Saturday, December 16, 2023


Plane flight wasn't bad--only an hour and a half, then got picked up and stopped at Applebee's for dinner. Slept well and it's now 5:10 am.

A neat thing that happened yesterday--besides getting here in this beautiful place--was the trip to LAX via the Airporter. A girl named Catherine and I struck up a conversation. It turned out that she just graduated from Thomas Aquinas College, in Ojai, and that she works as a server at Lure. I go there often and love their sand dabs. I gave her my card, as I often do with compatible people I meet. She remarked on the fact that I teach acting and when a woman sitting behind us heard that, she joined the conversation. It turns out that she teaches acting, also, but in a professional capacity. She has a masters in theatre arts and teaches in the Oxnard school district. When she heard I was with Fractured Actors and that auditions are coming up for a new show, she was very interested and said she'd email me. I suggested she look up FA's website and Facebook page, also. As for me, I think I'll get in touch with Shannon or Erica and see if there might be any small part for me. Hillary also sings, and that would surely interest F.A., too.


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Julie picked me up at 9;00, then we stopped for Regina and off we went to the BCNN  meeting. It was raining (horrors!) and we agreed we didn...