Tuesday, December 05, 2023


I hadn't meant to, but I spent a lot of time yesterday getting Christmas decorations out from high cabinets. I just got waylaid from what I meant to do first thing, which was make the Molloy's Irish Cream. I did that next, but by then, it was after lunch. No matter, they turned out well and now I want to make another batch, so I can give Julie, Lora, and Cheryl larger bottles, but I need more whiskey and heavy cream. 

Diane and I are going to that Reardon Funeral Home thing at Rincon Brewery today to hear, once again, how much fun it is to be cremated. After that, I'll bus to Bev Mo in the mall to get the booze, then stop at Von's for the cream. Julie called to say she'll pick me up for the BCNN Christmas luncheon tomorrow and I want to give her her gift then.   

Showered, washed hair, and dressed for the Soaring Spirits dinner. It wasn't until 6:00, but I left at 3:00, so I could pick up some things at Kohl's and Barnes & Noble first. Did so, including tissue paper and a few small gifts, sat and read for a bit at B & N, then went over to Stone Fire Grille.

There were twelve of us and we had a great time. Our leader, darling Vera, is on front right below (too bad you can't see her sweet face), pointing out the offerings for the gift exchange. Her husband was killed in an accident when they had a two-year-old boy and she was six months pregnant with Kendra, who's now 24.  Assistant leader Susan is second on the left. Her husband was a police officer and took his own life. 

And here's a shot from the other end of the table; Renee, a pickleball player with whom I'm friendly, is seated front left; her husband died of cancer. Across from her is Glenda, who's from the U.K. and lost her husband to heart disease. And so it goes...
Anyway, we had a ball and I got a lovely Christmas ornament:
Vera, who always takes me home, dropped me off at 8:00 after a fun outing with fellow widows and widowers, another tribe of mine.  

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Julie picked me up at 9;00, then we stopped for Regina and off we went to the BCNN  meeting. It was raining (horrors!) and we agreed we didn...