Saturday, June 03, 2023

Friday, Noreen, Two V.s, And Three Jims

Sharon called about 6:00 to say she wasn't going to T.O.PS.--had a bad night and she sounded terrible. Julie picked me up; it turned out there were six of us and the meeting--if you can use so formal a description--was okay. At home, I "turtled" (remained the same) at 128.8, but at T.O.P.S, gained a bit, to 130.9. Home, had breakfast, then just had time to change clothes and take off.

Hopped the bus to town and met Noreen at 12:30 at Paradise Pantry. We sat outside--sun was shining, happily--and both had my favorite grilled turkey and pesto sandwich. (You can order a half sandwich and next time, I will, as these are very large and I had to take half home.) N. drank a blanc e blanc (or something) white wine, I, a Purple Rain IPA. We talked and talked, natch, for two hours, then said goodbye. After I got home, I must have done something, but I can't remember what. 

A funny coincidence: I hadn't spoken to Jim Downes for six or more months, but came across the following the other day:


By my calculations, this was written and received sometime in the fities, either shortly before or after Pat and I were married in 1958. I resolved to call Jim and mention it, but didn't have a chance: to my real surprise, out of the blue, he called me yesterday. Neither he nor I could remember the circumstances, but he remarked that his late wife was from Minnesota, so he may have been with her. We talked for a bit--same old Jim--and will presumably keep in touch.

As for Jim C., I called him and he'll be over for lunch today. I half wish I had asked him for tomorrow, as I have Suzanne's little get together/social session/happy hour at 5:00, but guess I'll manage. On Sunday, I want to concentrate on working up an agenda for Acting for Amateurs. PMed Vera to tell her I won't be there for lunch with Soaring Spirits on Monday. 

Mike video PMed me in the evening while walking and we exchanged the usual family news. Vivian is going to be touring Europe for six weeks, first in the U.K. where she'll visit friends, then Germany, France, Spain, and more. She's 19 and I'm always amazed at the life style she--and her 14-year-old sister, who will take a class trip to Malaysia next week--follow as if it's perfectly normal and natural. Their grandmother considered a trip to Philadelphia exciting and as for New York City, it was the epitome of exotic travel. Hey, lucky them. 💕

The other Jim was my father, James Daniel Byrne. Yesterday was the seventy-third anniversary (6/2/50) of his death by accident, which changed our lives forever. This is the picture of him--on our porch on Rosborough Avene--I put on Facebook:

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