Wednesday, July 27, 2022


Top News: I discovered a marvelously wonderful and exciting thing my phone can provide: podcasts!* I listened to several true-crime murder stories from Vanity Fair, plus something else that was so riveting, I can't remember what it was. 

This was when I went back to bed after breakfast. I had been awake from about 3:30 until I got up at 5:00, which I blame on the fact that I had taken a three-hour nap on Monday. I didn't sleep, but felt good when I got up after about an hour and a half of simply resting and listening to the podcasts.

Rather than eat at home, I packed a sandwich and bottle of water and took it with me when I bused to the cut-rate produce place in town. However, I was late and plus, they hadn't really left much according to staff; I just picked up four big apples and let it go at that. Nearby in the same mall is laundry place. I know there were benches in there, so that's where I ate my lunch. 

Bused home and on the way, I called Diane to tell her about the all-day-Happy-Hour menu on Wednesdays at The Blue Agave. We promised each other we'd meet there after Mike and Violet leave. Speaking of whom: He should be back today. 💗

I had been notified by my Faithful Readers--all two of them--that yesterday's blog entry wasn't there. Got home, checked, and found I hadn't posted it; remedied the oversight and now all is up to date. 

I took another COVID test at 5:00 ( negative) at Suzanne's request. She took me to rehearsal and I was surprised to see Paula come in. We had somehow gotten our signals crossed, as I thought she wasn't going to be there. However, no prob and she took me home. Rehearsal went very well and director Shannon took me aside to say how much she liked my shtick. Good.

*Okay, okay, everybody in the universe over ten has been listening to them for years, but I'm a late bloomer, no question about that. 

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 What?? Who?? Okay, Jose and Panther were on the 10-16 bus I took to Ellen's. They got off at the transit center, though, because Jose i...