talk to her one-on-one for a change, rather than in the presence of the others.

Saturday, March 30, 2019

Mickey And The Museum

Walked Kimball. Went to T.O.P.S.and was pleased to weigh in at 129.5, a loss of 2.3. The program? Not worth mentioning for a variety of reasons.
After breakfast, I suddenly started thinking about my long-time (roughly 60 years) friend, Michaelanne (Mickey) Eldridge. We had been neighbors when we were in back-to-back apartments in Ewing--ours on Concord Avenue--and when we bought homes, ours on Lower Ferry, the Eldridges in Fleetwood Village. Micky and Art had three sons, Gary, David, and Kennie, roughly approximating my first three children in age. Mickey and Art divorced, he died, and she moved to Arizona years ago. I had her number from there, but it was no longer valid; I found her current one and her address on the Internet. Called her and we--figuratively speaking--fell into each others' arms. We talked for--get this--more than an hour and what fun it was.
Mickey is six months older than I am; both Gary and Ken are divorced, neither have children, and she hasn't been in touch with her middle son, David, for ten years. She now lives in Phoenix and Gary lives with her. What's incredible to me is that Mickey has no electronic devices at all: no desk top, no laptop,  no tablet, and no mobile phone, so no Internet. Gary has some, but she doesn't want to use it. Therefore, we decided we'd write and call back and forth.  I want to dig up some old pictures and send her copies. I'm so glad we re-connected; it's been 24 years.
As planned, Suzanne and I left at precisely at 2:20 to get to the Western Foundation of Vertebrate Zoology (aka "the bird museum") in Camarillo at 3:00. This proved to be a fascinating place, one of only a handful in the world. The collection includes more than 1,800 mounted bird specimens, 20,000 nests, 56,000 bird skins, and an astounding 800,000 eggs. There was only a small family group with us when we took the guided tour with Rene, the collections manager and Shannon, the curatorial assistant.
Chatting with the latter, I was interested to hear that her mother and stepfather were moving to Singapore shortly; he's to be the editor of a paper there. Shannon has been to Singapore, as well as Malaysia and Cambodia. It was great to talk to her.
The museum fascinated me, in particular, the eggs, especially the gigantic one from the extinct elephant bird. Here are Suzanne and I in front of it:
Anyway, it was a different and interesting excursion. On the way home, Stella called from the library, wondering if I was walking. No, but we can get together later. Later, Betty called to say she had another doctor's appointment on Tuesday, so not to come to SB.
I had baked two large onions, which I first marinated, in my newly-acquired onion baker and, with chicken and spaghetti squash, had them for dinner. Yummy, yum, yum!

Friday, March 29, 2019

A Temple And Toe Nails

Walked Kimball, had breakfast, then drove to Diane's and got there at 9:00. We took a long walk in her neighborhood--probably two miles in total. We stopped at the Buddhist Temple (Diane has attended services there several times) and a nice Lama (or whatever he was) unlocked the door and allowed me to go in. Very interesting and it's similar to temples where I've been in Asia. We then sat talking for about an hour  in the lovely garden.
Diane is "into," as the saying goes, all kinds of spiritualism, alternative medicine, and you name it, she believes it. She told me how a man cured his stage 4 cancer with positive thinking. I try hard to keep my mouth shut, but that kind of think just drives me nuts. However, we managed to converse civilly before walking back to Silvercrest.
Diane asked me to join her canasta group--well, I'd rather do that than hang by my thumbs for three days, but no, that ain't gonna happen. Anyway, we parted and I got home about 1:00. Had lunch, typed up the minutes for the last T.O.P.S. meeting, then Suzanne rang my bell to ask if I want to go  to Camarillo this afternoon to some kind of bird museum. Well, sure, and we'll leave about 2:30.
I wrote two sympathy notes and headed to the post office for stamps. However, I deviated  to Jessica Nails, as I've been wanting to get a pedicure in preparation for my podiatrist visit next Friday. Did so and I'm glad, but I was hoping my (slight) pain in the big toe would ease and it's about the same. Okay, I can live with it. Got to the P.O. with minutes to spare, then stopped at Sprouts and Smart 'n' Final for blueberries, lettuce, and grapes.
I texted Carole F. to see if she wanted to go to lunch one day; she said yes and suggested Saturday, so we'll meet at noon at Rincon, a new restaurant not far from here.

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Happy Hour At Casa Bella

Walked Kimball, then spent most of the morning after breakfast on tiresome duties: changed the sheets and did a wash; called podiatrist to find out when my appointments;  called AAA to see if they'd raise my rates because of my infraction--yes--but if I did the on-line traffic school thing, no; called the court to see how to do the traffic school and was told they'll send me info. Oh, by the way, I'll be charged an extra $70.71 to go to traffic school. Now this is not the cost of the traffic school, which is extra, it's just a little something they tack on. At this point, I don't even question, I just send the money, now totalling over three hundred bucks. Oh, well, that's better than $490.
Went to Smart 'n' Final for romaine and grapes, had lunch, showered, and took off for the bus stop. Got to Casa Bella a bit late, so Diane, Nancy, and Carolyn were already there. We had a good time, but it always goes a little too long for me. Nancy and Carolyn finally left and I told Diane I'd wait with her until the Access van came, which was about a half hour later. We had a good talk and she invited me to exercise at Seacrest today at 10, which I accepted with pleasure. I walked her out, the van came, and I crossed Main to get the bus. I just missed one and Goodwill is right on the corner, so I went in and found they were having one of their 50 % sales. Could I resist that? Certainly not and I bought a stoneware onion baker and can't wait to try it.
When I got home (after 7:00), I found an email from Colleen, the exercise person, saying she has bronchitis and had cancelled. I wrote Diane to ask if she wanted me to pick her up and we'd go the the supermarket near her.
Home after 7:00.

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

"The Upside"

Walked Kimball, had breakfast, then spent an interminable time on the phone with the Ventura Star, that crappy excuse for a newspaper. I'm keeping a record of all my travail with them--but a fat lot of good it'll do me.
Left about 10:15 to meet Nancy and walked the mile and some to Telephone Road. Got the bus there and to the Regency at our meet-up time of 11:30. The movie was supposed to start at 11:50, but of course, that was really just the start of an unbelievably huge number of ads. There must have been at least an hour of them. We really should remember this and go at least 45 minutes later.
We both enjoyed The Upside, finding it both funny and poignant. It takes place in Manhattan and when I saw the outdoor scenes, I felt a surge of nostalgia for the east coast, even with snow on the ground. Okay, the movie was a little sappy and it was one of those "based on a true story" hybrids, but I like it anyway.
After, we went to The Cave for our wine and appetizers. We were too early for Happy Hour, but that was okay. I had their yummy truffle fries, Nancy their special potato chips and we talked and talked, as ever. Stella called, but figuring she wanted to know if I was walking, I didn't answer.
Nance dropped me off near WinCo, but I decided to skip going there and just get on the bus. Did so and was home about 4:30.
Actual Happy Hour today, but I have a lot I want to get done before 4:00

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

DMV And Dudley House

Walked Kimball, had breakfast, then went to the justice complex.  I asked to have the fine reduced and/or  to pay in installments and was advised to go to traffic court at 1:30. I did, pled guilty, the fine was reduced from $490 to $200, with a $38.70 added because I paid it with my debit card. What a freakin' hassle, but it's over---almost. I now will call AAA to see if they'll stick me for higher insurance. If so, I'll see if they'll waive it if I go to Traffic School, for still more dough.
When I got home, I found a nice bag of tangerines at my door, from Suzanne, of course. She asked me to come in and see her orchid plant, which is gorgeous and we chatted a bit. She said our former neighbor, Don, had been over and told her Ventura Del Sol, where we live,  is for sale. Hmm...I wonder what, if any, changes will take place--the only one I care about is whether the rent will go up. (I"m afraid that to ask that question is to answer it.)
My tax account, Michelle, came over to give me copies of my return, which she filed and already, the refunds from fed and state appeared in my checking account; I'll shift a thou over to savings.
Betty called to tell me about Pat Kennedy's son's funeral. It was held in a rented hall and did not include any religious elements at all. There was no viewing--I believe he was buried already--and now Pat and her daughter will go to Jersey for her brother's funeral.
Betty has a doctor's appointment today, so I won't be going to Santa Barbara. Called Nancy to see if she wanted to do a movie and The Cave, and yes, sure. I'll meet her at 11:30 at the Regency to see The Upside.
Somewhat reluctantly, I attended the Poinsettia Toastmaster's meeting at Dudley House. I really didn't feel like it, but Fern had invited  me, and I said I'd come, so I did. Generally speaking, it was fun, especially the "joint event," which Judi conducted. This consisted of one person in turn sitting in a chair. The next had to persuade the person to vacate it, coming up with some reason why--it's really a form of improv. John was my "sitter" and I told him he had to rush home because some talent scouts from Hollywood were at his doorstep. They wanted to talk to him about starring in a movie with a voluptuous actress named Wild Wanda. He jumped up and I sat down. Jeanne then tried to get me up by offering to let me view the many woodpeckers in her garden. I rejected that, but she got me with an all-expense paid trip to Tokyo. And so on. There were other imaginative and creative efforts and lots of laughs.

Monday, March 25, 2019

Rebellion, Sort Of

Warning: This is a very long one.
I walked Kimball, but not at 7:00 am, as usual.
I was glad to have slept through the night, which is the first time in several days. I kept waking up because I was on my back and I like to sleep on my left side, which bothered me because of the rib bruise. (Actually, I'm beginning to think I pulled a muscle, instead.)  So I woke for the reason everybody over fifty seems to; got back to my room and saw it was 7:15. I get up at 7:30, so I ordinarily would have just stayed up--but I rebelled. I turned off the alarm and went back to bed and slept until 8:15!
Good grief, I usually have breakfast at 8:00, but I didn't care and I wasn't hungry then. Dressed, did the Internet stuff, and putzed around until 9:30 when I followed my usual Sunday routine, which can be summed up in "coffee, cottage cheese, and crossword." (Toast, too, but that doesn't scan.)
Checking me e-mail, I saw a message from Diane about how people who live in Singapore are some of the happiest in the world for various reasons. From the same source, she also sent information on "The End of Alzheimer's," the study by the very same doctor who wrote the book of the same name, which I had looked into at the library. I'm intrigued, but here is what I answered Diane:

As for the Alzheimer's article: Coincidentally, just yesterday, I had lunch with my daughter, then went to the library in town and read for awhile. Read what? An End to Alzheimer's, by the very same Dr. Bredesen cited in the article. As I think I mentioned, I had also attended an Alzheimer's program at the hospital on Thursday. The "lifestyle cure" was not mentioned at all and it was repeated that there is no treatment for the disease that works for all or that works consistently.
I'm not suggesting this is bogus, just that it has to be examined very carefully. You can be sure I didn't plow through all of this, but I skimmed over it and paid particular attention to the results. Here are some my major concerns:
1. It was a very small study with only ten participants. 
2. The title is misleading. I skimmed over the study quickly, but carefully read information about the results. None of it noted "a cure," but rather improvement (not that that isn't significant), some of which was subjective.
3. Dr. Bredesen has a financial interest in the supplements recommended. That alone should be a red flag.
4. Of most concern: I've attended a number of programs on the subject featuring a number of speakers, all of whom were doctors, scientists, pharmacists, or Alzheimer's professionals. While the importance of diet, exercise, and socializing were touched upon as possibly contributing to brain health, it was never suggested that a lifestyle change would have an effect on Alzheimer's or any other form of dementia.
5. I want to see if there are any larger students conducted by disinterested researchers. If this is legit, there should be, at this point.
Even with these concerns and more, I find the suggestion that these types of lifestyle changes could have a effect on Alzheimer's  intriguing and I intend to pursue it further.* 
I then went to WinCo for cabbage, apples spinach, and frozen fruit. Cut up the first two and put them in the slow cooker and made my lunch salad. Soon after, the third male sib, Larry, called and we had a long, long talk--more than an hour. He and a number of his clan (there are dozens of them!) are going to Prague and Budapest in July. He suggested I go with them. Hmm... I wrote Mike to ask if he'd meet me in Hungary (where he spent Junior Year Abroad) if I went. Dunno about this, as I also want to go to Jersey in May and New Mexico in June (the Jersey trip is problematic for several reasons).
Anyway, it wasn't until 3:30 that I left to walk Kimball. It seemed odd to be there in the afternoon, but it was pleasantly sunny and I enjoyed it. I then drove to Main Street, looking for the Alzheimer's  Association office, but didn't find it. Home about 5:00 and in for the night.

*Note: I would be very interested in hearing a comment on this from medical personnel who read this blog (hint, hint).

Sunday, March 24, 2019

Lunch With Ellen

Walked Kimball and after breakfast, went to Ralph's and a few other places for all kinds of foodstuffs and household supplies. Drove to the podiatrist's office once again to leave off my paper work and once again, there was nobody there. I'll call first. As I was getting in my car there, brother Jim called from Virginia. He said he was waiting in the car for Therese and Chrissy, who were shopping in Target. He told me he now uses a cane--dunno why, he's only 93. Jim seems okay mentally, although he slurs his words and lot and couldn't remember my daughter, Alison's name. I think that's pretty normal, though.
I no sooner got home than the phone rang again and it was my brother, Frank. I was surprised to hear he was still in the hospital. His daughter, Francine, was with him and they were on speaker phone, but I didn't want to ask too many questions. We just talked a bit. To round out the male sibling group, I called Larry, too, but there was no answer. Will try him again.
Caught the bus to the transit center at the mall and walked to Mimi's Cafe. I was early, but Ellen came shortly and we had a nice, mother/daughter lunch. I had brought the bad news info with me and showed it to El: a notice that I had gone through a red light and the fine is more than four hundred bucks. I was so upset at it, I failed to read the next communication thoroughly, which I thought said I had to go to Traffic School, too, and pay as much or as more as the fine. Ellen read it, set me straight, and I was so relieved. I'll go to the courthouse tomorrow, pay the fine, and look into it further.
After a leisurely lunch, I went with El  to Target (she drove), then she headed to her hairdresser appointment in town and dropped me on Main Street. I walked up a mile or so, then got the bus to the library, and sat there and read awhile. I looked through The End of Alzheimer's, in which the author, an M.D., says a lifestyle change he calls reCODE  (diet, exercise, and supplements) will cure Alzheimer's. Gee, that's great. I wonder why the thousands of other doctors and millions of deamentia patients and caregivers didn't know that.
Home about 5:00 and in for the night after a good day. Any day with my darling daughter is a good day.

Saturday, March 23, 2019

H.H. At Diane's

Walked Kimball, changed, then took off for T.O.P.S. I went down a big point one or something: from 131.9 to 131.8. That's not where I want to be, but considering my problems with walking, I'm okay with it.
The meeting itself was the usual meandering here and there until Cheryl suggested we all make some kind of vow, such as to eat less sugar or whatever, then report on how we did next week. Okay, I'll go along with that and I hope somebody else will. I again took the minutes, as Lora is still on her cruise (she's a travel agent and goes on a lot of them). I stayed to help Sharon out of her chair and into her car--she's very, very heavy and has a multitude of health problems, included bad knees.
Home, changed and had breakfast. I did chores around the house, made lunch, then changed once again and set off for Diane's Happy Hour at 1:30. Got the bus on Victoria to Telephone and the next to Petit. When I walked to Silvercrest, I was still very early, so waited in the lobby for a half hour until Nancy came. We went up to Diane's and had a good time. Along with the Chardonnay and Blue Moon, we had  yummy little whatevers (phyllo dough triangles around spinach, cheese, and other stuff--I think it's Greek), plus the burritos Diane made.  We three talked and talked and talked, Nancy regaling us with accounts of her three marriages.
Finally left at 6:00. Nancy dropped me at the bus, it came very quickly, and I was at Victoria by 6:30. However, I just missed the one to Telegraph, so walked home. I was glad to do it, as it added roughly two miles to my total.

Friday, March 22, 2019

Avocados And Alzheimer's

I didn't walk Kimball, but did the equivalent mile and a half (or more) because twice, I walked over to Von's to get my blood work done. It's so convenient to have Quest next to the pharmacy there, but  I went twice because I didn't know they've changed their opening from 7 to 8 am.
After breakfast, went to WinCo and got a few things, including a bottle of Chardonnay. Packed that up along with another half bottle I had, plus two bottles of Blue Moon, and drove over to Diane's to leave hem in her fridge for Happy Hour today.
Andrea, who lives here and takes care of her adorable little granddaughter during the day, rang and presented me with three beautiful avocados; not sure if she grows them or bought them.I actually took a nap after lunch then puttered around. Showered and dressed and took off for the Alzheimer program at the hospital.
This was pretty good, especially in explaining the difference between "dementia" and Alzheimer's. As I suspected, "dementia" is an umbrella term; I was surprised to hear that 57 causes of dementia have been identified, Alzheimer's being the most common. I remember being told that the dementia of my sister-in-law, Marybeth, was caused by Lewy Body disease. Anyway, it was worth attending and it was over promptly at 7:00.
I had toyed with the idea of going from there to the Poetry Club at the library, but decided against it. I've been wakeful the last few nights because of my bruised rib (I diagnosed it myself). Although it's a lot less painful than it was, it still bothers me to turn on my left side, which is my preference. Home, I stopped at Suzanne's and gave her one of the avocados from Andrea.
I had turned off my phone for the meeting and when I checked at home, I saw that Ellen and Stella had called. Called El back and--happy day--she asked if I'd like to meet tomorrow, as she'll be in Ventura to get her hair cut. Yes, indeed, and we'll have lunch at Mimi's at 1:00. Called Stella back, who just wanted to chat and talked to her for fifteen or so.

Thursday, March 21, 2019

A List And A Low Point

Walked Kimball.
After breakfast, I
  did a load of wash;
  prepared the big butternut squash I had bought the other day;
  wrote a note of condolence to Pat Kennedy H.;
  drove to WinCo for  blueberries and bread;
  went to town on the bus and to the P.O. there.
Okay, that's the end of the list configuration. In town, I walked to The Coalition and bought a beer glass. Tomorrow, Diane is having us over for Happy Hour and a movie and I'm bringing the booze--Chardonnay for Diane and Nancy, Blue Moon for me. I'll drive over and drop it off today, then take the bus tomorrow.
I had gotten a very pleasant surprise in the mail on Tuesday. It was a newspaper clipping from and about one of my children and I enjoyed it. Yesterday, I got something in the mail that's terribly upsetting. I don't want to say what it is (it's not a medical issue), but it's a real bummer and I'm struggling to get out of this low point mood. At least, my side feels a lot better. It doesn't hurt as much when I breathe and I was able to sleep on my left side. I assume it's healing.
I had the salmon and squash for dinner and they were excellent. Called Diane and left a message that I'll drop off my H.H. contribution this morning.
I'm toying with the idea of walking to Von's after Kimball this morning to get my (routine) blood work done. To that end, I didn't put anything in my coffee.

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Twin Tuesday

No Kimball again. I just cleaned up a few things on the computer, had breakfast, then left for Santa Barbara at 9:15.  I called Nancy on my way, telling her my phone just automatically dials her number when I'm on the SB bus. We had a good chat, as ever; she's working on a new knitting project and I said she should open a business and call it "Nancy's Knits." We're looking forward to Happy Hour at Diane's on Friday (we're going to skip it today).
Called my brother Frank. He had had another scary BP drop on Saturday on his way to Carolyn's and had been taken to San Luis Obispo Hospital. He was transferred to near his home in Alameda and is doing much better. Sounds good, but is confused as ever.
Speaking of confused: I got to Betty's at the usual 11:30.  I tell her over and over that's the time I'll be at her door, but starting at 11:00, she both called and texted me , asking where I was. After chatting a bit, we went to Lure for lunch. I had wonderful Ahi in a sandwich, which would gross some people out, but I love it: Ahi seared on the outside and essentially raw inside--yum!
After, we walked back to Betty's and played cards, as I had no desire to go to the dreary clubroom and meet up with the dreary people there. (Oh, shut up, Rosemary; they think you're dreary, too). We went to pick up her mail, she gave me Pat Hayes's address, then we said goodbye.
I exchanged emails and phone calls on the bus with Diane and Carolyn (B., not my niece, who's G.). I've been worried about the former for some time, as I think she's losing her grip and is depressed.  Along with many other indications, she sent Nancy, Diane, and me a long email, saying she couldn't come either today or on Friday because of road work in Ojai. Her driving style--20 mph and clutching the wheel, along with not being able to remember routes and locations she's driven many times before--might be understandable at our ages (82, 89, and 76), but Carolyn is 57.
Home about 5:00 and I mixed a marinade for a big piece of salmon, then roasted it. However, I wasn't that hungry, so am saving it for tonight's dinner--just had spinach and cantaloupe.

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Various and Ventura Star

Slept late yesterday and didn't walk Kimball. Jeanne (Dollard) Painter called, as she does every few months, ditzy as ever. She's now in Palm Beach (FLA) with John, her 89-year-old paramour and ditzy as ever. Spent what seemed that long on the phone with the Star, those black-hearted pirates (see below).
I called my brother, Frank, but there was no answer. Called niece, Maureen, and she filled me in: Frank is still in the hospital, but no longer in San Luis Obispo; he's improving and is in good spirits,  but is confused about why he's there. Maureen's voice was garbled, but I think she said he'd be released today.  Called Betty and Carolyn to fill them in. I'll call Frank again when I'm on the bus.
Drove to the podiatrist's office to drop off the paperwork they had sent, but annoying, it wasn't open. Not sure why.
Betty called. I'll take off for Santa Barbara in a few hours and we'll have lunch.  I called Nancy to see how she was doing after her great-grandson's suicide and we talked. Walked over to Von's, then drove to other stores for various, mostly veggies, bread, and blueberries. Did other this and then until I left about 5:15 for widder dinner.
It took quite a while for the bus (one of these days, I'll check the schedule, as I have a book), but it finally did and took me to Victoria. After that, I just walked the mile and a bit to Stone Fire Grille. There were about about twenty of us there and we had a congenial time. I didn't mention I hadn't driven there and slipped out to walk to Victoria, then caught the bus to Telegraph. I was glad to get at least that much walking in.
My rib is still bothering me and so is my bunion, but they're not too bad.
I'm adding this in order to keep track of it:
I've called the Ventura County Star now three times in the last two weeks to 1.) find out why my payment for the daily paper keeps changing month-to-month. Since August of 2018, it has ranged from $34.26 to 57.00; it's different every month, but usually $50 and change. I asked three times for an itemized list of what exactly I'm paying for and was assured each time it would be forthcoming via email.
Yesterday, I noticed that my account had been charged $22.76 on March 12 and another $22.76 on March 15. When I called, I was told my monthly charge now was $22.76 and that the first charge covered March and the second, April. I have no idea why they would cut the cost in half like that. Was it because I complained? There seems no rhyme or reason to it.
I then asked again for an itemized list of what I had been paying in the months of July '18 to February, '19, since it varied so much. I was put on hold and waited and waited. At some times, there was dead air, others there was music. I have the idea they know people get so frustrated they hang up, which is what I did.
I immediately called again, I guess about 10:40 and was told there was an 8-minute wait, but if I wanted a callback, I could do that. I did and continue to wait; it's now 10:47. 
It's now the next day and I've never been called back.

Monday, March 18, 2019

The Party And Some Unfortunate News

Drove to Kimball at 7:00, but there wasn't a car there and I just didn't want to walk when it was completely deserted, so drove home.
After breakfast, a shower, re-affixing some of my nails, and wrapping Carolyn's and Finn's gifts, I dressed and awaited Ellen. She got here at noon and off we went to Santa Barbara.
It was a terrific party, much fun and great food and drink. The adults circulated in the living and dining rooms and kitchen, but mostly on the patio overlooking a quintessential California scene: a dramatic drop with palm trees and mountains in the distance. The teenagers and younger (Claire is 12) pretty much holed up in the den, which is a pretty good size.
The food, all prepared and cooked by Dana, Carolyn's husband, was delicious. It included one hot dish (pasta with red sauce), baked asparagus, and several cold rice, pasta, and green salads, as well as sides and extras. Instead of cake, he had made two large pans of brownies, with "Happy Birthday" spelled out in wax letters on top.
Anyway, it was great fun, except for the fact that I drank too much wine. I should have heeded my decision to stick to beer, but foolishly, I didn't. As I often repeat, I like the other stuff too much. Anyway, as I was getting up to leave, I fell against the coffee table and hurt what I guess is my rib. cage. It's still sore, but feels better this morning, so I guess I'll live.
Speaking of falls, my brother, Frank, who lives in Alameda, was going to come to the party with his daughter, Francine. Unfortunately, as they were getting in the car, he fell and was actually admitted to the hospital overnight. I understand he's been released and will call him in an hour or so.
More bad news: Betty's close friend, Pat Kennedy Hayes, called her to say her son had been found dead in his apartment last Friday; he was only 54.  I believe he died of some kind of cerebral hemorrhage.  Betty, Carolyn, and Wes will attend the funeral.
Sadly, Pat called Betty again yesterday to say her younger brother, Mike, has also died. I understand he had been ill for some time. 

Sunday, March 17, 2019

Various And Sundry

Walked Kimball. After breakfast, I finally finished up the rest of the bookkeep-y stuff that's so tedious. Got an e-mail from Michelle to say I'm getting a nice piece of change back from both the feds and the state--YAY!
I did a lot of food prep, including baking four large chicken quarters with oil and seasonings and using the mandolin to thinly slice zucchini and onions. Combined some of it for dinner and divided the rest for the freezer. I then finally planted the lavender--hope it lives.
Went out to Wal-Mart for face scrub and the 99 cent store for this and that; got gas, then went to Ralph's for cottage cheese. Didn't have lunch until almost 2:00 or leave for town until an hour later.
It was jammed with--I guess, St. Pat's Day revelers, but that was fine by me. Stopped into the library and read for forty-five or so, then walked about a mile down Main and got the bus.
Home and had the chicken and parsley--yummy--then drove to Target and picked up press-on nails for Carolyn. I'm giving her money, too, and I'll give Finn the same, but the nails are a fun thing. I'm wearing them now and am a devotee.
El called while I was at Target and said she'd come here and pick me up at noon for the party today. It's a 1:00 lunchtime one.
It was sunny and warm--75 degrees in the afternoon and wonderful to feel the warmth.  However, now I'll have to revise what to wear today. Think I'll still go with the white jacket, but wear something lighter underneath.

Saturday, March 16, 2019

Lunch And Dinner

Another full and fun day. I didn't walk Kimball because I didn't want to mess up my hair. Went to T.O.P.S. to find I had gained a pound (to 131.9), but I'm confident I'll take it off this week. I begged off staying for the meeting, as I wanted to have breakfast, then leave for the mall and Mimi's Cafe by 11:00. Got the bus and did so. I was early, natch, but so were Carolyn, Noreen, and Sharon. Carole, Margaret, and Jim came soon after.
After chit-chat, everybody ordered (separate checks, of course) and we ate while we talked and talked and talked. What a congenial group!  Margaret is a nutritionist and Sharon has severe diabetes, so they had plenty to talk about. Jim was wonderfully open and talkative, although he's usually rather reticent. He teaches philosophy at Ventura College and we got into a good discussion of the world situation--notably our horrendous aggression abroad.  At one point, Jim said, "Rosemary, I didn't know you were such a radical!" Damn right, and so is he. Carolyn and Carole contributed their own ideas and Noreen chimed in here and there. Carole knows I go to Happy Hour every week with three friends and suggested we all do the same. Fine, but she can arrange it and knowing Carole, she probably won't.
All in all, it was a wonderfully enjoyable session. Four of us lingered until  2:30, then hugged goodbye. Jim lives near the mall and had walked over, so he walked with me to the bus. I was so pleased to see him being so easy in the group (the only male!) and with me.
I had no sooner reached the transit center than Stella called. Could we meet for dinner? Good grief, I had just had lunch and for just an instant thought I'd nix that. But, mindful of my mantra never to  turn down a invitation, I said sure, and met her at 4:30 at Pacific.
We again had a good time. We talked a fair amount about our late husbands and there were some tears, but that wasn't a bad thing. Said goodbye, she walked to her car, and I got the bus home. Didn't get in until 7.00, but that was fine by me.
Today, Saturday, I need to catch up with a lot of things I've put off in favor of gallivanting. Of course, if someone should call and suggest an outing...
l. to r.: Sharon, Noreen, Rosemary, Margaret, Jim, Carolyn, Luisa, Carole

Friday, March 15, 2019

Frantic To Fun

Walked Kimball. After breakfast, I took a quick shower, dressed, and set off for my 9:30 hair appointment.
I regard getting my hair done the same way I do surgery or dental work. I hate it, fear it, and can't wait to get it over, even when I know I need it. I had flirted with the idea of "letting it go"--my natural hair is now pure white--but came to my senses. In truth, ordeal though it was--two hours worth--Mary did a fabulous job. The color is a kind of medium brown and they had an advertised special: free highlights if you spend over a certain amount, so I told her to put them in. She did and it really looks terrific. The cut is great, too: just below the ears and curving gently toward my face. Of course, I practically had to get a second mortgage to pay for it, but it was worth it.
As for the frantic part, I was all involved with the continuing All Season Solar problem in Jersey that my tenant is experiencing; talked to her and them. Also gathered more tax information for Michelle and contacting Mimi's Cafe and the people going to the A for A lunch today. I had a whole list of other mundane things to do, that I always worry over until they're done. Also, I've to put the lavender plant in the ground before it dies on me.  Dealt with those and other chores after lunch, until I took off for Ventura College.
Diane and I met at the door and went into the Studio Theatre. This is a small, intimate place, with audience chairs on three sides. The performers, all students, come in from every direction possible, back, front, and both sides, plus there was scaffolding along the walls and lots of action there.
The show, Hold On! was great fun, so full of energy it was exhilarating. The vignettes were taken a book from Jules Feiffer's cartoons--fleshed out, you might say. Anyway, it was great and a terrifically fun afternoon.
I took Diane home, then stopped to get--yes, blueberries, what else.  Not being very hungry, I had just veggies--spaghetti squash and carrots--for dinner.

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Taxes And Pacific

Walked Kimball. After breakfast, I gathered up my tax stuff and went over to Michelle's, whom I like more and more. Met her when we both lived in Colony Park--her rent went up more than a hundred a month, mine less, but a lot, and I'm glad I moved to Ventura Del Sol.
Michelle was born and brought up in Hawaii, has been divorced for years, has a grown daughter, and lives at Cypress Point. She has a neat apartment--two bedrooms, two baths, a huge patio, and lots of other amenities. However, she pays over two thou for it--ouch!--and in fact, her friend may move in with her and share expenses.
Anyhow, not only is she a bright and seasoned accountant, she's also fun to talk to. She's about my younger daughter's aga, but we're friends on Facebook and I like that. She said I had to provide a few other documents (notably  some kind of info from Chase, which holds the mortgage on my house) and I'll just zap them over to her.
Went from there to WinCo and bought supplies. (Since  I eat mostly fresh food, I have to shop a lot, but that's okay.)  I then went to Cricket to consult Amanda because my text messages seem to have been screwed up and my email hadn't be updating--on my phone, that is.. She did something or other and I hope that fixed it.
Got a text from my tenant, Eileen, asking me to get back in touch with the solar people. She's convinced there's something wrong with the panels because her electric bill went up so high. I'm just about sure she's right, but they don't seem to want to do anything about it. I'll call them tomorrow.
I was glad to get a call from the salon to say Mary had a cancellation, so would I like to switch my color and cut to 9:30 today? Yes, indeed, I much prefer that.
Caught the bus for town and met my three good friends for Happy Hour at Pacific. Our enjoyment at being together was tempered by the news that Nancy's only great-grandson had taken his own life in Phoenix. He had been troubled and had a problem with drugs, but what a blow for her. We lingered far longer than usual--in fact, Nancy and Diane had two glasses of Chardonnay and I had a second beer (Carolyn stuck to soda, as she was driving).
Got home after 7:00, but--happy day!--it wasn't even full dark by then.

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Santa Barbara Sunny

I didn't set the alarm yesterday and, incredibly, I slept until 7:30, two hours later than my usual wake-up time. I wasn't hungry, so didn't eat breakfast, just dressed and set off for the first (city) bus at 9:00.
Got the second (Santa Barbara) at 9:43 and the third (city) shortly after I got to the transit center, so was at Betty's door at 11:30.
We had a good day. Went down the street to The Natural Cafe, not one of my favorite places, as you have to stand in line to order yourself and get your own utensils. Damn, it's like McDonalds or Burger King, just five times more expensive. However, I got a veggie burger and, boy, was it good. Along with a Stella Artois, it hit the spot.
Back at Betty's, we chatted for a bit, then went to the clubroom or whatever they call it, for the monthly birthday party for ice cream and cake. I had some, but was surprised that I didn't enjoy it all that much. Maybe because I virtually never eat anything with added sugar (I do eat a lot of fruit), I've just lost my taste for it. Anyway, we talked with some other residents for a bit, then I got up to go. Reversed the bus process of the morning and got the 3:37 bus back to Ventura; home about 5:15.
I went next door to Suzanne's to hear about her sister conference in Auburn. She told me about it and showed me pictures of where she stayed, a big, beautiful property with woods. I was charmed to hear that this is the home of one of her high school students, with whom she later developed a friendship; the woman is now an obstetrician with a family. (Suzanne was only a few years older than the students.) After that, I got into my pajamas and settled down for the night.
I was thrilled that it was sunny all day and it's supposed to be 70 today. Yay for that and yipee for daylight saving time!

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Stella And Casa Bella

Walked Kimball.  After breakfast, I changed the bedclothes and did laundry. After I was finished folding and putting away, I fooled around on the laptop all the way until lunch. I just didn't feel like doing anything either fun or productive, still being in a down mood.
I finally trudged out to the bus stop after lunch. Rode the bus to town and on the way, called Betty to tell her I'd be at her place in Santa Barbara today. Got off at the library and walked toward the mission. I stopped into a thrift store and saw two little bunnies--HAD to buy them, as they'll look cute for Easter on my coffee table.
As I was waiting for the bus home at about 4:30, my phone rang and it was Stella, who was at the mall:"Do you want to meet me for dinner?" Well, naturally, I said no, I can't go to dinner, I have to get home and anyway, why didn't you call earlier, do you think I'm going to decide to go to dinner just on the spur of the---NOT!  
Of course, I immediately accepted with pleasure (my mantra: never turn down an invitation) and suggested Pacific at Main and Oak. However, I saw that they're closed on Mondays, so we went across the street to Casa Bella.
I often mention that Stella and I don't have a lot in common, but actually, she's grown on me and we had a good time. (Lucky her: She's going to Ireland, then Spain in June.) Happily, my mood brightened (it may have been the mango beer) and--I hope--I'm past my emotional slump.
Said goodbye, took the bus home, and got in at 7:15.

Monday, March 11, 2019

Down A Bit

Walked Kimball, but I guess I was an hour later than usual. I had thought the clocks got turned ahead on Sunday, not Saturday. Well, they did, but I thought it was during the day or something. Anyway, no harm done, I was just a little later for breakfast.
Had breakfast, did the crossword, and cleaned up. Did a few minor chores and some computer stuff.
For some reason, I felt a little down. I started playing solitaire--I mean with actual cards, on the kitchen table. It occurred to me that's exactly what my mother used to do. Boy, talk about your downer.
I saw an article in The New Yorker by Oliver Sacks (I always liked his books) about dementia and how it helped to soothe people if they thought they were back in a familiar role. Sent it to Carole and to Carolyn.
After 1:00, Stella called to see if I wanted to meet in town for lunch. Of course, I was already having lunch by that time. I don't know why she waits until the last minute for stuff. Anyway, I suggested today and she said she'd look at home when her doctor appointment was and let me know. However, she didn't and I may or may not call her.
Speaking of lunch, we now have ten who said they're going to the Acting for Amateurs lunch on Friday and a few haven't responded yet.
I finally shook off my gloominess and got the bus to the mall. Went to Target and got press-on nails for Carolyn's birthday. I'll give her money, too, of course, but I always like to have a concrete present for people to open. Must get a little something for Finn, too.
Home, I drove car to Sprouts for blackberries, cantaloupe, and oranges. I felt better by then and had an okay evening.

Sunday, March 10, 2019

This, That, And Nothing Exciting

Walked Kimball, but that was more or less all the sustained walking I got in. I might very well call the doctor on Monday and say I need to see another podiatrist. I just don't want to wait until April 5. My pulled muscle in the other leg seems somewhat better, though.
After breakfast, I completed the rest of the tax crap. Lucky Nancy and Diane; both have only social security and don't have to file. (Well, no, they're not lucky--I am.) Emailed Michelle to tell her I'd like to drop off the stuff, rather than mail, as I have some questions. Will do that Wednesday morning.
I finally got around to planting the two miniature rose bushes, other flowering bush (they're common around here, name starts with a "K"), and the two tomato plants. It wasn't easy, even though the rain made the soil soft and moist. The problem is, it's covered in wood chips, I guess to make it more attractive, but I had to clear them away from the spot where I was digging and they kept falling into the hole. Got it done, though, and they look nice. Let's hope they survive. Under my tender care, that's always a crap shoot.
Niece Carolyn called and we had along talk. I called Ellen and we chatted; she was at the salon getting a pedicure. She said Greg was off and they went to The Happy Vegan for lunch. Diane e-mailed and asked if I wanted to go to the college and see some Jules Feiffer skits. Sure thing and we'll go to a matinee at 2:30 on Thursday.
Went to WinCo for tilapia, olive oil, and canola oil. When I got home, I called Penney's and made an appointment with Mary for a color and cut on Thursday at 12:30.

Saturday, March 09, 2019

T.O.P.S. And Taxes

I walked Kimball, I'm glad to record, without too much problem with my leg and foot. Got home, changed, and went to T.O.P.S.
I was pleased to see I gained only a smidgen. Considering my inability to do my usual walking/exercise, I thought it would be more. I went from 130.1 to 130.9, so eight-tenths of a pound up. Since I'm lousy at such higher math problems, I don't know how many ounces that is.The meeting itself wasn't too bad; we spent a lot of time talking about "shape garments" and bras. (Since Bob, who had been Michelle's long-time paramour, left after a nasty falling out, we're an all female group.)
Didn't get breakfast until 10:15, the usual on Fridays. After that, I finally started getting my tax info together. Michelle, my tax preparer, sends a very helpful set of papers to fill out, such as the one for my house in Jersey. It includes what I get in rent, plus repairs, maintenance, and so on. Easy peasy and she sends other such papers, too. I never have to look at the actual returns, as she files on-line.
After I had worked on that for an more than an hour, I went out for romaine, tomatoes, and stuff. Betty called to ask why I wasn't at the Maritime Museum, since she had seen something about activity there on television. However, it was at the Santa Barbara one, not Oxnard.
Didn't have lunch until 3:00. After that, I cut up tomatoes, onions, and peppers to make up a batch of my usual roasted tomatoes. I called Nancy to see if she'd like to have a subscription to Reminisce Magazine.  I subscribe (I've been getting it for years) and they'll send two more subscriptions--free--to those of my choice. I sent one to Betty and Nancy said she'd love  to get it, so I sent it off with my check.
Just wanted to get out for a while, so dropped the subscription off at the post office, then drove down (up? sideways?) to Wells Avenue and back. I was glad to be back in the sunny, sun, sun.

Friday, March 08, 2019


No Kimball, as I wanted to save my legs for the walks to and from the buses. I left at 9:00 and was pleased that I didn't have much problem walking; my left leg has improved a lot and my bunion is somewhat less sore.
Got to Silvercrest and the exercise class shortly before ten. It was a good session--invigorating, in fact. After, Diane and I went up to her apartment and we had a great lunch: corn pudding, salad, and a kind of folded crepe type thing with a white sauce. Plus, of course, we had some good white wine to go with it.
We talked and talked about politics, religion, philosophy, and our childhoods--very satisfying. Diane and I certainly don't agree about everything, but I like talking to her. She's intelligent and pretty well read and in my book, that makes for enjoyable conversation.
I left about 3:00 and walked to Telephone Avenue for the bus. Since I had nothing scheduled, I just stayed on until I got to town, then stopped into the library and read for a half hour. I took out a DVD to listen to the in the car about "Kick" Kennedy, JFK's sister, who was killed in a plane crash in about 1945. Betty called while I was on the bus to tell me about her recent doings.
Home a little after 6:00 and just had the rest of the cabbage. Suzanne rang my bell to tell me she was going to a sister gathering up in Auburn, leaving today and would be back on Monday.
T.O.P.S. today and I suspect I've gained, as I haven't been able to follow my regular walking routine lately.

Thursday, March 07, 2019

The "R" Word

Rain, rain, and more rain. It was raining in the morning, but that isn't the only reason I didn't walk. My bunion has been hurting and the left leg is still a little stiff.
Anyway, I had to restock the larder and went to three different stores for blueberries, spinach, shrimp, and other goodies. Also bought cabbage and apples and put them in the slow cooker.
Lunch, then I called Nancy. The four of us decided to skip Happy Hour, partly because of the rain. Nance and I had a nice chummy talk, though. Betty called and we talked.
Diane emailed to invite me for exercise today at 10, then lunch at her place. I demurred (always wanted to use that in a sentence), saying I wanted to provide lunch, as she had had me three other times. She vetoed that on the grounds that I've given her a lot of clothes and so on--okay, okay, I'll allow myself to be her guest again.Went to Mimi's Cafe and made arrangements for the Actiing Comes Alive lunch reunion for the fifteenth, then e-mailed the "grads." We'll see if any have any interest n getting together again.
Drove to the library to return Fire And Fury, the (negative) Trump administration DVD and fell into conversation with the librarian, Suzanne, about it, Trump, and the present state of the world. Very interesting--we're generally on the same wave length. As we talked, she mentioned the book Bright -Sided/How the Relentless Promotion of Postitive Thinking Has Udermined America. by Barbara Ehrenreich. I've read others of hers, notably Nickeled and Dimed, so took it out and am looking forward to what she has to say.
Went to Mimi's Cafe and made arrangements for the Actiing Comes Alive lunch reunion for the fifteenth, then e-mailed the "grads." We'll see if any have any interest n getting together.
The DVD was overdue, supposed to be returned several weeks ago, and I should have had to pay a fine, but it wasn't on the system. Damn, they're so lackadaisical!
I decided to call the Access van to go to Diane's, but didn't get to it until five after five and they close at five. Okay, I'll walk to the bus stop on Telegraph, but slowly, then walk to get the next bus on Telephone, then walk to Silvercrest. Hey, if I think I can't do it, I'll call Lyft or just drive my car.

Wednesday, March 06, 2019


                                                      What a lovely day--
                                                       Lunch in L.A.
                                                       With Susan and Pat--
                                                       Such fun with that!
Well, it's a lousy poem, but it was a wonderful day.
I half-seriously considered calling Susan in the morning to say I couldn't go because of my leg, but no, no, no, that would be terrible. Also, my leg actually felt better when I got up, so I decided to tough it out. I was glad I had arranged for the Access van and it came promptly on time. The driver picked up one other person, dropped her off, then took me to the station fifteen or so before the train pulled in.
It was fun to ride down to L.A., but I would have preferred just looking out the window to the garrulous woman (my age or a bit younger) who sat next to me and talked on and on, about her high school days, ex-husband, and various other boring topics. She finally got off at Glendale and I went on to the City of the Angels.
In the big, beautiful, art deco lobby, I found Susan and Pat and we laughed and hugged, so delighted to see each other. We walked to Olvera Street and went to the same restaurant we went to in June of 2016. We had good Mexican food, they had Margaritas, I a Mexican beer, and we talked and talked and had a ball. I invited them to come to Ventura next time and now we're planning that--yay! Susan's never been here and I'm not sure Pat has, either.
We were there almost two hours when it occurred to me that my train was leaving at 3:06, so we hustled back to the station. We said goodbye and I got my train. My leg felt so much better I decided it was silly to spend five bucks for the van, so I called to cancel it. Instead, I walked the few blocks to Main and got the bus. Luckily, the rain held off for the most part and I got home reasonably dry. What a great excursion!
Here we are in L.A.. r.: Pat, old lady with her strap showing, and Susan.
Image may contain: one or more people, people standing, shoes and indoor

Tuesday, March 05, 2019

Lunch And My Leg

Walked Kimball--happily, in sunshine. After breakfast, I called Susan, whom I'll see in L.A. in a few hours, to tell her the train wouldn't get there until 12:15. When I made the reservations, I was horrified to see the round-trip is now $46, almost twice what was less than three years ago. Incredible. Called the Access van and will be taken to the station at nine-something, then picked up and taken home when I get back at five.
I left for the widder group lunch at 11:00;I wanted to stop at the bank, so decided to walk down Victoria to Telephone (Avenue) to BOA. Did so, got some fives and I still had a half hour until noon, so continued to walk and made it all the way to the Stone Fire Grille, so totalled about two and a half miles.
There were ten of us and we had our usual good time. Those who work left about 1:30 and the rest of us lingered until almost 2:00. I decided I'd take a bus to the mall and see if Mimi's restaurant will accommodate my Acting for Amateurs grads, as I want to arrange another lunch.
Got off near Mimi's and as I stepped closer to the street to cross, I somehow put my left foot down wrong, twisting it or something. I felt a pain in my calf and it still hurts a bit. Instead of going to Mimi's (I can do that tomorrow), I limped to the transit center and got on a bus that would take me to Victoria, where I usually walk home.
However, it was early, I didn't want to go into town because of my leg, and I had nothing else to do, so just rode to Oxnard and enjoyed the ride. I got off at a shopping center, crossed the street, and immediately took a bus back to Ventura.
I looked up what to do for a pulled muscle and iced it. Showered and washed my hair. Betty called to say Santa Barbara might be evacuated because of the storms coming. Said she saw it on TV.  I can't even begin to figure that one out.
AAGH! I can hardly believe this: I looked at my email last night and found a message from Lynne W., the docent director at Dudley House, asking where I was yesterday! I was scheduled to docent and just forgot! I called her right away to apologize. She was very nice about it--I'm also scheduled for April and told Lynne I'd do October, also. It worries me that I didn't remember. I have it on my calendar, but somehow, neglected to look at it.

Monday, March 04, 2019

Nothing Much

I'm glad to record that I walked Kimball--under a umbrella because of the drizzle, but I did it. Home and did my Sunday things. After that, I galvanized myself to clean the kitchen; just sinks, counter tops, and appliances, and that doesn't take long at all. Spent time on YouTube looking at things such as mysterious disappearances, with which I have a weird fascination.
It was actually sunny later on, so I set off for the bus. While riding, Stella called to ask if I wanted to go to L.A. to see Cats on March 23.  It's a matinee, a bus trip and costs $80. Hmm...I don't know--said I'll think about it and get back to her.
My tenant, Eileen, texted me and said that suddenly, her electric bill has gone up much higher than it had been. She asked if I'd call the solar panel people and I'll do that today.
Took the Thompson Avenue bus to town and* walked to The Promenade. Did the usual loop to Main and stopped in a few shops. Unfortunately, my foot hurts a lot when I walk on it. I'm going to call the doctor today to see if I can get an appointment with another podiatrist. I also sent away for some kind of bunion corrector and will see how that works.
Got home by 3:30 and just fooled around with scanning a picture and so on. I wish I was more adept with the scanner--I want to put it in Photos, so I can enlarge and enhance it, and I don't know how.
I'm meeting Susan G., my old friend and neighbor from Sunrise Bay in L.A. tomorrow. Now I'm debating whether to try to get a cut and color today and/or to attend the widder group lunch. Mebbe yes, mebbe no.
*I have NO IDEA why that word is highlighted; I turned SpellCheck off.

Sunday, March 03, 2019


A dark and dreary day! It was raining when I got up, so no Kimball, and it continued on in a constant drizzle all day. That meant I didn't walk at all. I think this is the first time in a year or so that I didn't get even a mile in, and I don't like it.  Besides that, my foot is hurting. I may just call Dr. Jennings tomorrow to say I want to go to a different podiatrist.
I did get a lot of filing done. In fact, I spent an hour on sorting and putting away the paper piles that I've accumulated. Went out to Ralph's for more blueberries and romaine. I like the whole roasted cauliflower I get at Stone Fire Grille and bought a head, then found a recipe on the Internet. It's pretty simple: melted butter (I used only half and half olive oil), garlic, lemon zest, and then roast for 45. You add Parmesan cheese and put under the broiler for a few minutes to brown. It wasn't bad, but not as good as at SFG. I also cut and chopped the three big green peppers I had. Put them in the freezer for later, along with the onions from the  other day.
Took a stab at arranging a reunion lunch for my Acting for Amateurs groups. Darn, I can't find some of the email addresses of some--must look again.
I had to get out, so decided to drive over to the Cricket store with questions. Before I did, though, I called El and we had a long talk--about an hour. We discussed a lot of this and that--as ever, it was the high point of the day to be in touch with her. I then just took a short drive and came home.
Betty called after dinner just to chat. I told her I couldn't go to SB on Tuesday, as I'm meeting my Sunrise Bay friend and neighbor, Susan G., in L.A. then.
Let's hope the damn rain is over!

Saturday, March 02, 2019

Groceries and Laudate Dominum

When I started out for Kimball, it was raining just a bit--not even a drizzle, more like a mist--but it stopped and I completed the circuit.
Puttered around and changed clothes (I wear the same things every week because I want my weight record to be as accurate as possible), then left for T.O.P.S. Leader Lennie is back from Iowa and "conducted" the "meeting." Yes, those quote marks will tell you something. I read the minutes I had taken at the last meeting and there was this and that and so on and so forth, about one eighth of which was weight related. I lost a scant pound, but I was satisfied, as it brought me back to 130, within my "zone." Didn't get breakfast until after 10 and I then set out on my grocery trek.
Just as my mother used to, I read the ads and write down who has what at the best price. I also have something called "Just for you" from Vons. It transfers the electronic "coupons" onto the phone and I just have to show it to the cashier in order to get the special price. Besides that, I found a single coupon on the Sprouts site that covers the things I bought there: green peppers, cucumbers, and frozen scallops. Went to Ralph's for the best price in blueberries, plus Dave's Killer Bread, the only kind I buy. Vons had a special on Cottonelle, also the only kind I buy of that necessity, so I went there, too.
After putting everything away, I did a load of wash. Saw adorable little Brindley (18 months) and her Nana, Andrea, at the laundry place and had a nice chat. Luckily, I got everything home before more rain started.
I e-mailed Jim C. to see what day was best for him for lunch with the Acting for Amateurs grads. He said Friday or Saturday, so I think I'll go for a Friday--maybe at Mimi's restaurant, but I haven't decided. Jim also sent me a link to an incredibly beautiful rendition of Laudate Dominum, by Katherine Jenkins:
While I was having lunch, Betty called asking me to send her another copy of my diet regimen. She doesn't know how to get email  on  her IPad--or maybe you can't get it, I don't know, so I said I'd send a hard copy. I printed it out and walked to the P.O. a few blocks away. After, I debated getting a bus for town, but decided against .it. My foot (bunion) hurts a fair amount when I walk, plus it started to rain, so no.
Yoicks! I just looked at my calendar and saw I'll be meeting Susan and Pat at Union Station in LA Tuesday, so I won't be able to go to Santa Barbara. On Monday, I have lunch with the widder group and on Wednesday Happy Hour, so maybe Thursday--or maybe I'll skip it next week. Will mull it over.

Friday, March 01, 2019

Blue Agave And Carole

It was raining for a time in the early morning, so I missed Kimball once again. Did this and that after breakfast--so un-notable I can't even remember what they were--then showered and dressed for my lunch with Carole. Walked to the bus stop, taking a chance the rain wouldn't return and it didn't. We both got to the Blue Agave at 1:00 and, along with the tacos and quesadillas, settled in for a good long talk.
Carole's husband, Vane, pretty clearly, has dementia. I was amazed, though, to hear he had never been diagnosed. He refuses to go to a doctor, saying they're all quacks, and instead, takes  supplements (roughly a hundred a day). He doesn't even know how to turn on the computer and doesn't watch television. Instead, he pores over the "health" magazines, brochures, and ads, of which he gets dozens in the mail. He's currently engaged in "flushing his liver," the regime for which includes drinking A CUP--yes, eight ounces--of olive oil. Well, I guess his bowels will thank him.
Anyway, I've been meaning to get members of my SCAN acting groups together for lunch again and, with Carole's enthusiastic urging, will contact them. She was in the first set and part of the way in the second.
We talked for more than two hours, before finally hugging goodbye about 3:15. I walked to The Promenade, then down to the library. Started reading Armistead Maupin's Logical Family, which I enjoyed so much, I withdrew it. I now have five library books out; I've got a bad habit of reading half of one, then starting another--must quit that!
Home at 5:30 and I just had vegetables for dinner. Shortly, I'll be going to T.O.P.S. and, considering the gain last week and my daily socializing this, I'm apprehensive. 


Suzanne called to say she had been at some affair (church service?) with Lora's brother-in-law, Reuban, and he told her of Seth's de...