Friday, December 15, 2023


When I got up yesterday, I realized I had packed much too much for my trip. I don't know what I was thinking, but I had filled my large suitcase, that holds a ton, plus the carry-on that isn't even that small, either. I thought of asking Suzanne if she had more of a medium size, but then remembered she's leaving on the 23rd to have Christmas with her sister in Massachusetts or Iowa or one of the Godforsaken places. She might be an early packer, so I didn't want to ask. What to do?

What I did was to put on my jacket, grab my cart, and take first the 6, then the 11 bus to check out Target. Nearby, though, is Ross, so I stopped there first and found a reasonably roomy, but not too big, suitcase for 45 bucks. Bought it and--with some difficulty, since I was maneuvering two things on wheels--bused home. Transferred much of what I had packed into the new one and was pleased to see it all fit. I'm not sue if it can be a carry-on on not, but I don't care. I'll have only that, my purse, and my laptop carrier--much more manageable.  

I greatly dislike coming home to a messy place, so stripped the bed, washed and re-made, dry-mopped the hard floors, scoured the sink, and boiled some spinach. After seasoning, I put them in the freezer--well, not all of them, just the spinach 😁. 

Received more Christmas cards, and also, an invitation from Sharon for her husband's seventy-fifth birthday in January. Called her to respond in the positive. I also called Jeanne Painter and we had a good, old-buddies talk. She'll be in Jersey for Christmas, along with John, who will celebrate his ninety-fifty birthday shortly.

I opened the birthday present Vickie gave me the other day and here I am wearing it:

Vickie said she thought of me and my long-time human resources gig when she saw it. Funny!

So-o-o, assuming the plane stays up (and for me, that's a big assumption), I'll be in New Mexico when next I post. 

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