Friday, December 01, 2023


Finally, I got the damn chair-with-arms sent back to Amazon, ever-kind Suzanne driving me there. Annoyingly, (I think it has to do with Mike ordering it from Singapore), they wouldn't credit his credit card, but put the amount in my Amazon Prime account. Okay, I'll see if he'll let me reimburse him; I'm just glad to get it out of my living room. 

Funny stuff: I saw on Facebook that my friend, Noreen, hasd celebrated her birthday on Wednesday. Gee, I didn't know that, so yesterday, I called her to wish her a happy.  She told me her birthday was June 17th (she'll be 89) and she had no idea why it was listed as November 29 or who could have put it  there. We had a good laugh over that. 

I got this from The Townehouse and invited Suzanne and Vickie to go:  
Suzanne accepted; she and I were there last year, and it was enjoyable. Haven't heard back from Vickie yet, but I hope she can come.

Jumped in the shower, washed my hair, and prepared for the BCNN dinner out. We went to O-Sabi, the Japanese restaurant, and had a terrific time. I had the teriyaki chicken (took half home) and, of course, enjoyed the conversation, as well as the Chardonnay. I was amused to realize that the chef and virtually all the other employes, were about as Japanese as I am. Here's some of our group waiting for dinner:
My friend, Julie, is n the front on the left and Brigette, whom Julie picked up, too, is across the table in the orange sweater. On her right is Regina, whom I also know well.
Here's the chef or cook or whomever, doing the veggies:
And here's the spectacle everybody comes to see:
I don't recall ever seeing this in a restaurant in Japan; will ask the Tokyo crowd if it happens there.

Sharon called to tell me she won't be a T.O.P.S. today, as she has to straighten out her electric bill. She said she hasn't gotten a bill since February--nine months ago!-- and now owes seventeen hundred dollars. What in the world could explain that and what possible reason could there be for her not noticing? There are a multitude of other questions that immediately come up, but I didn't have the strength to ask them. I don't what kind of cell phone she has, but it get's extremely garbled and hard to understand. Anyway, I hope she gets the electricity thing--and maybe her complicated life--straightened out. Lora texted me to say she won't be there, either, as she and Todd are traveling to celebrate their thirty-fifth wedding anniversary. 

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