Monday, September 04, 2023

Sunday And Such A Party

Because Ken texted me about 6:00--am, that is, yesterday, Sunday--I called him at 6:30. He told me about the accident, which was entirely the other driver's fault. Ken was going home to Santa Paula after dropping me off, which is about two miles straight down Telegraph, when the other driver made a left in front of him. It's incredible neither of them were hurt. However, the other driver was ticketed, as he was unlicensed and uninsured. Lisa had texted me right after I talked to Ken, then called me. I told her about Ken and she said she and her husband would pick me up for the cast party (families are invited, too). I told her about Ken's accident and she called Amy, who is Ken's daughter-in-law and get this: He hadn't told her or his son about the accident! After Amy heard, the others in our text (All This Time cast) were filled in and added their concern

Anyhoo, after all that and before breakfast, I went over to Von's for ingredients for the fruit salad I decided to take to the party. Got watermelon, strawberries, blueberries, and grapes and washed and sliced. It tastes good and is very colorful, plus is fresh, vegan, and has no sugar added.

Lisa and Allan picked me up and off we went. What a terrific time we had and I'm going to touch only the highlights in pics, starting with Anthony and me in the parking lot. Yes, we both wore our Area 22 Galaxy shirts, from when we appeared together last year:

After the food, we had a kind of quick, impromptu karaoke/stage show. Here are Lisa and Amy singing a parody of "Don't Fence Me In," which Lisa wrote: 
Spence and Katelin (yes, with a "K"), a couple in real life, doing their thing:

Anthony, Ben, and Cassie sing while Spence takes a pic:
Erica gives Keith and Meredith (photo and art director) their "paper plate awards" while Shannon and Jeff look on:
Katelin holds up her paper plate award (a Fractured Actors tradition):
And here's mine:
The quote refers to my signature line as the mature Rose in After All This Time.

So that was it this time for Fractured Actors. Ken's son and daughter-in-law, Matt and Amy, took me home and, incredibly, I didn't arrive until 11:00 and didn't get to bed until midnight. Vera's picking me up for Soaring Spirits lunch today at 11:30 and I'll try to get a nap in first.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...