Tuesday, June 13, 2023


The last Acting for Amateurs meeting was yesterday and it went well, aside from some snags. For one thing, Dusty never got there. I had cast her in A Conversation in Summer and has to take her part. Called her and there was no answer. We were all a little concerned, but I conducted the meeting. After, we walked across to Lalo's for lunch and had a great time. Dusty called, very apologetic: She had been waiting for a repairman to come and simply forgot. I like her a lot and reassured her the world was still turning and we were just glad she was okay. The rest of us sat there talking and talking for more than two hours and it was fun. The best part---? Sherry had a dentist appointment and didn't go with us.

She was a big pain in the rear when I knew her years ago and she hasn't changed. She was the only one in the A. for A. group who thought nothing of making comments about others' abilities after I cautioned the group not to do that, as it can be inhibiting; answering for me when I was asked a question;  and yesterday, when Dusty didn't show up, announcing that she would take her part, which I vetoed. It didn't seem to faze her at all when the others in the group looked at her incredulously. Anyway, I was happy not to have to deal with her at lunch. 

I meant to have the server take a picture of the rest of us at Lalo's, but forgot. Here's one I took on our way to lunch. I'm so sorry Dusty wasn't there; as noted, neither was Sherry, but that was all to the good.

Left to right: Denise, who was born in Paris and has a lovely French accent; Susan, the archeologist; Joan, who's been married three times; and Rosa, retired teacher and probably my best "student." 

After we said goodbye, I dropped my stuff at home and walked to The Market and Wal-Mart for various. Bused home and didn't get in until after 5:00.

Suzanne texted me the Channel 3 news segment about the Oliva Adobe wedding exibit and I was amused to see that she and I appear in it. At about second 42, I am behind and to the right of the woman being interviewed; Suzanne's next to me. 


I'm afraid it has to be copied and pasted, but should show okay. Too bad there are two (short) commercials before the segment. 


iloveac said...

...and you appear smiling near the end. You and Suzanne are now TV stars. What a lovely exhibit. I could never get up from those folding chairs. One of our residents does a monthly photo display case and usually in June, it features wedding photos of residents. Seeing the wedding gowns at Oliva Adobe takes it to a higher level.

Mimi said...

Thanks for your comment, Pat; sorry I didn't see it until now. I STILL don't how to change my email address on this blog, but will pursue it.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...