Wednesday, May 31, 2023


It was a pretty interesting day, probably because I did something different from the usual. Bused to the  Ventura Museum in town to attend the 11:30 luncheon and lecture by Jon Light, an employment specialist in non-profit organizations. Okay, that doesn't exactly describe me, but I fudged a bit: said I was thinking about an outfit to promote the idea of worldwide peace in schools. 

The large room (I've been there many times) was set up with round, tableclothed tables and chairs. I sat with a young woman who is the coordinator for a program called "Farm to School." The purpose? To try to get children to understand they don't have to be laborers to stay in farm work. There are lots of much higher-level (and better paying) positions if they have the educational background (generally, college) to qualify. I took her card and will mention it to Ellen. 

We were served box lunches from Pirano's (turkey pesto on rolls, pasta salad, and iced tea), then listened to the talk for close to two hours. It took me back to my human resources days at Rider, especially since employment law for profit and non- is the same. Here's a shot of the meeting:

After, I walked down the street to The Coalition and browsed a bit. Bused from there directly to Barnes & Noble, where I bought two of the puzzle books I like. Sprouts is in the same shopping center, so I stopped in to buy four pounds of big, beautiful grapefruit. Boy, that was heavy, especially with the two puzzle books. And, I also stopped on Von's on the way home for two pounds of strawberries; I like to eat them plain, as snacks. Practically staggered home, but made it.    

Called Noreen and we made a date for Friday lunch at the Paradise Cafe. 


I was distressed when I looked out the window on my way home to see this evidently homeless person asleep (or otherwise unconscious) right at the curb and right next to bus. 
Her--or her, I couldn't tell which--hand must have been only inches from the side of the bus. How did we get to this horror? Why can't something be done?  But what would that be? And in the meantime, the rich and powerful shed their crocodile tears and dance and dance while the band plays on... 

Tuesday, May 30, 2023


Slept well, not actually getting up until 6:00. After breakfast, I looked up a recipe on how to prepare boneless, skinless chicken breast in the slow cooker. Found a good one--simple, but nicely seasoned--and I started that off before I walked to Smart 'n' Final. There, I got two pounds of carrots, tangerines, and a few other items, then stopped at The Dollar Tree (now The Dollar Twenty-Nine Bush) for more solar lights. No bus service yesterday, which was good for me, as I walked there are back and got another three miles in. 

Stella texted me, asking if I could meet her at the botanic gardens, then go to lunch at Cajun Kitchen. I told her there was no bus service, and she suggested I ask a friend to take me, or use Uber. No, thank you very much, we'll do it another time. In the meantime, she texted me several pictures and a video of the gardens.

I tried a slice of the chicken breast when it was done and, oh, mama, that was about the best I've ever had--moist, tender, and perfectly seasoned. I put it in the fridge to have for dinner and ate my turkey breast sandwich for lunch. After, I scrubbed and trimmed my carrots and slow-cooked them in the broth sauce I had left over from the chicken.  

Watered my flowers, put the solar lights in the ground and went next door to check on Suzanne's patio plantings. They didn't seem to need water, I guess because it's been so cloudy and cool. She'll be home today, not sure what time, but probably late and I'm going to the thing at the museum, so may not see her until Wednesday. 

Continued reading my niece's hundred-and-some-page family history book.  It's interesting, if a bit--well, sugarcoated. She also included a fair amount of historical and explanatory additions, much of which I skipped over. The book reminds me somewhat (but it's better than) the one Suzanne's niece wrote about the women in their family.  All her female relatives were "inspirational" (whenever I see or hear that word, I assume illiteracy) and candidates for sainthood.  Joan editorializes quite a bit, often injecting praise for her parents' patriotism and assuming all know the military is a noble undertaking.  Quite a contrast to this book, which I'm now reading:

Anyway, I'm enjoying much of Joan's; I guess it's just as well the sturm und drang I remember isn't included. 

A bit at loose ends--yes, I should have been filing or pulling weeds, or something, but I didn't feel like it--I walked over to the shopping center in the late afternoon and bought Fathers Day cards--five of them, for my sons, grandsons, son-in-law, and Greg. 

Monday, May 29, 2023


Did my usual Sunday routine--the crossword was particularly enjoyable--then packed my lunch and walked to Ralph's (Supermarket). As I was sure she would be, Diane was already there, although I was early. We browsed a bit, but I didn't see anything better than Von's, so we left and strolled to the outdoor kind of circular park, with fountain. I've gone there myself several times and Diane likes it, too, so here we sat down to eat and talk and talk and talk.  Brother Larry called while we were eating, so I told him I'd call when I got home.

Diane is still very much into Eckert Tolle and expounded at length on his teachings. I've heard a lot of this before and have seen some videos he's done, but am not particularly interested. Diane wants to teach a course for members of our women's club (BCNN), but doesn't want to attend the meeting. I'm not sure she'll get many to sign up, but who knows? After three hours, I walked Diane to Telephone Road, where she got the bus home. I walked back to my place instead of busing, so got three miles in. 

Called Larry after dinner and we chatted away. Shortly after, my niece, Joan, called to say she had finished her family chronicle book and would like to send it to me. She did, I started reading it, and it's not bad. She's writing it for her two little granddaughters, who I know will appreciate it. I'd like to share it with my grandchildren and great-grands, at least the part that concerns her mother, my older sister.  Will finish it today, and contact Joan with comments.

Ellen called in the evening just to chat, which I always enjoy. She's counting the hours until the summer break--two and a half more weeks, then freedom. One year after that, retirement--WOW!

Yesterday, May 28, the two surviving Dionne quintuplets, Annette and Cecile, turned 89 years old:

Here they are a few years before, with sisters Emilie, Marie, and Yvonne and, oh, yes, with Allan Roy Defoe, their doctor, their savior, but also, it could be said, their nemesis:

I've been thinking for some time that I might revive my Whatever Happened to the Babies?  presentation about the quints. I haven't done it for years (never in California) and of course, I still have a mountain of the material I've collected over the years. Only problem would be trying to figure out and get help with, the electronic part. Will mull it over. 

Sunday, May 28, 2023

Saturday: Sun And A Sister

I finally got some long-deferred chores done, including three loads of wash. They weren't all clothes; since I have a washer and dryer in my apartment, I never let wash pile up. I first washed bedclothes, re-made the bed, then put in the bath rugs and mats; finally, I washed a light load of clothes. In with them, I put the bath mat.

Oh, isn't that just a fascinating chronicle of my glamorous life? Yes, and there's more!

I vacuumed the living room, then used the Bona method, as usual, to dust and mop, the hard floors. This is a chore I greatly dislike, but it's not really that tough and, considering the size of my place, is finished in twenty or so.

Went over to Von's for bread and lunchmeat, as I'm meeting Diane for lunch today.  I had thought I'd bus into town, but I just didn't feel like it, so took a short walk. Putzed around here, instead; cleaned the bathroom and roasted my big cauliflower with the mayo/parm spread I really like. Salmon for dinner, then just hung out. I think I'll see if Noreen can go to lunch tomorrow, as no buses are running. Either that or I'll invite Jim for lunch; dunno. 

Son Mike videoed me after dinner (morning in Singapore for him) and we chatted. He said Paula and Violet were out bike-riding and that Vivian likes Frank Sinatra, just as her grandfather did. He and I saw him at Atlantic City Convention Hall--probably one of his last--although I much preferred Nat K.C. and Johnny Mathis. 

Although the sun finally broke through--we've been going through May gray and I hope it won't be followed by June gloom--aside from Von's, I didn't go out much. Will today, I'm happy to say, and I fervently want the sun to stay. (Plus, she's a poet--oh, Mmi, shut it!)

I did a jigsaw of this fascinating picture, colorized by Sergery Rauzin, of a Sister during the civil war. That face! What could her life have possibly been like?

Saturday, May 27, 2023


No T.O.P.S yesterday, so about 11:00, I went with my little cart to Von's and got two pounds of extra jumbo shrimp (raw, frozen); two skinless, boneless chicken breasts; a pound of big, beautiful strawberries; and a gigantinormous cauliflower. Stowed them and was just about to make lunch when Stella called. She was down at the Green Thumb on Victoria and did I want to go to lunch? Sure, why not, and she suggested IHop. Hmm...usually not a choice of mine, but I said okay, I'd walk down there. She then said she'd pick me up and how about The Cajun Kitchen in town, instead? Fine by me and that's where we went. 

Stella kept saying we had been there before, but I assured her she must be thinking of someone else because I never had. After lunch, she can also be assured I'll never be there again. Why? Because I had exactly the same meal there--a cheeseburger and a beer--that I had had at the Victorian Pub with Diane three days ago and it totaled almost exactly ten dollars more--infuriating! The cheeseburger was $14.50, as opposed to $11.00 at the Pub and what gets to me is that the former is much more attractive, better decorated, and for me, in a considerably more convenient location. The C.K. is just a little hole-in-the-wall luncheonette. --😠Okay, rant over.😡--      

I'm participating in a BrainHealth study and spent more than an hour on the tests, which are varied and extensive. Hope it does somebody some good. I wasn't all all hungry, so skipped dinner; just had some cheddar crackers and yogurt while watching my hour of Netflix. 

I love this shot somebody posted on Facebook of the Ventnor beach and pier at sunrise; saved it and also did a jigsaw of it:

The mottled sand reminds me of a whale or sea dragon, with one big eye up top.

Friday, May 26, 2023


I spent a few hours in the morning composing and printing a letter to my BCNN Acting for Amateurs gals--an actual, old-fashioned letter that I put in envelopes with stamps and a return address, then dropped in the little box reserved for the post office. Why that, instead of  email? Because several of my now six-member class don't look at their email. Also, I wanted to alert them to some things (timing, gestures, facial expressions, etc.) of which they should put into practice before they do their plays at the next meeting. Actual printed instructions seem more substantial than an ethereal email they'd have to print out themselves.

Called Diane about coming to lunch on Monday, but since there's no bus service then, she suggested Sunday. She thought that we--including Greg--could bring our lunches and meet near the library, as she and I often do. I doubted very much if Greg would want to do that, but said I'd ask.  

After lunch, I bused to Lassen's and asked.  Greg wasn't enthusiastic about it and realized that I wasn't, either, so we agreed to put off the Diane/Greg/Eckert Tolle meeting until a later time. Just as well and, frankly, I was relieved. Before I left Lassen's, I bought a grapefruit, marveling at how much more expensive all their things are. 

Bused home and got a few other things done--they can't be of major importance, since I don't remember what they were. Vickie called to tell me she had finally met Sharon's husband, Lewis, at Sticks Pool Hall. She said he's a rememarkle player--ranked a 7, which is close to the top. Vickie herself is a 6, but in her characteristically modest manner, said she was over-rated. She's undergoing a new treatment for the cancer: a pill taken for six weeks, I think, then some weeks off, then more. She said the full regime costs something like a hundred thou--incredible. I fervently hope my friend will recover, but the news doesn't sound good.

Coincidentally, we had just hung up when she and I got a text from Suzanne, who's enjoying her trip to Canada with Sister Beatrice. Here they are having high tea at Butchardt Gardens--not sure what province: 


Made a ground turkey stir-fry for dinner. Besides the onions, peppers, and garlic, I added spinach, and it was yummy. Had enough left to freeze for another meal. 

Thursday, May 25, 2023

Wednesday With The Guys

Jim picked me up at noon and off we went to Ojai. Greg had made curried chicken, spinach, and a summer salad--delicious, as all his fare is. Although he doesn't usually serve dessert, he had also picked up some good cookies at the Hip Vegan. Jim had wine, I beer, and Greg water. 

After a leisurely meal, we sat outside in the sunshine and talked and talked. I mentioned Diane's guru, Eckhart Tolle, the German spiritual advisor, and to my surprise, Greg has read his books and knows a lot about him. My friend, Diane, is a Tolle Teacher of Presence and is devoted to the guy. Impulsively, I invited Greg over on Monday for lunch and will ask Diane, too. 

We stayed until after 4:00, then said goodbye with many thanks. When we got a few miles down on Route 33, though, there was a road block and detour. I had no idea how to get back to Ventura and Jim, being helpless in a situation like that, didn't either. I called Ellen, who was buying specially made shoes (at almost 200 bucks a pop) in Ventura and, after a lot of back and forth, she told me where to go. However, we decided to see if it might be open, drove back and it was, so we got back with no further problems.   

It occurred to me that Monday, Memorial Day, may not be a good time to have the two Tolle devotees over, as there's no bus or van service that day (impossible to understand why). Maybe I'll ask if they can come on Sunday or another time, instead. 

Talked to Ellen later, partly about the alarming increase in Jim's condition. However, Greg had told her he had pretty much joined in our conversation, and that was so. If he wasn't exactly Chatty Charlie, at least he expounded on a few topics. 

Got it in two today (Thursday, 6:00 am):

Wordle 705 2/6




Notes to myself: 

1.) Called the hematologist's office, as they hadn't gotten back to me about an appointment. Was told Dr. Banta looked at the blood tests, said there was no change, and I didn't need to see him. Good to know. 

2.)  Sent for Heloise's pamphlets on baking soda as cleaner and most-requested recipes. Cost: $12, charged on Bank of the West card.

Wednesday, May 24, 2023


I wanted to exchange for size some underwear I bought the other day at Target, so bused there before I met Diane for lunch. Did so and had time left, so went to The Market to pick up jumbo paper clips. I wasn't surprised to see Diane there; she's usually early for anything, as I am. 

We strolled the few doors down to the Victorian Pub. My friend, Bobbi, who's friendly with the owners, recommended the curry pasta and I was gong to order it--until I saw the word "spicy" on the menu. Oh, no, I wasn't going to take a chance. Diane ordered it and I took a taste of hers--so glad I didn't get it. I had a cheeseburger (since I don't eat beef at home, I often have one out), and it was yummy along with the Topa-Topa ale. 

As ever, we talked for a long time; stayed about two hours, then I walked Diane to the bus stop, then  walked home. Tried to nap, but couldn't, so got up.  

This was on the Ventnor Facebook page and oh, boy, I see the water, and feel the sun and the sand under my feet:


Speaking of pictures, my daughter-in-law posted these of herself and my two darling granddaughters---not sure it was on Mothers Day or not:
And here's Violet, 14, with an incredible concocton called "a sweet and salty crazy shake." 

Greg texted to ask what time we preferred for lunch today; I told him 12:30 and called Jim to ask him to pick me up at noon. 

Tuesday, May 23, 2023


Acting for Amateurs went pretty well,  considering we were short one.  I asked for input as to when or where we next meet, Memorial Day being out and it was agreed we'd simply extend by a week. 

I opened with having the group provide the answers to their "homework": what factors make you believe in what you're seeing?  I was looking for single words or short phrases and had to corral the superfluous comments, which can be a a problem with this group. I then talked about what works in comedy, giving them some particulars (timing, the element of surprise, and so on). I gave them their scripts and had them break into groups to read and run through them. It worked okay for me to do Olga's part in both The Potato Family and the devil's in Hell on Wheels. Both were received well. 

We talked for a bit after and Dusty, BCNN president, asked if I'd present at one of the fall meetings. I'm not too anxious to do it, but said I'd discuss it with her.  I'm definitely not going to do it without at least two rehearsals beforehand and how that can be arranged, I don't know. Also, I don't want to do it unless all in the group--now only six--can participate.  

After, I talked to Susan S. for some time. She is a retired archaeologist--as is her husband--has a doctorate and has been named to Ventura's Heritage Board  I like her a lot and hope to see more of her. After she left, I joined Dusty A. and Joan T. in conversation. We stood talking for an hour, discussing writing, acting, our past lives, and on from there.

Home at 2:00, had lunch, then bused to Target at the mall. Got underwear and pretzels, strolled around a bit, then bused home. I seasoned and put in the oven the chicken legs and thighs I had bought the other day and had one for dinner. Delish. 

Called Jim to see if he was available for "Lunch With Greg" tomorrow. He is and we chatted. Called Ellen to say we'd be there. She won't be, I'm sorry to say, as she'll be working, so it will just be the five of us: besides me, Greg, Jim, Gwennie 🐱, and Cessy 🐱.


Monday, May 22, 2023

Sunday With Jim, The Birdies, And Rants

Jim picked me up at noon and off we went to the Olive Garden in Oxnard. I had gotten directions from Mapquest and carefully instructed him where to go, mile by mile. We got there, were seated, and what ensued is documented in rant #2 below. 

Home about 1:30; Jim came in and we sat and talked and talked, on a range of topics from religion to philosophy, Schopenhauer to Eckerd Tolle, Krishnamurti to Dr. Besant. He didn't leave until 5:00, after which I looked into Suzanne's patio to see if it was okay. It was.  Noreen called while Jim was here, so I said we'd talk later. Talked to Ellen and Greg, who were on their way to dinner and we made a tentative date for Jim and me to go there for one of Greg's wonderful lunches. 

At 7:20 last night, I was annoyed to receive an email from Olga F-S, who had failed to show for the first session, asking to be removed from the group because it interfered with her volunteer duties. I now have a carefully planned meeting which convenes in a few hours, that I'll have to reconfigure almost on the spot. I'm beginning to wonder why I ever thought this was a good idea.  

But on the bright side: I had bought an enormous bag of bird seed at Von's, put some out, and enjoyed seeing the little avian darlings pecking it up.  Here's one on my patio wall, wide and up close:

The cane? I used it to navigate into Suzanne's Patio. There are stepping stones leading up to it and I find them too precarious without a prop.


Rant Warning #1: The Olive Garden website lists pictures and names of  "lunch-sized portions" and each one says "currently unavailable." I couldn't understand that, so called, and was told that on weekends, they serve only dinner-sized portions (at twenty bucks and up),  unless you tell your server you want to order off the lunch menu. I consider that another outrageous example of corporate-think, which goes "how can we squeeze the last penny out of our customers?" Of course, many already require patrons to stand at a counter and order when they first arrive and to add a tip and to suggest an amount or a percentage of tip, starting a 25 and to get their own napkins and utensils, but this is beyond the pale. Next, we'll be told we have to go to the kitchen and cook the stuff.  

Rant Warning #2: Got to O.G., sat down, and told the server we wanted lunch portions. She objected, pointing to the menu. I told her I had called and was told that was permitted. She continued to object and I asked her to talk to the manager. She did, came back, and finally agreed to serve us lunch. I foolishly ordered shrimp scampi pasta, just what I had had at Casa Bella. It had been so good there, but the Olive Garden version was truly mediocre and very sparse.* I should have ordered what Jim did, eggplant parm, which was excellent, he said, plus it was substantial and came with a side of spaghetti. Of course, there was the side salad and breadsticks, which were okay. Jim had a glass (half a glass, that is, they never fill it) of cabernet which, incredibly, was $9.25; I don't spend that much for a bottle. My Blue Moon, the smaller size, was $7.79--and I complain about the Stone Fire Grille, where they charge five bucks! Anyway, the bill came to an unbelievable $54.96. Worth it? Guess.

*Reminds me of the old joke: "Waiter, I have a complaint: The entree was terrible and there wasn't enough of it."  😁

Sunday, May 21, 2023

Saturday And Show Biz

I spent virtually the ENTIRE day getting session two of Acting for Amateurs in shape. I chose two humorous plays, then laboriously assigned roles. I plan to first ask for their "homework" results, the assignment being to notice what elements go into believing what one sees in a show. I'll put them on the big notebook on the easel, then I'll follow with writing the elements of comedy. After that, I'll give them twenty minutes or so to read their scripts and (I hope we'll have time) to do a quick run-through privately.  I'll then have them do it for the group.

I chose The Potato Family--just a skit, really, but it goes over pretty big--and Hell On Wheels, a much more ambitious piece in rhyming couplets. This last includes the devil, the part Jim played when he was in my A. for A. for SCAN years ago. Since we have no men, I decided to read that myself (type-casting, maybe? 😄).

I took a break about noon and went over to Von's for oatmeal and birdseed. Continued until lunch, ate, and then finished up. Having slept so poorly, I took an hour's nap; felt okay when I got up.  

I called Joan T., who's in the group to tell her that meeting at her place gathering room would be a last resort for Memorial Day. What I want to try is to get people to come on Tuesday, instead; barring that, Thursday or, as a last resort, Wednesday, in which case, I'll have to postpone my dental appointment. 

Finally got to Carole D. to alert her that T.O.P.S. won't meet next Friday. It's unbelievable that her "voice mail" goes to a recording that says callers must provide a five-number (or whatever it is) "registration." When I finally got her and questioned her about it, she said yes, she had very poor phone service--so why in the hell doesn't she do something about it? It's weird.

Saturday, May 20, 2023

Flitting Around On Friday

Weight: at home, 128.8, a gain of .08; at T.O.P.S., 129.6, a .05 gain, but still within my comfort zone. There were only four of us and we just chatted about our struggles with weight, but at least it was on-topic.  Three of us will be traveling next week; Lennie to her sister's in Idaho, Cheryl to her granddaughter's in Colorado, and Lora, on a river cruise in Europe. Therefore, we made an executive decision to skip the meeting next week and I volunteered to notify the four other regular members. 

Home and breakfast after 10:00, then I did a few chores, packed my lunch, and set off with my little cart to meet Diane at our usual time and usual spot (12:30 on Telephone Road). We ate, talked, and talked, and talked--didn't say goodbye until 4:00. I then thought I walk to Wal-Mart, but took a different route and, incredibly, got lost. I had to ask somebody in which direction I could find Victoria Avenue and was told I was going the wrong way. Once I got there, I decided not bother with Wal-Mart; I just need oatmeal and bird seed and can get them at Von's.

Called Jim and invited him to lunch on Sunday at Olive Garden--I'm treating him for his birthday--and we talked. He's at a pretty low ebb, his last class having been last Monday. Said he'd apply for unemployment, but hasn't done it yet (he should have done it as soon as he got his separation notice). I guess we'll talk about it tomorrow.

Today, I want to get the rest of my A. for A. prep done, including getting the scripts in the binders. I want to formalize and print my notes, too--thank Zeus the printer seems to have settled down.  

Unfortunately, after enjoying good sleep for several weeks, things went awry. I woke up a little after one and just couldn't get back for several hours. Considering I probably got three miles of walking in, it's probably because of thinking about A. for A. May take a nap today.

I came across this yesterday: yours truly in the botanic garden in Singapore. Must be fifteen or so years ago. Think I'll make a jigsaw out of it. 

Friday, May 19, 2023


If I wake up early (as I always do), I like to stay in bed until 5:00, but yesterday, I got up at 4:30. Had breakfast early, too--at 7:15, instead of my usual 8:00. After that, I spent a solid three hours on planning, assembling, writing, and otherwise getting my next Acting for Amateurs meet ready. First, I'll see if all in the group can meet another day, as the gathering room won't be available, dammit. I really don't want to meet at Joan's: for one thing, the  buses and Access Van don't run that day, so somebody would have to take me; for another, I don't want to drag over all the parapheniala my program requires; moreover, I need to set up the space the way I want it and I can hardly do that at Joan's. 

This Monday, I'm going to go over the assigned "homework" and use the easel to write down what the group contributes about how plays and players convince us to suspend our disbelief and think we we see is actually happening. After that, I'm going to distribute copies of The Potato Family and Hell On Wheels which I will have assigned to particular members. I'll have them read them over for fifteen or so, run over them with others, then perform for the group. It's going to be tough to fit that into an hour, but maybe I'll extend.

I had just finished when Suzanne came over to give me her key for the mail, her sister's number in case of an emergency, and a bag for her mail. She also asked if I'd water her patio (she has a hose, lucky her) and can cut and take her roses that are beautifully blooming. She leaves today and will meet Sister Beatrice in Canada.

After that, I took my cart and bused to town. On Wednesday, I had stopped into The Coalition and seen loose leaf binders I want to give my group for their scripts. Bought five, as I have others at home.

Ellen called on her way home and we had a good long talk. She told me about the trials and triumphs of teaching a third-grade class, especially during the state-mandated tests. T.O.P.S. today and I know I'm up--been going out an noshing on cheddar fish too much.    

Thursday, May 18, 2023


I spent the morning fighting with the new printer. I don't want to go into details, but it had to do with the WI-FI thing. I called Yandoo and was told that, since I got the modem myself from Motorola, they couldn't fix it. The printer itself keeps telling me on the tiny, hard-to-read screen that there's an easy WL setup, but it sure as hell isn't easy to me. Regardless, I foolishly printed out 17 pages of this:

(I still don't know how to put pictures side by side.)
This was, and still is, a center for Protestant missionaries across from St. James. As I kid, I always thought it strange and mysterious, wondering what the purpose was for the building. Somebody on the Ventnor Facebook page put the whole brochure on and, impulsive as ever, I started printing it out. After the got most of it, I got a message from said printer that the ink and toner are running low--AAGH! However, it seems to be sporadically okay, and I'll deal with it later.

Showered and dressed, then left for town about 2:00. It was good to be there without my cart and I stopped into The Coalition (thrift store) to look at loose leaf binders. Happily, used ones were only sixty-nine cents and I plan to go back today to buy enough for each of my students to have one for her script.

I enjoyed strolling around town, although a little too cool and breezy for my taste. Got to Casa Bella at 4:00 for Happy Hour and had a good time. There were about 19 or 20 of us and I was bracketed by two Joans--Holland and Smyth--whom I like. The latter went into her life and family (husband, one daughter, at Colorado State, hubby has a doctorate in some kind of science field, Joan was a pharmaceutical rep); yes, she talked a lot, but I enjoyed it. Other Joan is divorced, no children because she didn't want children, and her maiden name is Smith--these people are trying to drive me crazy!

It was fun, though, and the food was yum. I had shrimp scampi pasta and a Topa Topa (beer), which, of course, was dinner; in fact, I took half home. Sat across from Diane and after, we lingered outside (Casa Bella has tables with pristine white tablecloths and fancy chairs out front) to chat. Made a date for lunch tomorrow at our usual outdoor place. 

Home at 7:15 and found a voice mail from Ellen, saying she had called on her way home from work just to chat. I didn't hear the phone and have no idea why not. Texted back and forth and she said she and Greg had gone out to dinner and were taking a walk, so she'll call me today.

I was charmed to get a "late happy mothers day" text from darling granddaughter Vivian, along with a cartoon pic of a girl. Sent her back a loving message. 

Wednesday, May 17, 2023


Suzanne and I left for WinCo at 9:00 and I stocked up mainly on my staples: mushrooms, spaghetti squash, cauliflower, spinach, grapefruit, and mandarins. Got some other stuff, too. Home, I put them away, then tackled choosing the content for next week's A. for A.

Speaking of--there have been some changes. Joann D., who is 90, told me she would have to withdraw, as her hearing is not adequate (although she wears an aid). However, I called Olga F.S., who wasn't present for the first session, and yes, she'll be at the next. Joan T. emailed, then called, to tell me she had reserved the all-purpose room where she lives at the harbor (I've been there and it's an attractive  community), so we could meet there next time on Memorial Day, where this gathering room is closed. I told Joan I'd make a decision after our next meeting. I will not put it to a vote. This undertaking is a lot of work and I'm the one who labors, so I'll decide. 

Here are some things I have to consider: The transportation company doesn't operate that day, so someone would have to pick m up and take me home. If some have other plans for Memorial Day, it may be pointless, if we can't rehearse the plays I'll have distributed. If we don't meet at Joan's place, I have to decide to either extend into the second week in June (and that may run into kids home from school, vacation plans, and so on), see who all might be able to meet one time another day, or simply end at three meetings, the first week of June.        

Joan T. emailed to the effect that another BCNN member, Sally B., asked if she could sit in next Monday. At first, I refused, but now I'm thinking I may change my mind. I did say she could sit in if she wants to.

Back to content: I decided to do comedy this time and drama after that. As of yesterday, I tentatively chose The Truth, The Embellished Truth, And Nothing Like The Truth; Help Wanted--NOT!; When Cooks Confer; and Tootie Looks At Real Estate. Now I have to laboriously assign roles, and will try--it won't be easy--to evenly distribute them. 

Late in the afternoon, I did about an hour's food prep, cooking the squash, roasting the mushrooms, and cauliflower, and adding salmon and rice for dinner. Now I have a good supply of veggies ready to be heated up. 

Got this yesterday--two days after, thanks to the abysmal mail system--for Mothers Day from the Tokyo Trio. The not-so-little cutie patootie lettered it himself (names obscured) :

Below are some of the cards and gifts from my other treasures:

BCNN Happy Hour at Casa Bella in town, at 4:00 today. 

Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Monday And Acting For Amateurs

 At 9:00, I went over to what I  call "the gathering room" in the main building to set up the area for Acting for Amateurs. As participants came in, this is what they saw ("Acting for Amateurs" is under the "do not disturb arrangement" sign):

Note the young woman at the booth. She works from home and uses the room every day--not sure why she doesn't use her apartment. However, she's very nice and we hoped neither would disturb the other (she sometimes has meetings on-line). As it turned out, neither did; the acoustics were okay, I guess.

The group came in, one by one--now eight in all, as Diane had called earlier to say she had decided she just had too many groups and clubs, so dropped out. However, Olga didn't show up and I think--can't quite remember--I was told she was ill, so yesterday's class was seven.

Incredibly, it turned out very well. I announced a few things first, then told them I wanted to "unleash your creativity." To that end, I had an improv session, then had teams of two take random the items I had bagged. They were then to have about ten minutes to work up a dialog which included mention of the item and I gave them two minutes to present their scenarios. They all did pretty well; surprisingly, Sherry and her partners (because of the uneven number, there were three of them) came up with a very imaginative little skit.

After, I gave them homework: To chose a supporting player from a play, t.v. show or YouTube and list the ways the viewer is persuaded things are actually happening. I tried to intimate, without naming the ways it's done, that they needed to look at the set and so on, also. Dollars to doughnuts most of them will write down only what they see or hear the actor do, and ignore the set, the sound effects, the script, the costumes, and so on. Anyway, they all seemed to enjoy it and next week, as I told them, I'll assign parts in scripts. That will pose a problem, as I want to be as even-handed as possible. 

So it went well, but was pretty tiring. Also, a big problem is that it won't be available on Memorial Day. Not sure what to do about that. Got home to see a text from Vickie, who came over to clean my laptop screen--I just don't want to go into an explanation, but I enjoyed talking to her. Had lunch, did a few "business" chores, called the hematologist's office for an appointment, and so on. At 4:30, I walked to the post office, mailed some brochures to my tenants, then took the 6 bus to the transit center, boarded the 11, and got to Stone Fire Grille for dinner with the Soaring Spirits crowd at six.

We had two new members, Jo and Tony, neighbors in Santa Paula, who had lost their spouses within a year of each other. Enjoyed talking to them, had my pasta and Hazy IPA, then Vera took me home; got in a bit before 8:00. Earlier, Sharon had called to tell me she had fallen in her kitchen ("there was blood everywhere"), family members couldn't get her up, and finally, the fire department had to be called. She was in the hospital overnight, seemingly improving now, but she has two black eyes and other hurts, so won't be at T.O.P.S. on Friday. 

I had a text from Suzanne, asking if I want to go to WinCo this morning, so I'll me her outside at 9:00. I also want to take some of the old printer's ink back to Office Depot, new and used. I can be reimbursed for the unopened and get a credit for used.    

Monday, May 15, 2023

Sunday: So Good

Good new: My problem and heartache of the other day was resolved and I am so relieved. I changed the bed and did two loads of wash before the Access Van picked me up and got me to Ellen's at noon. She and I then sat in the glorious sunshine in her yard with cocktails and hors d'oeuvres while Greg made the yummy lunch of salad with a dressing of his own making and roasted chicken, onions, sweet peppers, and tomatoes:

We ate, I opened presents, then we watched part of an Indian movie, called The Stranger, and greatly enjoyed it. After that, we went to Bart's Books and as ever, browsed for an hour or so. I bought two--a chronicle of child psychopaths (yeah, I like that kind of thing) and The Deserter's Tale, by a former U.S. combatant in Iraq who--well, deserted. So far, I've only dipped into it here and there and from that, can see he just didn't want to participate in the slaughter. Greg put my easel together fairly easily; I would still be puzzling over it. 

I wish we had gotten a pic of the three of us, but forgot; here are El and the old--old as the freakin' hills, damnit!--lady:

I also took one of El and either Gwennie or Cissy (I can never tell) cuddling. Some would be grossed out by cat-on-the-table, but I'm not. There are too many things to worry about in life and that's not one with top priority in my book.
After Bart's Books, it was back to Ellen's until the Access Van came to pick me up. I've had this driver before--Tommy and he's a doll--in his late twenties, blond, handsome, and very personable. We chatted all the way home and Tommy told me about his new Alaskan husky ("Ghost," a cute name for a dog) and that he and his boyfriend had just separated; it was a hard breakup and I commiserated. While we were driving, Mike PMed me to say Happy Mothers Day; it was Monday morning there and he was taking his before-work walk.

Home at 6:30, then a shower, then Netflix for an hour, then beddy-bye.  

Note: I have NO IDEA why the print size varies. I must have done something, but don't know what and am going to leave it.

Sunday, May 14, 2023


Stumped as to how to get the printer to work, it occurred to me to ask Vickie if she had ever used a computer tech. I texted her and she said she herself would come over and, if she couldn't do it, her pool friend, Mike, would. She came, she was here for a good hour and a half, and YAY--it's working! I don't want to go into detail about it, but it was pretty complicated.

Anyway, by that time, it was 11:30 and I told Vickie I'd like to visit Ivy Lawn, where her long-time partner, Mary, is buried, then I'd like to take her to lunch. She was up for that and off we went.

I love cemeteries and Ivy Lawn is a beauty. It's a shame it wasn't sunny--June Gloom a month early--but it was still beautiful. Mary's ashes are buried with others in this lovely "reflection garden" and here's Vickie at Mary's eagle:

I had cut a rose from my miniature rose bush and left it for Mary on the eagle:
I took other pics, but I'll add only the following here. It's actually the back of an angel sculpture, but when we approached it, I immediately saw an agonized face:
Carolyn Dudley, of Dudley House, and many of her family are buried here, too. I had been to see her grave before I impersonated her at the county fair--could it be five years ago? Yep.

From the cemetery,  we went to the Hill Street Cafe and sat out on the patio. Both had hamburgers (I don't buy red meat, but I'll eat it when I'm out) and we laughed when I asked mine to be very rare (I want to hear a faint "moo" from it) and Vickie wanted hers very well done. We talked and talked--got to know each other better and what a good friend she is to have. 

Home, I took an hour's nap, then printed out my first week's agenda for A. for A. Today, Mothers Day, the Access Van will pick me up and take me to Ellen's, and Greg will make us lunch. My unfortunate problem of Friday  was eased a bit by talking it over with El and another person close to me, so I'm feeling marginally better and am trying to put it behind me.  

Saturday, May 13, 2023


Now it's official: It really was a freakin' Friday because when I got  up this morning, the printer wasn't working. I don't want to bother Ellen with it again, so I'm looking for repair person who won't charge an arm or a leg.

Lora picked me up for T.O.P.S. (I thought Cheryl had said she wasn't going, but that's the last Friday) and we had a reasonably interesting meeting. I gained a tad: .02 at both home (to 128) and T.O.P.S.(129.1), but I'm still within my 125 to 130 zone, so I'm okay with it. 

Packed my lunch, loaded my cart and walked to our "behind Hill Street Cafe" to meet Diane at our frequent lunch place. It turned out to be sunny and warm, so was good. We met our our usual 12:30 and, incredibly, stayed talking until after 3:00--we never run out of things to discuss, past, present, and future.

After we finally parted, I walked to Wal-Mart, for shoe laces (and to use the restroom), then bused home. Called my server, the outfit from Hell, Yandoo Communications, to ask about Wi-Fi. That's a entity I simply don't understand and I'm not clearer about it now. 

After dinner, I texted Vickie to see if she knew anyone who could adjust the new printer. She said she'd come over today to look at it herself and if she couldn't do it, would contact a friend of hers.

Something else happened I don't want to record here and I had trouble sleeping. I still feel emotionally lousy and I hope this situation will resolve itself soon. 

Friday, May 12, 2023


If yesterday was Friday, instead of today, I would have called it "FREAKIN' FRIDAY!"  

For openers, my Internet was down for a time in the morning. Called Yandoo Communications, but by the time they called back, it had come on again. 

I was having fits and connipions over the death of my printer, exacerbated by the knowledge I had almost nothing done for my Acting For Amateurs class, which is coming right up. Yes, I had bought the easel, but not the large, display paper "notebook" to go on it.  Okay, I had some outlines and agendas from my earlier classes in both NJ and here, but they had to be adapted to this one. To that end, I took my cart, walked the mile and some to Telephone Road, bused to the B & N shopping center and went to Michael's. Before I left, Suzanne stopped in (on her way to the pool) and we chatted for a bit. 

At Michael's, I was confronted with a array of large tablets of all sizes and types (drawing, painting, all medium, etc.). Finally picked a reasonably large one, then went across to Barnes & Noble to look for the June "Jumble" booklet--not in yet. Walked from there to Office Depot to check that they have the right ink for the new printer--check. Finally got home after 2:00, so had a late lunch.

I at least was able to work on the A. For A. agenda and am pretty well into it. I still have to get some script holders and other things, but I'm more helpful about it now. 

Ellen came after work about 4:30; sh had also  had also had a horrendous day (and hers included a classroom full of third-graders!), which involved computer and Internet problems with a new program.  She tackled getting the new printer set up--whatever happened to the days you just plugged a new appliance in?--which took an age and had all kinds of annoying issues. It was finally done and she turned to putting together my new easel. It didn't happen and we finally decided I'd bring it with me on Sunday and Greg (who's making us lunch) would do it. She lugged the old printer to the trash before she left. 

Got up this morning and the freakin' printer is dark. I'm going to call somebody to come in. Boy, is this a downer. 

Thursday, May 11, 2023

Wednesday With Carolyn

Early on, I wrote the email to Ken, Sheri's husband, apologizing for my error in calling his ill wife, instead of Sherry A. The latter called me and now, as it turns out, will join Actors For Amateurs. I have serious reservations about this. Rereading this blog of seven years ago, when I first met Sherry, makes me wonder if it would have been better if she hadn't signed up*. And there are several more such entries, I'm afraid. 

I cleaned up a bit, then set the table (new blue placemats, yellow plates, and flowered napkins), put the crystal pickles and applesauce in bowls, made the sandwiches (turkey breast and red leaf lettuce on "rustic bread), and looked over some of my A. for A. paperwork--of which I have a ton. My new printer arrived and I was able to get the box inside and, later, even put the old one in the box and lift the new one onto the low bureau. 

Carolyn got here at 1:00 and brought me this lovely vase with red roses and a beautiful card expressing her love for her "second mother."
I told her that, after my own children, she's the one I love most in the world and that's the truth. We ate happily, then sat on the couch and talked and talked and talked. Naturally, we discussed my twin, her mother, but also about our families and other topics. It's so easy and freeing to talk with her, as it is with my daughters; we have no hidden agendas or taboos and no moralistic stances, which can inhibit conversations with others. We also did a little improv and she's good at it. Carolyn invited Ellen and me to her place for Mothers Day, but I begged off, as I have the first Acting for Amateurs meeting on Monday and I don't want to be out late. 

Ellen called on her way home from work to say she'll be here after work today to set up the printer and put my new easel together. 

Sherry is okay to be with for short periods, but the several hours we had to talk wasn't short. I've never known anyone whose insistent blather included so much self-aggrandizement, persecution, and questionable "facts." Trying to change the subject to some neutral one worked only for a time, then it was right back to Saint Sherry and all the odds against her. What a bore, but the music was worth it.
It was difficult, but I restrained myself from strangling Sherry, who talked throughout every single number, just as she and Doris had done during The Townhouse music programs. These are live performers, dammit, and it's not only rude, it's bush league, classless behavior to gab while they're playing. In fact, I now resolve either to avoid such outings with Sherry or to sit elsewhere

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Tuesday, Jim, And A Dreadful Experience

Things better, but still a lot going on and I'm going to make this very short, without all my editorial rantings and ravings. (That's with the exception of what's chronicled in the last paragraph, which I wish hadn't happened.) 

Jim came at his usual 12:30 and enjoyed the lunch, including the applesauce and strawberry ice cream I made on Monday. 

Went over to the office about the rental insurance email and was told they had gotten the renewal and the email was sent in error. 

Stopped into the gathering room (or whatever they call it) and it looks pretty good for my class:

Called signups for my A for A class and straightened out, more or less. I now have eight; one's iffy, but that's okay, I'll go with seven or six, if necessary.

Niece Carolyn called to confirm she'll be here for lunch today.  TODAY??!!  I thought she was coming tomorrow! Looked on my calendar and, of course, I had it down for Wednesday; why I thought it was Thursday is because I'm a bloomin' idiot. Ran over to Von's for lunchmeat and stuff.

After dinner, I sent out a confirmation to my A for A class. I'll just have to decide how to configure a good format. I have agenda lists from my earlier classes, but it's been awhile and I want to modify slightly.

I tried to put together the easel I had bought for the class and, never having been able to do that kind of thing, put it to one side. Maybe I can entice Carolyn to help or maybe Ellen.

My new printer should be here today.  I hope whatever I have to do to that isn't too complicated.

To top off the day, I had a dreadful experience: At 8:30, just as I was about to sit down for my one hour of tele-viewing (I'm in the middle of Fatal Attraction), the phone rang. I saw "Sherry" on the screen and thought, "good; I've sent two emails and called her twice to see if she still wants to be in my A. for A. class, and she hadn't gotten back to me." I answered and heard a male voice start loudly haranguing me for constantly calling, his wife has been in the hospital for a month, she's on oxygen, why do I keep dong this--and so on. At first, I was mystified, but then I realized: Sheri O., is the president of Heritage, Inc, which runs Dudley House. Years ago, when I first became a docent there, I put her number in my phone--but I didn't know the alternate spelling and listed it as "Sherry."  When I was contacting those who had signed up for my soon-to-meet A. for A., Sherry A. was one. I had known Sherry when I was in BCNN--a royal pain, as I recorded here years ago--and she tends not to answer emails. I called her twice to see if she still wanted to be in it--I thought I called her, that is, but I actually was called Shari's number. Damn, I knew she was very ill--dying, in fact, I think--but had no idea I was calling hr number. I tried to explain this to the caller, her husband, Ken, whom I've met, but he wouldn't listen nd finally hung up on me. All I can think of to do now is send him an email--I have his address--to apologize again and try to explain.   

Tuesday, May 09, 2023


It was a little hectic. I'm still trying to get the Acting for Amateur meet-ups arranged. Heard back from three joiners, left messages for three more, lost one (see later), and I was beginning to think I'd just postpone until the fall. However, although I've never had fewer than ten in an A fo A group (and once I had twelve, but that's too many), I might do it with fewer. I can just rewrite a few pieces and/or work up some new ones. 

As for the one who withdrew, it was Diane. She has something she has to do next Monday and I reluctantly considered out loud if she could be the exception I'd allow to be absent from one of the four meetings. She then admitted, embarrassed, that she really wasn't enthusiastic about the class in the first place. To her surprise (and mine, too, actually 😄), it didn't bother me; I reassured her that I wasn't angry or upset and we made a date for lunch on Friday.

Spent the rest of the morning on preparations for my luncheon guests (Jim today, Carolyn on Thursday). Cored, pared, and seasoned three pounds--what a chore!--of apples, added citrus, and revved up the larger slow cooker. Prepared the other two pounds without paring--the skin of both vegetables and fruits has most of the vitamins in it--and put them in the smaller slow cooker. 

I did have an enjoyable interlude of a few hours: After lunch, I walked over the footbridge to the little Hill Street branch of the library. Returned one of the Joan Dion books, then sat for an hour simply reading. How I love this quiet, tranquil place! I also bought two books, one about Princess Diana's death, the other,  Awkward Family Photos.  I had seen the book when it came out about 15 years ago and the pictures are really funny. Most are formal photographer pictures, but some are snapshots:

An annoying development: I discovered that my printer has given up the ghost. Called Office Depot, then a repair guy, and found it probably can't be fixed or isn't worth fixing. Called Ellen, still at school at 4:30, to see if she's take me to buy another and she persuaded me to order one from Amazon. Did so, and it will be delivered tomorrow--yay! El invited me for Mother's Day--natch--and I'm happily looking forward to it.

I still have to deal with management's message that my renters' insurance will expire soon and they want proof I have it. I'll look into it. Also must call the hematologist for an appointment. Annoyingly, his  office is in Oxnard, which means I'll have to get the Access Van. A ray of sunshine, though: I've been sleeping all right--not always straight through, but up for the usual about 3:00, then I'm able to get back until at least 5:00 and I don't feel sleep-deprived, as the silly saying goes.  

Monday, May 08, 2023


Got up at 5:00, which meant I had only six hours, but I felt okay. Did the usual Sunday--crossword was a goodie and I go all but two--then prepared two oranges for applesauce. I had bought three pounds of apples on Saturday and I plan to pare them, then put them in the slow cooker with the citrus and cinnamon.

Put on Facebook and later, did a jigsaw of, this wonderful moonlit Ventnor scene by the master photographer, Sean Gleason:


Walked out the door at noon, met Suzanne on our joint front path, Vickie came, and off we went to Camarillo and the Garden Tour. Camarillo is a wealthy, quite beautiful town and the gardens were, of course, lovely.  There were six on the list and here are a few pictures:

At the last (incredibly large and luxurious estate up in the hills), there was not only the "Old Man Band" pictured above, but a large, open-sided pool house with strawberries, cookies, and cucumber water (vile, if you ask me, but Vickie liked it). While we were having our refreshments, Margarita, my acquaintance from BCNN, came up to say hello. I introduced her to Vickie and Suzanne, and we chatted. 

Not unexpectedly, a lot of people greeted Suzanne, since Livingston Memorial, which sponsors the tour, is closely affiliated with St. John's, where Suzanne worked for 36 years. She introduced us to Anita Somebody, the wife of a St. John's doctor, who had founded the tour twenty-five or so years ago. Then Heather Somebody, the director of Public Relations at St. John's, who organized this year's tour, came up to say hello.  Vickie also knew one of the volunteers, a pharmacist where--I think--she gets her chemo treatments.

Home at 4:30 and I puttered around. After dinner, I sat down to watch the rest of A Man Called Otto (contrived, predictable, overly sentimental, and I loved it) and again, stayed up late (10:30), but slept well and didn't get up until 6:00.

Sunday, May 07, 2023


 Walked to The Market and Wal-Mart after breakfast and dealing with email and text messages. Got foil, tissues, oatmeal, and Mothers' Day cards, bused home, and had lunch. I then glanced at the calendar and realized Mothers' Day is only a week away--AAGH! Would the cards to Asia get there in time?  I quickly addressed them, then rushed the half-mile to the post office--luckily, it's only a half mile-away--and mailed them. Home, I jumped in the shower and washed my hair.

In the meantime, I got an email from Carolyn B. finally responding to mine of last week (she says she doesn't look at her email very often--why she even gives out her address is beyond me. Anyway, I called her, she was on the other line, but called me back. We chatted, talked about getting together with Nancy after the 27th, which is when Nancy's daughter leaves. I'll call Nance today and tell her.

I haven't heard back from five of the signups for the Acting For Amateurs class re the meeting day ; will call them today or tomorrow. This is so annoying I may cancel and maybe have it i the fall, instead. Asked Ellen to send me Mike's and Violet's itinerary, which she did.

Julie picked me up at 5:30 and off we went to The Cave for dinner and, shortly after, Lora came in. J. and I had a glass of wine, L. iced tea.  The prices there are very steep and I wasn't hungry, so thought I'd just order and appetizer, but Julie suggested a pizza to share and that's what we got. Now, this wasn't the kind of thing they have stacked in cardboard boxes in the pantry, it was superb. The crust--made on the spot--was of a perfect texture, the cheese properly oozy, the mushrooms just perfect. Although it wasn't a huge one, there was plenty for the three of us. Regina came in as we finished eating; she had told Julie she wasn't going to have dinner, as she had had stomach pains which diagnosed as gall bladder.  She sat down for a half hour, then it was to go to the show. 

Luckily, it was only a few blocks away. We got there about 7:30 and I was surprised to see there were a lot of people there already. We got seats, I was brought backstage for a bit, hugged and chatted with my thespian buddies, then the show went on.

I wish I had taken other pictures, but this is the only one I got:

Stripped down set, six short comedic vignettes, with an intermission in the middle. I greatly enjoyed seeing Ben, Erica, Anthony, Karen and Mike, Jeff and Sharon, as well as several others and there were some newbies I didn't know. 

I wished I could say it was a smash, but it was a very mixed bag. Some of the pieces were really bad: the one with Amber and two other women was truly tedious, since she was only one with the slightest spark. Also, in some cases, obviously the players hadn't been able to memorize in the short time allotted: several were holding scripts and cribbing from them. Some were okay: I was amused to see Anthony in the "22" shirt he wore when we were in Area 22 together in August.

And a "kidnapping" skit was wonderfully funny and well done. It "starred" Ben, back from his walk across the country, another guy, and a woman, the premise being she's kidnapped, then turns the table on the kidnappers. It was very clear that all three of the actors were a cut above.

Julie and Regina cut out at the intermission and Lora took me home. I didn't mind--I like Lora a lot. I like Julie, too, but Regina can be a pain--ultra-opinionated and bossy. Anyway, the show wasn't over until almost ten, Lora dropped me off and, foolishly, I started watching A Man Called Otto (I'll see the rest tonight) and didn't get to bed until 11:00. Got up at 5:15, not enough sleep for me, but maybe I'll take a nap before leave for the garden tour at noon.  


Suzanne called to say she had been at some affair (church service?) with Lora's brother-in-law, Reuban, and he told her of Seth's de...