Friday, August 06, 2010

Palm Springs has become one of my new favorite places. Hot, hot, hot in more ways than one. My whole trip has been wonderful after the nadir of missing the plane. Will hold off describing it all until I get home--too hard to type on Ellen's laptop. Just one additional comment: See Inception. It's enthralling. (Damn italics key doesn't seem to work.)


iloveac said...

Welcome home Rosemary. I wrote this an hour ago and it didn't post. Maybe now it will appear twice.
BTW, in today's press a mimiEHT wrote a comment about the cheap guy who didn't give a reward to the finder of his wallet.....lost 19 years ago. Is that Mimi you? I totally agree...he was CHEAP.

iloveac said...

Oh, now I see you aren't home....well welcome back to Ellen's. When do you get back to NJ?


I started off the morning with some annoying problems with Amazon Japan re Christmas gifts, but I don't want to go into detail.  Left at...