Sunday, December 31, 2023


Busy day again, so a quick rundown: I spent a good two hours after breakfast assembling, arranging, and wrapping the Christmas gifts for Mike and family, who will arrive today in Santa Barbara.  Happily, Ellen called to say they'd be coming to her place tomorrow, New Year's Day, where we'll all assemble. Gifts include catnip mice for Singaporeans Snickerdoodle and Malibu, plus Ellen's Gwennie and Cessy:
In the green plastic container is homemade peanut butter candy--like Reese's, but mine are better.

After that, I walked to The Market with my cart for olive oil, three pounds of tomatoes, and some other stuff. I had intended to pick up items at Wal-Mart, too, but decided more would be too hard to get home, so I'll get them at Target today. Had lunch, then prepared my usual oven-roasted "stewed" tomatoes; also cooked up the kabocha squash I bought the other day. What a chore--it has such a hard rind, it was hard to cut. However, I managed and had some for dinner. 

Greg texted me to ask if it was okay to invite Jim to come tomorrow; Ellen's okay with that. I said fine by me, and called Jim, who would like to, so he'll come here first and we'll be picked up about 10:00.


On Facebook, I saw the four-generation picture below. The older woman is my late husband, Pat's, sister-in-law, Regina, widow of his brother, Bill. With them are his brother, Mike's son, Dennis, and his daughter, plus her baby. What interests me, though, is the picture in the background.    

The caption says: "4 generations...actually 6 generations since the picture sitting on the ledge behind them are Den's grandmother and great-grandmother." (Pic posted on Facebook, March, 2016)
If those are Den's antecedents, then they're my children's, also.* I have very few pictures or other artefacts fro Pat's background, so I messaged the poster to ask if I can have a copy of it--and any others she  may have. 


Notes to myself: 
1. Cricket (my phone server) notified me that my card for payment was rejected. That's because I had it on the debit car I lose on the plane to New Mexico. Notified them with the new card number. I hope there aren't others. 
2. I was offered, then approved, for a new credit card from BOA. If I charge a thousand in the first three months, they'll credit me with $200.00. I"ve done this thee times before and, therefore, have made $600, so why not chalk up a bit more?

* Uh-oh. It just occurred to me that they could be Regina's birth family, not Bill's, so no relation to my children. Well, I guess I'll find out. 

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...