Sunday, September 24, 2023


 Yesterday was a real bummer.

A few days ago, my friend, Diane. called to say she needed to pick up a book on hold at the Hill Street Library, so why don't we meet at our usual place for lunch? This is a nice, grassy, wooded area in back of the library and we go here often to eat--and talk, laugh, confide. Sure thing and yesterday, I packed my lunch, took my cart, and walked over the freeway footbridge to meet her, as I've so often done before. I was early, so stopped at the library, and read for a bit. Took out a new bio of Mike Nichols, then went outside to our lunch place and waited for Diane. And waited. She's usually early, so I called her at about ten after. 

She answered and told me she was in the hospital; she had had a stroke.  To say I was stunned and horrified is putting it mildly. It seems she was just coming in from grocery-shopping on Thursday when she collapsed outside her door. I got no other particulars except, as I was glad to know, her son and daughter-in-law were with her.  She said she thought she'd be released today. She sounded her usual self, except maybe her speech slurred slightly? I couldn't be sure. I''ll call her later today.

After this bad news, I tried to decide where to eat my lunch, so bused to the mall. On the way, I called Jim to tell him the news about Diane; also suggested we could have lunch in the attractive area outside his place. "I just had breakfast," he said, ever oblivious to the fact I might have wanted to talk to somebody who knows Diane. Said I'd keep him informed and hung up.

Ate at the set-up area at the mall, then impulsively jumped on a 16 bus and went over to Ojai. I stopped into where Greg works, but he wasn't there, so I bused back. (This excursion took roughly two hours.) Stopped at Vickie's when I got back to tell her the news about Diane, which she was so sorry to hear. She called me later to ask if she could take me to see her. I think it's a little too soon, but maybe later.

Called Stella to tell her the bad news and we'll meet for lunch at Paradise Pantry today. Although it's tenuous, she has a connection to Diane, and I want to be with someone who knows my friend.   

1 comment:

iloveac said...

So sorry to read such shocking news. I’m sure you are feeling a deep loss. She was someone with whom you could share your deepest self. That hurts. No warning either. That hurts more. She may very well recover to a level where you can still look forward to doing some (maybe) all of what you did before the stroke.
As far as Jim…he’s to be pitied. He doesn’t seem to have much empathy and that’s a shame for him.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...