Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Dr. Mark came at 9 am and he, Pat, and I talked over the blood sugar drop problem. I certainly hope it never happens again, but at least I feel a little more comfortable with what to do and when to call 911, if necessary.
Other than that, nothing going on. I stuck close to home all day, feeling down. Had a long talk with Marge, dear friend that she is. Called Ellen on the web cam and enjoyed that. Talked to A. later.
Haven't been able to do any more on the "Fatal Family Reunion" script, but will go to Mary Ellen's tonight to work on the Old Barney one with others. Sister Betty and friend, Suzanne, are due in tomorrow and will stay for lunch. Betty will sleep over, then borrow Pat's car for the month.
Wider: Over at Anti-War.Com, Jeff Huber writes about the propaganda war, almost as important to the powers-that-be (hey, that's not us, folks!) as the killing one. Civilian deaths are starting to be noticed? Well, just spin it away and talk about a "serious" effort to limit them. Huber tells us that McChrystal(?) has an admiral named Smith as P.R. officer and writes:
"Like all military reporting now, the LAT piece, titled 'U.S. to limit air strikes in Afghanistan to help reduce civilian deaths,' is a poorly camouflaged piece of stenography, and it’s clear that Smith did the dictating." (Love that "stenography" bit--so true.)
As Huber points out, though, the best way to reduce civilian deaths is for the U.
S. military to pack up and go home.
Uh-huh; that'll be the day.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Don't give me your mountains. Don't give me your parks. In summer, the beach is the only place to be.
A. and I met the birthday crowd--it was Joelly's seventh--in Seaside Heights yesterday under sunny skies and over white sands. The ocean was comfortably warm, and Joel and little "T" loved it. About 5:00 o'clock, we all went back to the apartment ice cream cake. After the opening of the presents, A., M., and I left; I got home a little after 8:00.
Seaside reminds me of Atlantic City in the old, old days, before the casinos. It's crowded, noisy, gaudy, full of rides, games, cheap souvenir shops, artery-clogging food, tattooed teenagers, and every other possible representative of human. I loved it. All this, of course, coexists with the glorious Jersey shore a few yards away, the white sands and rolling surf indifferent to all the hubbub. Great place for a birthday celebration.
Dr. Mark is coming this morning and I want to ask him more about the diabetes thing.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Am now back from my respite half weekend. Left Friday evening and got back this morning. Yesterday, I walked a few miles on the Ventnor boardwalk in the morning, then met old friends Mary and Jane for lunch. Spent the rest of the day relaxing and just going here and there as the spirit moved me.
I was sorry to hear 911 had had to be called on Friday night, as Pat, yet again, suffered a diabetic episode. The police, then the EMTs came, but he didn't go to the hospital. Now I'm contemplating going to Seaside to meet the Phillips Four to celebrate Joelly's 7th birthday on the beach. They're then having ice cream and cake at their apartment. Not sure if all this can be fit in.
Am somewhat dispirited and don't feel like writing more right now.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Went to the (open) business meeting of the Little Egg Theatre Company last night; the board meeting preceded it. It was low-key, but nice. Artistic director Desi announced upcoming shows, including for 2010, "Deathtrap," "Blithe Spirit," "Steel Magnolias," and "The Glass Menagerie." Of course, I have my eye on "Hedda Gabler," which will be staged in November of this year. Desi plans to modify to set in the early '50s and, if I'm not mistaken, to do it in the round. I'll audition for the part of Aunt Julia next Wednesday.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Met at Mary Ellen's last night and it was another long, long night. Didn't get home until 11:00 and to bed until midnight. My script was well-received and we went through the whole thing, but I have a bunch of re-writing to do. Some of the ideas and suggestions are good, others I'm not so sure of, but generally, I think it was worthwhile to get input from the players.
We looked at Mary Ellen's outline for her Jersey Devil piece, too, and kicked around a lot of ideas. I enjoy these creative sessions, just wish they weren't so far away and continue so late. Tonight, the first meeting for Hedda Gabler (to be staged in November) isn't until 8:00, but at least it's nearby in the old municipal building.
Wider: I'm slipping in one of those I-don't-always agree-with-him Fred Reed columns in his "Fred On Everything" blog. Here, he points out the inconsistencies of Israel and some Jews on aggression (okay for us, an abomination for them). He notes that the generally recognized high intellect of many Jews doesn't lead to a realization of the inhumanity of aggression, but:
"Intelligence does allow the fabrication of high-sounding motives. Thugs simply hit people on the head. It is a straightforward and honest undertaking. The smart come up with grand justifications. Americans had Manifest Destiny and now have Spreading Democracy. Israel says its settlements have the right of “natural growth” or, in German, lebensraum. All these amount to 'I want it. Give it to me or I’ll kill you.'
I agree on this one, Fred. All aggressors bastardize their language to promote the idea--so successful in the U.S., too--that it's okay to slaughter "the others."

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Finally got the last act of the murder mystery script ("Fatal Family Reunion") finished and e-mailed to those going to the meeting tonight. I was pleased to hear from Frank that he'll go, too, so we'll travel together.
Early in the day, I was able to get over to Hamilton Mall and buy birthday presents for the sweet Singapore sisters. Even wrapped and sent Violet's. Vivian's can wait awhile, as her birthday is at the end of July. Stopped at Santori's on the way home and stocked up on veggies.
There's a first meeting for Hedda Gabbler at 8 pm tomorrow night. Considering I'll be out late tonight, too, I'll tell Susan I may not get up in time to walk either day.
Next weekend, I get my "respite holiday," and boy, am I looking forward to that. I'll be back Sunday in time for Joelly's seventh birthday. It's June, so things are heating up after the long winter drag--good!
Wider: It seems there's no end to the insidious intrusion of militarism into what used to be civilian affairs. In "Obama's Classroom Spies" (Counterpunch), David Price writes about the continuation of this horror:
"The latest manifestation of this continuity came last week when Dennis C. Blair, Director of National Intelligence, announced plans to transform the Pat Roberts Intelligence Scholars Program (PRISP) from a pilot project into a permanent budget item. Blair also announced plans to establish a “Reserve Officers' Training Corps” to train unidentified future intelligence officers in US college classrooms. Like students receiving PRISP funds, the identities of students participating in these programs would not be known to professors, university administrators or fellow students—in effect, these future intelligence analysts and agents would conduct their first covert missions in our university classrooms."
This may be a stretch, but I think it's related: I worked on a college campus for 27 years. When I started, I remember that identification of students (and employees) was by name and address only. That's right, social security numbers were not used. I add emphasis to make a point: It was assumed there was no reason to invade privacy to the extent of using a government-issued number for the convenience of a non-government entity (Rider is an independent university). For that matter, I recall when issuing SS numbers to newborns was unknown. It's still voluntary (dollars to doughnuts, it won't be for long), but of course, you can't claim a child as a tax dependent without one, nor can he or she later open a bank account (or get a Macy's charge, as I happen to know), without this eerily 1984-type I.D.
Hmm...I seem to be ruminating. I also seem like a mean old conservative, rather than the flaming liberal I strive to be. But really--when you think that computers can track you to hell and gone because your number is out there--isn't it scary?
And even scarier is the idea that colleges and universities have or will embrace the spy in the classroom thing because they need the money. So much for academic integrity.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Aha! Found out that my dear twin, Betty, sent me the mug. I like it so much and it was such an unexpected surprise. Will think of her when I drink from it.
Spent a lot of yesterday working on the "Fatal Family Reunion" script. Still have to resolve it all in the last act, but will try to finish today. I'm supposed to send it to the rest of the company in preparation for our meeting tomorrow night.
Nothing much else going on around here.
Wider: I've always been interested by "Where Are They Now?" books and articles about people who have faded from public view after their time in the news. On Anti-War.Com, Philip Giraldi has an article called just that, in which he lets us know what the war criminals of the past administration are doing now. Without exception, the ones he names are living high off the hog, rolling in dough, heaped with honors, and--many of them--spreading their filth to the younger generation as college faculty. Yes, Giraldi very properly contrasts this state of affairs to the Nuremberg trials. Here's his end piece:
"So yet again, no one is guilty and no one is punished. Everyone is, in fact, richly rewarded for their dedication to their country. Can there be any wonder why ambitious people who are ethically challenged flock to start wars and torture for Uncle Sam? It is because they know they will never be held accountable for anything they do and will reap the financial rewards that they think they deserve. Until that culture is eradicated by something like a Nuremberg trial, the United States will continue to be a place that the rest of the world quite rightly regards as preaching respect for laws and values while rewarding just the opposite."

Monday, June 22, 2009

Quiet, but nice anniversary and Fathers' Day yesterday. Certainly very different from last year's, but that's to be expected. Got some lovely gifts, including for Pat, a striking painting of a mountain scene from daugher-in-law N. They and Ellen also called on the phone and Skype, so Dad and I, and A. and M. were able to see and talk to them. We enjoyed the honey-baked ham (at room temperature, as recommended) from Mike for dinner, along with devilled eggs, baked beans, salad, scalloped potatoes, and the rest of the rosemary-Parmesan bread N. and I had made in February. A. brought strawberry shortcake for dessert, so it was a real summertime meal, even though the weather suggested winter (dark, windy, rainy) instead.
Now for a mystery: I had received a box from Kodak Easy Share a week or so ago. I hadn't ordered anything and saved it to open last night. I found a mug with the picture of me as Ivana, the character I played at the Surf City Hotel mystery theatre show! I had sent to some family and friends so one of them must have done it, but there was no card and no identification, so I have no idea who sent it. I like it a lot, but ho, ho, who could have done this? Will have to put on my mystery hat to solve this...

Sunday, June 21, 2009

The Bel Canto last night was just magnificent. I even recognized some of the arias, thanks to my occasional attendance at Mary Ann Van O.'s opera sessions at the clubhouse. Went with Barbara D. and saw lots of other Sunrise Bay residents, as well as a number of my fellow members of the acting company.
Today is our wedding anniversary. No big party this year, just Alison and Mike for dinner. I wish Pat's health was as good as it was last year. Of course, all things are relative--he wasn't that well then, but was considerably better than he is now.
It's Fathers' Day too, and our four children, we both know, are the best gifts he could possibly have received in his lifetime. Mine, too.
Wider: I continued to be impressed by Chris Floyd at Empire Burlesque. Today, he very aptly compares our killing of civilians in the middle east with the television show "Dexter." The whole premise of the show--a "good" serial killer, who offs those who escape civil punishment--is a casual trashing of the rule of law itself, but hey, who cares in this murderous age?
Read it here: http://chris-floyd.com/component/content/article/3/1783-dexters-legions-the-qgoodq-killers-of-the-qgoodq-war.html#comments

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Got the four new hostas planted and was sure to spray all seven of them with Deer-B-Gone. We've seen several deer recently in the backyard. Beautiful as they are, they ate all my hostas down to the soil a few years ago and I'd just as soon retain them.
Cleaned both bathrooms and washed the rugs. Made a big pot of lentil stew, had some for dinner, and froze the rest. Talked to sister Betty, who will be here on the 30th. Pat generously agreed to lend her his car. Her friend, Suzanne, will pick her up at the airport, have her overnight, then drove her here on the first. She'll stay over with us, then take Pat's car to Toms River, where she's meeting somebody about the film festival thing in which she's involved.
Got an invitation from the H.'s for a Fourth of July party. Not sure, but I may stop in for a time.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Wow-ee, I didn't get home until a few minutes before midnight! Drove through torrents of rain to get to Mary Ellen's, who lives all the way at the end of Long Beach Island in Barnegat Light. Tara, Andrea, Barbara H., and I went over the script I'm writing and also started working up one about the Jersey Devil. I'll continue mine (have only the first act written) and we may use it sometime. We spent about half the time talking about personal matters--fun, especially hearing about Barbara's upcoming date with a new man in her life--but it made for a long night.
Looking forward to next Thursday when we meet for the first time to discuss the November staging of Hedda Gabler.
Wider: I just unsubscribed from MoveOn.org. It finally dawned on me that the organization is simply an arm of the democratic party. They were ever so vehement against our illegal and immoral wars when Bush was in; now that Obama is, they're perfectly okay with slaughtering people in other countries. I'm so disgusted with the so-called "anti-war moverment" that I'm beginning to actually believe there was some kind of back-room agreement between the two parties to trade off: "Okay, the public is getting tired of Bush, so we'll let the dems in this time and just continue our aggression, so we can enrich our corporate sponsors as usual. No problem with the electorate--even in the face of clear and constant evidence to the contrary, they'll believe anything O. tells them. After all, he's young, attractive, and he didn't come from Texas."

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Zipped down to Manahawkin early for various errands. Bought four more hostas, which I'll plant today, late though it is. Washed Pat's hair and other areas. Other than that, did a mountain of wash and continued to work on the script I'm writing for a possible upcoming murder mystery for the theatre company. We meet tonight at Mary Ellen's house in Barnegat Light. I have no idea if anyone will like this one, but it could at least act as a jumping-off point for discussion and shaping another one. Actually, I think it's as good or better than the one we did at Cranberry Creek and the Surf City Hotel, but we'll see.
Also on the show biz subject, I got a message that there'll be a meeting on the 25th for those who want to be on the production crew for Hedda Gabler. It includes aspiring performers, too, so I'll attend.
Wider: Am I paranoid or what? I'm getting more and more alarmed at what seems to be ever-closer alliances between the government and private business. The banking and auto industries are most prominent, but what about others that slip into everyday life with little notice? I wrote about "InfraGard" (sounds like a dry-cleaning substance) a while ago, but here's a reminder:
"At its most basic level, InfraGard is a partnership between the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the private sector...an association of businesses, academic institutions, state and local law enforcement agencies, and other participants dedicated to sharing information and intelligence to prevent hostile acts against the United States." Here's the link: http://www.infragard.net/ for that particular Orwellian setup.
Then yesterday, I was at the post office and my eye fell on a change of address packet. What's disturbing are the ads and coupons enclosed for Lowe's, Budget Rent-A-Car, Direct TV, Chase Warner, and several other purely profit-making corporations.
True, in a world of drone bombers and Rush Lumbaugh, this may be piddling stuff. Maybe I'm the only one on the eastern seaboard who cares that we're indirectly subsidizing the enrichment of nameless, faceless shareholders with our tax money. I often rant about the constant presence of blaring televisions everywhere I go, but at least the players are--I think--all in the corporate world.
This is different. This is government in bed with commerce and we're the cuckolds.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Very enjoyable lunch with Susan and Julie L. at Seaoaks. We all ordered the Cobb salad and I brought half if mine home to have for dinner. Stopped at B & B's after for veggie supplies and picked up three hostas as well. Planted them on the side--hope they take--and I want to get three more.
Worked up the first act of a possible mystery theatre script called Family Reunion and sent it to Tara and Mary Ellen. Maybe it can be tweaked enough to be used in an upcoming production.
Aside from that--just the usual while this annoying June gloom continues. "The sun, mother, I want the sun!" (That's a line from some famous play or other, I think also by a somber Scandinavian.)
Wider: Just in case we ever delude ourselves that our elected representatives are upstanding human beings--or even as upstanding as a second-story man-- note this from Anti-War.Com:
"Despite growing opposition, the House of Representatives today narrowly passed the $106 billion war funding bill today, 226-202. The vote capped weeks of major debate about the merits of several provisions of the bill, notably the guarantee of $108 billion in credit to the International Monetary Fund (IMF)." Two dem politicians are quoted, one to the effect that the bill "still sucks" but "we're in the process of mopping up in two wars...." The other said she doesn't believe the bill has merit but "I want to support my president."
Well, finally! A politician who's honest. Clearly, what she's actually saying is "I realize this bill is an abomination and will only further support the pain and suffering we inflict on others, but politics and my loyalty to the brand must take precedence over any other considerations including, of course, those of morality."
No damning adjective is too strong for these monsters.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Good grief, I slept until twenty of seven today! Lately, have been annoyingly waking up at 2:00 am, then unable to go back to sleep for several hours. Okay, I'll stop whining.
Had a pleasant interlude visiting with good friend Marge. It finally occurred to us that we don't have to go out for lunch to talk. She's been having big problems with her allergies, so I suggested I just go over. I did and we had a good time chatting over iced green tea--very refreshing both for the body and the spirit.
Enjoyed a Skype call from Ellen, who's not finished teaching for the summer and has an impressive array of tasks scheduled for herself, including painting the whole upstairs of her townhouse.
Stopped at director Tara's shop, Soaps 'n' Totes, to return the Tarot cards I had used in the show. She encouraged me to audition for Hedda Gabler and I definitely will.
Sunny day--always an upper for me.

Monday, June 15, 2009

The show was just terrific and wonderful and great fun! Smaller venue--and audience--but those may have been assets because it was easier to hear and talk "in character" to all of them. My murder went off without a hitch. I had been worried about uncovering my fatal wound (had a scarf over it for most of the show) and extracting the note from my bra during the time I dropped dead, but managed to bring it off.
Incredibly, a woman I haven't seen since eighth-grade graduation from St. James was there with her husband. I stayed in character with them throughout until I took my bow, then became myself, little 13-year-old Rosemary Byrne and she became Peggy Hartman from Ventnor again.
Now I'm determined to audition for a complete change of pace--the Aunt Julia role in Hedda Gabler--hope I make it.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Was pleased to get a phone call yesterday from long-time Lawrenceville friend, Karen C. We had a long, satisfying talk while Pat was having breakfast (at about 1:30), but when I went back in the kitchen, he told me he didn't feel well. He was very pale and I helped him back to bed. He slept until 5:00, but after that, seemed somewhat better. However, he ate little dinner--I hope this doesn't signify a downward turn in his illness.
Today is show day! We meet at 12:30, so will be able run through it before we actually go on. According to the flyer, it starts at 3:00, but we're still not sure if some other activity happens first. Okay, we'll play it by ear.
Wider: Those television commercials for the military make me crazy. Of course, the ad people are much too savvy to push their devil's work directly. Instead, they lure impressionable young people by showing soldiers performing admirable feats of strength (rappelling up a building, jumping out of a plane) and acting as humanitarians, almost always with a gang of laughing, adoring children as foils. You get the impression the major purpose of the armed services is to bring aid and comfort to suffering humanity when they're not having fun keeping in shape.
The ones aimed at parents are even more insidious. They portray earnest, soft-spoken youngsters and serious-minded mothers or fathers tip-toeing around the subject of signing up. These little plays are invariably in modest--but respectable--settings (a city apartment, a country kitchen) and feature actors with whom the viewer can identify. The son or daughter is mildly attractive, intelligent, and articulate and the parent is solemnly concerned, but "listening."
Of course these ads target the poor, cannon-fodder class. I wonder how many of them understand that a host of well-paid whores--writers, psychologists, and film-makers--are employed to entice them to become hired killers. Considering we never see the shredded bodies of either our soldiers or "the enemy"--let alone the little children we accidentally slaughter--one could be persuaded that the military is just another path to find one's place in life.
It isn't.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Bought a pink begonia, drove to Laurel Memorial, and planted it on Jay's grave. Also talked to the man at the cemetery about buying plots. This is something I've been thinking about for some time, but just haven't gotten done. The skies was dull and gray early on--appropriate, I think, for yesterday.
Little of note otherwise. Continued to repeat my part as Ivana; must concentrate on my cues now. Just received an e-mail from the theatre company that auditions for Hedda Gabler are coming up in a few weeks. Will I try for the part of Aunt Julia? I'm nervous about it, but think I will. Must get through the show tomorrow first.
Later: Back from WW. I'm up just a bit--.8 which I figure is about 10 ounces (?) for a current weight of 130.6. I'm okay with that, as I think it's just a normal adjustment. Hey, it's better than my lifetime high of 204 pounds.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Talked to sister Betty three times yesterday. I was so happy to be told she's coming east for the month of July. Then we cried together over the fact that today is the thirty-fifth birthday of her dear son, Jay. This morning, I'll put flowers on his grave.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

The show is shaping up well--about time, as we perform it on Sunday. Wore my full outfit to rehearsal last night and everybody liked it. I was relieved to see it didn't cause any problems when I was dragged off. I do have to stay--standing up--in a tiny alcove after I'm murdered and the restaurant's coffee service is there. Hope that doesn't cause any problems.
Frank came over to watch the Phillies/Mets game and stayed until I got home. So funny: Mets were winning by three runs when I walked in the door. No sooner did I enter than the Phils loaded the bases, then tied it, going into overtime. Frank went home at that point and ha-ha--I saw in the paper just now the Phillies had won! YES! There's no denying that my supernatural powers influenced the game. Think I'll play the lottery today...
Wider: It's been a while since I've added a political (liberal? progressive? humanitarian?) note, but not because I'm no longer interested. It's just that I sometimes wonder "what's the use?" when I contemplate the complacency (ignorance? self-centered obtuseness?) of the American public in the face of news like this:
"The Obama administration is weighing plans to detain some terror suspects on U.S. soil -- indefinitely and without trial -- as part of a plan to retool military commission trials that were conducted for prisoners held in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba."
--Fox News
(Emphasis added.)
Are people outraged? Are they rising up? Does this topic enter into the conversation around the kitchen table or the office water cooler? Okay, does it even enter into the consciousness of the great mass of the American public?
What do you think?

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Last night's rehearsal seemed somewhat of a shambles. We concentrated on the physical part--i.e. the murder and how to get Ivana off, and so on. Went over only the last half of the show, so the "hostess" (my role of last week, Ellen V.'s on Sunday) didn't even go at all. We're back at the hotel tonight and, although it isn't scheduled as a dress rehearsal (we won't have one), I'm going to wear my outfit to be sure there are no glitches in that area. I'm a little concerned about the fake blood--will it show up? Actually, this venue may be better when it comes to acoustics, than Cranberry Creek, but I have a much longer--and physically somewhat challenging--part.
--Great interruption: While I was reading another blog, I got a call from niece Chrissy's husband, Paul, on Skype. I didn't realize they had Skype, which he had just installed, and was delighted to see and hear him. They live in Germany--she's in the Foreign Service--and what fun to see and hear him. We had a nice chat and he directed the camera out the window to show me the surroundings. Chrissy was traveling, but will be back today and Paul will ask her to call/cam me. I love seeing people rather than just hearing them on the phone. What fun!

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

A. came and we spread the new mulch around the four trees in back and a bit of the side. I'm annoyed that the bag said "licorice," which I assumed was black, but it's actually brown. Not bad when it first goes down, as it looks like soil, but it fades quickly and is now a paler version. Oh, well...
Got a call from Wellspouse friend, Mary L., and we had a nice chat. She's going to the monthly dinner in Freehold tonight. Hope I can go with Viv next month.
Rehearsal for the Surf City show last night. I did pretty well as Ivana, but must learn my lines better. The new "Anthony Perky" if Rick Somebody, a big guy with a big, big voice. I think he'll be pretty good, although he has only a few days to learn the part. We go to the actual site for this evening's rehearsal.

Monday, June 08, 2009

Sunny and warm. Went to Hand's and got--OH! I was just interrupted for a delightful reason! Singapore son Mike called on the web cam and I saw and talked to adorable Vivian and sweet Violet. The big news from Asia is that Vivian can ride a two-wheeler--without training wheels! Hey, for a little girl who's more than a month away from five, that's impressive.
Okay, back to my chronicle: Went to Hand's and got eight inpatients and a sunflower and planted them. Other than that, an ordinarily chore-filled day. Rehearsal tonight for the Surf City show; must hone up my Ivana lines.
Wider: Is there nothing we're told straight? According to Justin Raimondo, over at Anti-War.Com, our erstwhile secretary of state and the rubber-stamp media continue to obscure the true basis--and meaning--of the student "uprising" in China years ago. J.R. maintains that:
"It isn’t liberalism but a hard-line nationalism that continues to motivate the occasional student demonstration, such as occurred during the Hainan Island incident, in which a U.S. spy plane was forced down by a Chinese fighter pilot. The same nationalist sentiment that always seems to be boiling just beneath the surface of Chinese society was unleashed during protests after the "accidental" bombing of the Chinese embassy during the Kosovo war."
Of course, he doesn't simply state this, he writes chapter and verse to support it. The entire piece should be read, especially the opening. There, J.R. points out the scenario of the pot calling the kettle when Clinton piously chastises the Chinese for killing and detention.
Hmm...my daughter-in-law left for Shanghai today. She regularly goes back and forth for work and doesn't seem to recognize the supposed moral inferiority of the Chinese as well as Clinton. Guess she's not the self-righteous type.

Sunday, June 07, 2009

The show last night was a smash hit! Mind you, this wasn't Broadway, off-Broadway, or even anything that could be mentioned in the same breath with Broadway, but still--.
There were a few glitches, but nothing terrible. The most serious was probalby that people at one of the twelve tables complained they couldn't hear the actors. The clubhouse venue, being large and high-ceilinged, was acoustically challenged and there was a lot of extraneous noise. A few lines were dropped here and there and, as the hostess, I started calling tables too early, then had to announce it was a mistake, but all that was no big deal.
A major part of this type of show is for the audience to guess the identity of the murderer. I was gratified that, even though I wasn't even listed on the printed ballots, I got thirteen "votes." Maybe I came across as outwardly sweet and demure, but inwardly possibly diabolical--dunno.
The thing that happened we all wish hadn't could not have been prevented with more rehearsal or anything else: Toward the end of the show, a woman with a heart condition became faint and had to go outside. Jim, one of our cast members, is a doctor and he went out to stay with her until the ambulance came. He missed a key segment, but the rest of us covered for him and I don't think anyone noticed.
Generally, things went smoothly and, most important, the audience was very receptive and appreciative. They were intent on enjoying themselves and that's always a great boost for performers.
After, we went to a local bar, drank beer and ate nachos, and had a ball hashing over the evening. What fun to be with these people, all much younger than I am, and feel part of this active, engaged, creative life!
Anyway, it was a terrific experience and now I'm looking forward to--yoicks!--playing the much longer and pivotal role of Ivana, the Hungarian psychic, next Sunday.

Saturday, June 06, 2009

The Drama Club show last night was good, but I was a bit melancholy remembering how I used to be part of it. (Actually, if there has to be a choice, I prefer LETCO.) I was concerned when it was announced that Marge--my friend and the founder and artistic director--wasn't there because she "wasn't feeling well" and I heard from Julie later that she had a problem with medication. Will call her later today.
Our show is tonight! Geez, I hope it goes well. We'll go over there and rehearse (the first time we're actually rehearsing at the place) at 4:45. Rather than take my outfit and change there, think I'll just go in costume. Still haven't looked at the revised script for the Surf City show next week. I want to concentrate on the hostess role now--will switch to the Ivana one after I clear my mind of that.
Rained all day yesterday, but luckily, isn't now.

Friday, June 05, 2009

Dress rehearsal: After borrowing five skirts from A., I decided to wear my own long black skirt and the black and white top I got for the Women's Club luncheon. Along with pearl and onyx jewelry, it looks pretty nice.
Rehearsal went okay, but I'll be glad to actually get to the place tomorrow afternoon. We have only that one time--a few hours before the show--to be there. Well, you gotta be flexible.
Got a much appreciated message back from niece Robyn on have to "project" by talking from the diaphragm. I tried to be conscious of that last night and hope I could better be heard.
Tonight, I go with Frank and Barbara to our own community's Drama Club show. It's "readers' theatre," though, which now seems like a snap to me.

Thursday, June 04, 2009

Gee-oh-gosh, we're really getting down to the wire with the show. Rehearsal last night went okay, although it was a bit disconcerting to play both parts, the hostess and the psychic. Also, the psychic part, which I'll play in Surf City, has been altered to fit with Shar-Pai Rescue, the organization sponsoring the Surf City gig. (Just looked at their web site, and boy, are those dogs ugly. Why anyone would want one is beyond me.) Got the new script today and will look at it later.
Another change is that the producer part, which Frank Next Door will play on Saturday, will be assumed by Rick Somebody, who just blew back into town. I remember him from the Seaport show last month. He's a big presence, with a big, booming voice and I understand he improvises a lot. He did a funny monologue at the Seaport, telling the "story" of the clams or something. He was good, but I think it lasted too long.
I was told I have to increase my volume/ I don't think I have a teeny-tiny voice, but clearly, it isn't as strong as it needs to be. Not sure, at this late date, what I can do about it, but I'll try just talking louder.
Tonight: dress rehearsal.

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Got to Santori's and stocked up on what I consider essentials: green-leaf lettuce, tomatoes, two kinds of squash, grapes, and feta. Stopped at Shop-Rite and picked up three more bags of mulch and a hanging plant of impatiens. The plant was only $5.99, but now I'm annoyed with myself for buying it, because it's not in great shape--no wonder it was so cheap.
Rehearsal last night was at co-director, Mary Ellen's house in Barnegat Light because where we usually meet was occupied. There are script changes for my Ivana role at Surf City on the fourteenth--yoicks! Hope I can learn them in time. (Well, I'll have to.)

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Handsome young doc came yesterday. As ever, it was at 9 am when Pat was still in bed. He adjusted the insulin slightly and the three of us talked about the skin cancers, of which he has various kinds, sizes, and degrees of seriousness. Pat (and I) have decided to simply let them go if they don't bother him too much, although we can put the Efudex on the forehead ones. I asked if Dr. Hottie would prescribe some kind of what I call a "mood elevator"--that is, an anti-depressant--and he did. Pat seems okay about taking it. I understand it's mild and sister Betty said it's often prescribed for older people. Betty called and we had a good chat.
A. came after work (school) to help me put the mulch in the front flower beds. It took only a short time, although it could have taken me an age, if I had be able to actually do it myself. I'm going to get more and she'll come again to get it down.
Got a message from P. and N. that they had tried to call several times on Skype, but never got me. Not sure why, but probably the computer was on and I just wasn't near it. Will look forward to seeing and hearing from them again.
Wider: From a very thought-provoking piece by Philip Giraldi called "Whence the Terror Hysteria? Follow the Money."on Anti-War.Com. It states in ghastly detail the money we're throwing down the rathole called "national defense" or "the war on terror," or some other Orwellian term and includes this simple truth:
"This huge war-driven economy is particularly difficult to comprehend given that the principal enemy is neither a foreign country nor a coalition of states. Contemporary terrorism is best describable as the tactic employed by a loosely wired political movement. There are no accurate statistics on how many terrorists there are in the world, but it is safe to assume that there are probably no more than several thousand Salafists, Islamic extremists who have an international agenda that makes them ideological foes of the United States and its allies."
Several thousand! Unimaginable amounts of money, enormous expenditures of time and thought, unbearable numbers of human sacrifices are all thrown in to combat these "several thousand!" In truth, perpetual war to enrich a handful of those at the top is what is in place.
Considering their rape and pillage of inhabitants of the world, those in the American war machine are the terrorists.

Monday, June 01, 2009

Continued the weeding project which clearly is eternal. Went to Acme and got myself fresh tuna for dinner. Found freshly-made, individual crab cakes for Pat. These were fairly expensive, but I thought it would be a special treat. Oh, Mimi, what a dreamer you are! He remarked that the nicely-seasoned, moist, and tender cake would never beat the old-fashioned kind--meaning the frozen, cookie-cutter, bland, tasteless.... Okay, taste is taste and I should know better than to try anything different.
Occupied myself with various and sundry otherwise. Dr. Mark called and will be here this morning. Nice chat with Ellen late in the day. Other than that, nothing much.
Wider: From The Washington Post comes the interesting note that the Department of Defense (sic) has issued a certain advisory:
"In a memo e-mailed this week to Pentagon staff members, the Defense Department's office of security review noted that "this administration prefers to avoid using the term 'Long War' or 'Global War on Terror' [GWOT.] Please use 'Overseas Contingency Operation.' "
Anybody surprised? Watch for this phrasing here and then, then listen hard for Orwell's chuckle.


Julie picked me up at 9;00, then we stopped for Regina and off we went to the BCNN  meeting. It was raining (horrors!) and we agreed we didn...