Friday, December 29, 2023


In the morning, I went back and forth to Von's, cleaned the bathroom, vacumned, and otherwise prepared for my company. They came at noon, Val bringing a salad and Suzanne olives. We first sat in the living room and chatted for a time, then sat down to lunch. It was good: turkey breast and tomato slices on rolls, deviled eggs, and the sides mentioned, plus drinks. The homemade ice cream went over big and Suzanne brought some chocolates, too. Wish I had thought to do a selfie, but didn't.

Val is interesting. In early her seventies, she's divorced, is Black, three children, and has two master's degrees, and a doctorate in education. Lives in Pittsburgh and still works part-time at a sexual abuse bureau for the city. She's leaving on New Year's Eve day.   

Cleaned up, then walked over the footbridge to the library, to drop off a book, then back. That was good because, with all the traveling, socializing, I've gotten a fair amount of movement in, but not much of the more vigorous kind. Just took a TV dinner out of the freezer--pad thai--and settled down. 

I need to make an appointment at The Townehouse to see what kind of money they want for a one-bedroom. I don't mean for now--or many never, if I get hit by a bus or something--but I've been urged to consider the future and I guess--reluctantly--I'll have to do that. Also want to go through my stuff and settle on a time to have the crapola donated. There's plenty I probably sell instead, but am not sure if I feel like going through the hassle. We'll see.

I got a notice from So-Fi to the effect that my rent is going up by $161 a month when my lease is up in February. It's highway robbery, of course, but since I've given up the getting another room, I'll just pay it. I can afford it and it's may be less expensive than comparable places. Most important, it's convenient for bussing, supermarket-ing, and getting my hair and nails done. 

Now it's 5:15 (am). Think I'll get in touch with Diane and see what's going on with her.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...