Monday, December 04, 2023


Continuing my journey toward moral perfection 😂, I froze some of my slow cooker carrots after cleaning up a few more business/financial items. That including plowing through the boring crap from my new insurance company. I still haven't received my I.D. card or their book, but assume I will soon.

The big job: I dug out the many glass containers I've accumulated in order to contain my Molloy's Irish Cream as gifts. Since I bought them here and there--at dollar stores, thrift stores, and flea markets over a full year--I didn't realize how many I had. Wow, more than a dozen of various sizes and shapes. 

Once I gathered them, I decided which ones to keep, then left the less attractive ones at the recycle. After that, I filled the sink with detergent and hot water, washed them thoroughly. then sterilized them in the oven. All this took a considerable amount of time. Once they were sparkling, I shifted things in the fridge and put the containers in to await filling. 

Second phase: Packed a lunch and bused to the mall. After I ate, I went to Target for eggs, heavy cream,  and chocolate syrup; the rest of the ingredients I already had. Bought a Christmas gift for son Mike and made note of possible other gifts. Bused home and rewarded myself with a few games of Hurdle. This is a kind of take-off of Wordle, but more challenging, and I actually like it better. I still do Wordle every day, plus Collections, and Blossom. I should be ashamed to admit it, but I actually record how I do with those three games. At Wordle I almost never fail, Collections I only rarely win, and Blossoms is a different genre altogether. Obsessive, anyone?

I got this adorable card from the Tokyo Trio (names removed):

When did I get it? On Saturday, December second, a full eight days after Thanksgiving and I know it was mailed in plenty of time. I also know it isn't the Japanese post system that fell down on the job.  

Soaring Spirits dinner tonight, our last go-out until the new year. 

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...