Thursday, June 01, 2023


Just as I finished breakfast, Suzanne stopped in, having gotten back from Canada late on Tuesday night. She said he and Sister Beatrice had a wonderful time, Victoria is beautiful, and she also had a chance to spend time with her family in Seattle. Soon, she'll have Vickie and me over for a social session and to see her pictures.

I had been having problems with my electric blanket and after following the trouble-shooting advice in the book, called the company. I was told to unplug both ends, replug, and so on, and the blanket now works fine. To my surprise, the rep I spoke to then asked my name, I told her, asked her's, and she said it was Betty, same as my twin sister, which she thought a remarkable coincidence. She then proceeded to tell me her life story for twenty-five minutes! Born the eighth of ten kids on a farm, no indoor plumbing until she was five, her mother insisted on continuing to take the (birth control) pill until she was 60, her father cut his hand with a saw, but wouldn't go to the doctor, put grease and duct tape on it, and ETC., ETC., ETC...there was much more. I know some people would have been angry, but I was amused and even somewhat titillated. Anyway, the blanket works, I had plenty of time, so I enjoyed it. 

Walked to The Market for onions, strawberries (yes, more strawberries--I already had two pounds), crackers, and a few other things. It was noon when I got home and I had time only to spread a piece of bread with hummus, gobble it down, and brush and floss before I left to bus to Dr. Babbitt's for my teeth cleaning. That was a horrible ordeal, of course, but there's no sign of further damage, and I was relieved about that. Walked back to the transit center/mall and stopped at Whole Foods for some cream sherry. 

Home, I sliced and chopped about two pounds of the strawberries. Not sure what I'll do with them yet, but may try making sherbet. 

I had gotten an invitation from The Townhomes independent living to see The Poseidon Adventure next Friday evening, preceded by cocktails and appetizers. Sure, I'd love to go. Emailed Jim to see if he wanted to, but he wrote back that he couldn't make it. I'll either ask Diane or go by myself, I guess. The rest of my older friends live on the other side of town and I don't think they'd want to drive back and forth that late. As for my younger friends--don't know if they'd be interested. 

Speaking of--Cheryl, who takes me to T.O.P.S. called while I was going home to say she wasn't going tomorrow. She's still in Colorado, will be home today, but fell and hurt her knee. She already has leg problems (wears braces on both) from an accident about thirty years ago, and she sure didn't need a fall. I'll text Lora or Julie to see if one will pick me up.  

Auditions are coming up for Fractured Actors, starting on June 11. Yes, I'll be there, but I wish I had sent Shannon another script or two of my own. Speaking of--I've reserved today to address a number of put-off chores, including firming up the agenda for A. for A. coming up on Monday.   

Note to myself: Ordered from Canon both color and black XL ink cartilages for the printer; total $60.33.

Can't resist adding another of Sean Gleason's wonderful pictures of my home town:

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Julie picked me up at 9;00, then we stopped for Regina and off we went to the BCNN  meeting. It was raining (horrors!) and we agreed we didn...