Friday, September 01, 2023


Frustration in the morning! I ordered printer ink from Amazon, which was supposed to come today and didn't. In rapid succession, I got communications first saying it had been delivered, then saying it was about to be delivered, then a text to my phone from the driver asking how to "access the address!"  Yes, this is a gated community, but I see Amazon Prime trucks here constantly; certainly, the drivers have remotes to open the gates. If not, they should have the sense to go to the management office, which is easily seen at the end of the entrance drive. Anyway, I spent an unbelievable amount of time on the phone because there's one number to call for customer service and another for "logistics." The latter recording kept telling me to press a certain number and when I did, it just reverted back--AAGH! I won't go on with this, except to say I just got an email saying my ink would be delivered today. Let's hope...

I rid my mind of all that by busing to town. Since I've been involved in the play, I've rarely gotten there. I browsed it the shops and bought sunscreen and a few other things, then impulsively called Stella to ask if she wanted to meet for a late lunch. She was at her husband's grave, I think putting flowers on it, but accepted and suggested we eat at Immigrant Son. We've been there before and both like it, so that's where we went. It turned out to be very enjoyable; I had a big meatball sandwich (the "immigrant" owner is from Italy) and took half home. We sat and talked quite a long time and I didn't get home until 4:00.

Stella is technologically challenged, so asked if I'd get her a ticket for the matinee tomorrow. I did--she'll reimburse the twenty bucks--and printed it out; will leave with the ticket taker.  

T.O.P.S. today, then the show tonight. Tomorrow, we have two, at 2:00 and 8:00, so that will be a strenuous day.

Somebody emailed me the following. Looks interesting; maybe I'll see if somebody wants to go.


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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...