Friday, December 22, 2023

Thursday--A Day That Will Live--Well, Who Knows How Long...*

Back in Ventura and what a great time in New Mexico! It's a stunningly beautiful state and driving hundreds of miles through it, travelers see lovely vistas all the way.  Here are a few glimpses:

In addition, we drove through areas with hundreds of hugely high wind turbines:
A very interesting part of the drive was this "searching for aliens" station, way, way out in the desert:
I couldn't get a good picture of the huge structures aimed up at the stratosphere, so I'll add theirs:
Stopped in Buckeye, next to Phoenix, overnight and had an interesting experience. After hours of driving, turned in early, but were awakened at 10:30 by the absolutely deafening fire alarm. Called the desk, but got no answer. Were guests going to be incinerated? No, as it turned out, a police officer came into the hallway (where people from other rooms had also gathered) to tell us it was a malfunction and there  was no fire, but we needed to evacuate while they checked further. Quickly half-dressed and waited for twenty minutes or so outside, where this was the scene:

We were then told we could safely go back to our rooms. Did so and fell soundly asleep for the rest of the night. 

Arrived back in Ventura about 2:00 to experience a phenomenon almost as remarkable as the towering peaks of the southwest: rain, and it had been going on for days.  

*That cryptic quote refers to the fact that as of yesterday, it's been EIGHTY YEARS since I graduated from Holy Spirit High School. I've received a multitude of birthday cards, gifts, and phone calls and other felicitations from loved ones, liked ones, and just happily-acquainted-with ones and I appreciate them all. I was taken out for my birthday to Spring Garden Chinese (my choice) and that was good, too. As for any little philosophical gems, nah, not my style. 


Anonymous said...

Eighty …I don’t think so…how about 69 years ago.

Mimi said...

But wait, it's seventy--I was 17 when I graduated.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...