Tuesday, September 19, 2023


Lots of Sunday's travail seems to have traveled over to yesterday. For openers, it took me all morning--about two and a half hours--to find, print, and assemble the documents regarding the latest attempt by SO-FI Apartments to pretend I owe them. Incredibly the trail starts in late 2020 and goes on through September, 2022. At that point, all was proven and they backed down. Now, a full year later--one year and five days, to be exact, they suddenly decide I owe them after all.

Another thing: Got the mail and saw that the package I had sent to my daughter-in-law in Tokyo had been returned for an "incomplete" customs information. What? I send overseas all the time and always fill out the form properly. Incensed, I walked to the post office and confronted one of the "associates." "If the customs form was incomplete, why wasn't I told this when I sent it?" He took it and pointed out I had described it as "toy" and it needed to be more specific. Since when? He went in the back, I guess consulting somebody, and came back to ask if I wanted to re-send--just fill out a new form. I did, wrote what it actually is, a Snoopy stamp, and gave it over. He inspected it closely, then accepted it and--I hope, this time it gets there.

Walking back, I saw neighbor Patrick H., which whom I have a slight acquaintanceship. I had noted his oddness before, but this time, he told me he couldn't talk, as he was "healing somebody." He then proceeded to made several hand gestures aimed at his client, who wasn't there. I decided to ask Jassmine, when I go to the office today, to get in touch with his son, whom I know lives nearby. Stopped at Von's for hummus and crackers. 

At least, my little soiree with Suzanne and Vickie was fun. They came at our usual 5:15 (Vickie is still working) and Suzanne brought the salmon she had mentioned. I put out the hummus, crackers, and cashew nuts, and added the chocolate chip cookies I had left over from the party. We were filled in by Vickie about her recent two-weeks in Maine, here home state where she saw relatives and greatly enjoyed herself. Suzanne left after and hour or so, but Vickie stayed until almost 8:00. The three of us have become good friends, but there is--inevitably, I guess--a slight barrier. Is it the twenty-year age difference between Vickie and me?  That has never been an issue--I mean Suzanne's vocation. She is never, never judgemental or moralistic, but there are certain topics I don't discuss with her, nor do I use the colorful language I often do around others. I just relax more with Vickie, I guess. Anyway, we had a good, girl-to-girl visit, I cleaned up, watched my hour of Suits, and turned in. I'm almost afraid to mention it, but I've been sleeping well lately.

I'm livening up this long and boring saga by adding another picture from the party. This is Ken, the one who picked me up and took me home during the show, with one of Christine's little doggies. (Even I thought they were cute.)  Sticking out of his pocket is the gift card I gave him for El Loco Pollo, where he had dinner every single day, and has for years.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...