Sunday, September 17, 2023


 Changed the bed and did a quick white wash, packed up my chocolate chip cookies, then got ready for:


And what a time we had! Anthony picked me up at 1:45 and I didn't get home (courtesy of Alphonse and Lindsay) until 9:30. We ate, drank, sang karaoke, laughed, talked, and generally had a ball. Lots of pictures taken by several of us, and, in no particular order, here's a sampling:

Lisa, exuberantly singing, with her husband, Alan, Ken (seated) Spencer, and Anthony.
Some of the gang singing karaoke and toasting the song, I guess.

Alan and me.
Our director, Karyn, with husband, Mike, and little Logan.
Hostess Christine and her three boys, James, Georgie, and Jaxson.
Host George and Anthony.
Director Karyn and Alphonse, putting their all into it.

Lindsay and me, hanging on to my beer.

Host and hostess, Christine and George, singing. Ken; in his pocket is the gift card I gave him for El Loco Pollo, where he has eaten dinner EVERY SINGLE DAY for the past three years. 

The Mier boys, tired out from the festivities.
I took other pics and also a video of Spence and others singing, but it was too big to upload--or something, I'm afraid. Anyway, I had a great time and we talked about getting together again. We're all invited to something or other--a reading, I think--next Saturday. May go, but need to find out more about it.

Speaking of pictures, here's a publicity shot of great-grandson, Joel, and his band, Spring State. They are starting their tour of New England tomorrow. Joel is on the far left in the back and you can see only part of him; he seems to be pushing the grocery store cart.  For some reason, I think this makes him stand out, especially as he isn't entirely in black. 

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