Sunday, June 11, 2023

Saturday With Wine And Roses

Got up not knowing what I was going to give Jim for lunch. Finally decided on pasta; I found semolina bow ties (or whatever they are) in the cupboard and beef tips in gravy in the freezer. I made ice cream first and swirled chocolate syrup in half; served the other as plain vanilla with cherries (also had been frozen) to put over. Had no bread, so ran over to Von's for a loaf. I gotta say: With RED WINE for him and beer for me, it was a damned good meal, Jim eating three quarters of the (large) bowl of pasta. 

After, we sat on the couch and did crossword puzzles. That doesn't mean we each concentrated on our own. No, Jim gives me the clues, I answer, and he fills in the blanks. I was glad to have hit on this because he seems to enjoy it (I keep telling him he should answer some, but he seldom does) and otherwise, we could sit in silence unless I keep blabbing away. He stayed until 3:30 and I walked him out. He's going to get a call back from unemployment on Monday and he's very nervous about the fact he doesn't know what they'll ask him. 

I got a "violation notice" from Sunrise Bay management to the effect my house needs to be power washed by August first. I called Bill G. and he said he's going to Florida at the end of the month, but will do it sometime in July. Emailed tenant Susan to let her and Cliff know. 

Mike messaged me after dinner (Sunday morning for him) and we had a good visit. Violet came in to say hello; she's getting to look like a model--tall, slim, and beautiful. Can't wait to see both of them next month.

I was pleased to see my miniature roses blooming and ]they're so pretty. These are two separate plants on my patio: 

Today, Suzanne and I go to Olivas Adobe for the wedding program, she'll drop me off for the Fractured Actors auditions. 



iloveac said...

Your roses are gorgeous. Good luck at F. A. Hope they have something you want to do.

Mimi said...

Thanks, Pat, you'll read about it here, of course.


 What?? Who?? Okay, Jose and Panther were on the 10-16 bus I took to Ellen's. They got off at the transit center, though, because Jose i...