Saturday, December 02, 2023


Weight: up a tad (at home, .2 up to 127.4) and down a tad (at T.O.P.S., .07 down to 127.6), both inconsequential. There were only four of us at at the meeting (so called), but even so, we had a pretty long one, although mostly consisting of one of our therapy sessions. I asked Cheryl to drop me at Von's instead of home, as I wanted to replenish my garlic powder, onion powder, and paprika. Did so, and as soon as I finished breakfast, I made the chicken breast in the slow cooker recipe, which actually makes the best chicken I ever tasted. It entails a rub of the spices mentioned, plus oregano, salt, and pepper, and actually makes the best chicken I ever tasted. Put that in to simmer and prepared two baked apples to put into the microwave tonight. I then made a sandwich, added a can of Modelo, and bused into town. I had every intention of eating at my favorite spot across from the mission and strolled that way on Main Street.  I then saw that, as they do every years, the fire company had set up the Food Share into Christmas trees:


As I was admiring them, Stella called. She and her son, Joshua, had just come from Thousand Oaks and did I want to meet for lunch? By that time, it was almost three, but I hadn't had breakfast until 10:30, so sure, I'd love to. We went to Toppers Pizza and Transmission Brewery and had pizza--theirs are my all- time favorites--plus a glass of Leaderboard, a good hazy IPA. 

After we ate, Stella left us to go the The Wharf nearby, which sells expensive jeans and western wear. While she was gone, Josh and I got to know each other and discovered we have a lot in common. Not age, of course, as he's forty-two and I'm--well, not forty-two. We both question the political mores of this country; are pacifists (real ones, not the other kind, too many of whom I know); are what used to be called "fallen away Catholics"; and tend to questions all the cliches, bromides, and banalities we're fed from babyhood. Anyway, it was so refreshing and he's a neat guy.

Stella came back with a pair of black Levis for which she paid seventy dollars--yoicks! However, she's small and slender (see pic on Tuesday's post) and I like her sense of style; I know she'll look good in them. We didn't leave until 5:15 and--AAGH!--and walked out into full dark. They drove me to the transit center and I immediately got the 11 bus home.    

Ellen called on her way home and we discussed Greg's birthday, which is next Thursday (yes, Pearl Harbor Day). I said I'd like to take them to dinner. Later, Greg texted me to suggest I invite Jim, too, which I will. Will talk to Ellen and we'll firm plans up later.  

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...