Thursday, June 29, 2023


Slept poorly Tuesday to Wednesday, I'm afraid. I awoke at 2:30 and couldn't get back. Stayed in bed until 4:15, had breakfast at 7:00 and took a short nap after that. That revived me fairly well and I tidied up a bit, then packed lunch and left to meet Diane outside Urbane Cafe. As ever, we talked and talked for three hours. Here she is, the glamorous lady, having just had her hair done. I think this is the new style, as it's almost shaved on the sides:


We finally said goodbye and I went over to Kohl's to try on jeans. Damn, even some of the petites were long and I didn't find any with the short piece of elastic in the back. At least, I discovered--I think, not sure--I wear a size 12. That is, that will fit my waist, but often, the legs are then too big. I didn't buy any; think I'll go on-line and see if Gloria Vanderbilt jeans, which I used to like, has something to fit. 

Stopped in at Lassen's to see if Greg was working--he wasn't--then bused home; by the time I got in, it was after 5:00. Had a vegan dinner: butternut squash and I prepared my favorite cauliflower recipe.  

Got a text from Director Karyn with our call list (rehearsal schedule) for the next two weeks. Wow, I'm more and more impressed by her. Not only is she wonderfully knowledgeable and savvy, but she's also efficient and best of all, full of enthusiasm. She wants us off book by July 9, and I'm going to twit the rest of the cast with the fact that I'm already off book, so what's wrong with you, you pikers? (Of course, I have only five lines. 😁)

Ellen called after dinner. She'll be here today to pick up linens, Violet's packages, and so on, then we'll go to lunch at Hill Street Cafe. When I got up just now (5:30, so I slept well), I found that Mike has created a Message "group" called "Violet Camp" for him, Ellen, and me. He and Ellen have exchanged dialogue firming up plans for their visit, such as the supply chain (linens, etc.). Two more days!

Besides lunch, I'll be out for dinner today with the BCNN group. Julie will pick me up at 4:30 and we'll eat at The Cave. Happily, my cold is somewhat better. I'm no longer sneezing and my nose isn't running  as much. 

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...