Saturday, September 16, 2023


Weight: still 127.4 at home, so no change; T.O.P.S.: 127.08 for a very slight gain of .02. Meeting was more of a therapy session again, but that strikes me as more interesting than the usual. Sharon brought in a number of summer hats and we all picked some. Here's Lora, back from her trip to Italy, with two of them. The picture doesn't do her justice; she's much more attractive than she looks here:

Didn't get breakfast until 10:30 and after that, I tackled the chocolate chip cookies for the party at Christine's today. That took longer than I thought, for various reasons, but they're done and that's good.

What isn't good was the phone call I got from the office: Jasmine said they have a new "community director" for SO-FI Apartments and, incredibly, that person (he/she/it) is reviving the fallacy that I  owe something! This was cleared up a year again, after I got all kinds of proof from Bank of America that no rent or utilities payments were unpaid--I can hardly believe they'd dredge it up again. I'm going to see them on Tuesday and have demanded I get this latest crapola in writing. Damn! Here's my plan: I'm going to propose that I ask my accountant to investigate this. If she finds for them, I'll pay the fee; if the opposite, they do. We'll see if they go for that. 

Texted back and forth about the party at Christine's tomorrow; Anthony will pick me up and Lindsay take me home.  Also got a text from Lisa and we made a date for lunch on Thursday. She wants to talk over the play at Santa Paula Theatre she saw last week and Diane and I will see tomorrow.

Mike video-messaged me and we had a good talk. Yesterday, aside from getting the mail, I didn't go out at all--not even over to Von's. I can't remember the last time that happened and I hope it doesn't happen again. I was afraid I wouldn't be able to sleep, but happily, didn't awaken until 5:30, which is practically the middle of the afternoon to me. 

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...