Friday, July 01, 2022


Walked over to my 7:20 Quest appointment at Von's and was pierced, bandaged, and home before 8:00. Put in a color wash and by the time I finished breakfast, it was done. Folded and put away, then took off for town and SPAN--or SCAN, I can't remember which--the shop that has food bargains on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The farmer and his helpers were late getting there, so I had to stroll around and come back later. When I did, I got bean salad (yum), tomatoes, beautiful little melons, organic eggs, and a few other things.

When I got to the bus stop, I found LaVonne there 9we two busers often run into each other). She had gone for lunch at the Senior Center, which is nearby. One of these days, I'll go, too--I did, several times, before COVID. We had a good, companionable chat on the way home.  By the time I had lunch, it was almost 3:00; ate the bean salad and it was good.

Vickie called and said her eye appointment had been postponed, so she was free today after all. Did I want to ask Diane if we could switch back? I did, but she said she had papers all over the floor, so would prefer to keep Wednesday, which we will.  

I actually lay down for a nap after, but didn't sleep. Got up, went out to get the mail--nuthin' much--and had one of my sketchy dinners: a large yam. Finished my day with my daily hour-long treat of Better Call Saul, and slept well. 

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 What?? Who?? Okay, Jose and Panther were on the 10-16 bus I took to Ellen's. They got off at the transit center, though, because Jose i...