Wednesday, December 27, 2023


This will be sketchy, as I don't quite remember what all went on yesterday aside from packing up and shipping out.  After a greatly enjoyable Christmas season, we more or less went back to normal:  Greg went to work and we loaded up Ellen't car with my suitcases, presents, and extra blankets, then took off about 11:00. I asked El if we could go to WinCo first, as I needed paper towels and other stuff; she did, and stocked up herself. It took us a number of trips from the car to my place, but we got it all in. Had lunch, then Angel Ellen tackled the problem adding entries to this blog.

I won't go into it (I don't even remember what-all she did), but a major part entailed that old situation with my other email address. Anyway, she spent an hour or more trying this and that., until she finally succeeded. As for me, my part consisted mostly of weeping, wailing and wringing my hands--I was a lotta help--but finally, whatever she did worked. However, that seems to have effected my gmail, too, and I'm worried about trying to change it myself. Can't decide what to do, if anything.

I walked El to her car about 3:00 (3:30? 4:00?) with my grateful thanks and we ran into Val, mother of Leah, the young woman who lives above me. She's visiting from Pittsburgh and I've been wanting to have her for lunch. We arranged it for Thursday and I invited Suzanne (who will be back from her sister's today), too. Will see if Vickie could run over; she works at home, but gets of lunch break. It turned out that Leah has to work, so it would just be the four of us.

Now I have to turn my attention to loads of wash, cleaning up a bit, and deciding what to feed tomorrow's guests. I think just sandwiches, maybe a salad, and I'll make ice cream for dessert. 

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...