Friday, September 22, 2023


Did a color wash, called Diane to discuss the facts about Jim, and made a date to have lunch with her on Saturday at our usual place by the library. Showered, dressed, and went outside at noon to wait for Lisa...

...and, as it turned out, her husband, Alan. Now, this seems a bit odd to me. She had also brought him to the "just us" AATT dinner at Rice By Mama, although that wasn't really for others. I frequently go out to lunch with friends, some of whom have husbands or partners, but almost always, it's assumed it'll be just us getting together unless we plan something different beforehand. 

I'm afraid I put my foot in my mouth when Lisa asked how I liked "Current Mirror Transformation" last Sunday. I said I  may have seen a worse play in my life, but I couldn't remember when. Darn, I should have kept my mouth shut: She loved it and seemed disappointed--or annoyed--that I didn't. I wish I hadn't been so emphatic and subsequently, we dropped the subject.  

It was okay having lunch with them, although we don't seem to have much in common. I still can't put my finger on why they don't interest me much; maybe because there seem to be an air of tension about them--dunno. After, Lisa asked if I minded if they stopped at Von's on the way home. Not at all, and I picked up some tomatoes there myself. 

Home, I did some stuff on the laptop, then took a nap. I was a little down, for some reason, but perked up later. Sharon called to ask if I'd tell her today at T.O.P.S. whether her outfit was "weird" or not. I was amused and told her I would. 

An aside: My Facebook pal, Sean Gleason, took this pic of a scull going past the Ventnor water works. My father, who was a civil engineer, used to emphasize how much better Ventnor water was than Atlantic City water, because ours came from artesian wells. We actually could tell the difference; when I was in AC hospital with appendicitis, the water had a slight odor to it and my mother used to bring a canteen of Ventnor water for me. Anyway, I always loved the building, which incidentally, had a fountain outside with goldfish in it at one time.     

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