Friday, September 15, 2023


Went with Suzanne to WinGo and got supplies, including veggies needs and wants, plus ingredients for the chocolate chip cookies I'll take to the party tomorrow.  As soon as I got home, I cut up onions and tomatoes, added the usual, and popped it in the oven. Had some for lunch, along with a salad. 

I took a short nap after and got up invigorated, so got my cart and walked to The Market, Wal-Mart, and Trader Joe's. Went to the latter for their delicious big grapefruit, much better than Von's and less expensive, too. Bought four of them and ran into Shannon--we chatted and she said Jeff was in the car. 

Got home about 5:00 and when I looked at my text messages, I saw two peculiar ones from Stella. One was sent at 4:09: "Hi Rosemary. Where are you?" and the other right after it: "I had two appointments and I'm sitting here at the Aloha." What? I haven't spoken to Stella since last week and I certainly didn't have a lunch/Happy Hour/dinner date with her, which these seemed to indicate. I called both her numbers and there was no answer at either. I then texted her.  Much later, she got back to me and, although her first message had seemed to indicate I had missed something, it was just worded that way. I asked if she wanted to meet for lunch--at the Aloha, which is on the beach and I like a lot--on Tuesday. She still owes me for the play ticket and I'll be interested to know if she brings up the subject.

Lisa, from the show, is helping her husband with his boat, so won't be going to the party tomorrow. Last week, she saw the play Diane and I are going to on Sunday, and texted me to suggest we get together to discuss it. I asked if she was free for lunch on Tuesday; haven't heard back from her yet.

Called Vickie to welcome her back after her month in Maine and arranged to have her and Suzanne over on Monday for one of our little social sessions. 

I did the cauliflower/mayo/parm roast and had a good portion of that for dinner, along with leftover chicken, which I'm getting sick of. (Okay, of which I'm getting sick--but that seems so awkward!)    

T.O.P.S. this morning and I'm pretty sure I gained. Could it be because the social scene is in full swing and I never turn down an invitation? Nah, there must be some other reason...

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...