Wednesday, June 21, 2023


When I spend the day with Stella, which I did  yesterday, I can never decide if I like being with her or if I'd rather hang by my thumbs for three days. 

At 11:30, we met at Lure for the (free) promotional luncheon, only to find the restaurant had no knowledge of it. No biggie, really, we just decided to go elsewhere for lunch. Beforehand, Stella wanted to browse, so we stopped at Buffalo Exchange--new and recycled clothing, frequently especially by young people. I looked around myself, but didn't see anything I need; I think Stella examined every single article of clothing in the place, because it took her forever. I was getting hungry and we couldn't decide where to go. Stella wanted breakfast, as she almost always does at lunchtime, so I left her and scouted out a few places on Main Street. I hit on Immigrant Son, right across the way and that's where we went.

I got just a starter plate and an IPA, Stella a kind of poached egg edifice with a thick bread base, avocado, red sauce, and a few other things. She took an age deciding because she questioned the server extensively about whether the onions could be sauteed, the spices specified, and other inane topics. (She does this all the time and it drives me loco.)  However, we were finally served and she started to eat, interspersing that with showing me pictures of her son in Spain, so it took forever, as everything does with Stella. 

We finally finished, paid, and left, then Stella said she needed to go to "the sheriff's office." I still can't figure out why and why the sheriff's office would be in a neighborhood store front, but we went and, while she was in there, I stopped at a nearby store and bought a pair of jeans. We said goodbye and I bused home (Stella lives in the other direction). Got in about 4:00.

Talked to Ellen after dinner. She had turned in her keys, so the school year is officially over. We had a long, long talk about various family affairs and that's always so satisfying.

Happy Hour today in Oxnard with Julie and the BCNN crowd. 


iloveac said...

I was just mentioning to someone the other day about what might be the best way to deal with people like Stella who have the need to show you pictures of their family members or vacations. One or two is enough. I don't want to say I don't want to know anymore but I don't want to hear or see anymore about your perfect family. Someone said...change the subject...not always easy. You're sort of trapped in a restaurant. I seem to run into so many people who can only talk about their family or their own interest. Do they not know about finding common ground when in a conversation? I share your frustration. I find very few people with whom I want to spend anytime with, around or some other incorrect ending of a sentence.

Mimi said...

You got it, Pat! But at least, I can retaliate with pictures of my absolutely perfect family--not that I usually do. But, hey, pull out pics of Lissa and your grand-kiddies--see how they like it!

iloveac said...

Not something I would ever do because I know how boring it is.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...