Saturday, June 10, 2023


Wonders will never cease: I stayed at 128.8 at home, same as last week, but at T.O.P.S., I actually won the seven dollar "biggest loser" jackpot by weighing in at 128.6, a loss of 1.3 pounds! Wowee and who gives a damn, but I always like to have dollar bills to tip the Access Van driver. I volunteered to do the program next week; will use some of the info from the NYTimes on the new obesity drugs.

Julie had done the chauffer duties, as poor Cheryl is still laid up with her broken nose. She--Julie-- suggested we take Lora and Bev to lunch, as both have birthdays tomorrow. Natch, I said yes, and texted Lora, who got home from her European river cruise just yesterday. We'll go on Wednesday or Thursday, not sure yet and we want L. or B. to decide where. 

Home and didn't have breakfast until 10:30, then walked to The Market and Wal-Mart for a variety of items. Bused home and did a few chores, so I eat lunch until 3:00--late even for me. Suzanne had asked if I wanted to go to a lecture and exhibit at the historic Olivas Adobe house tomorrow, but I declined, as I"m gong to the Fractured Actors auditions. However, I saw I can do both; auditions don't start until 2:00 and we can go to O.A. at 11:30. Stopped to tell Suzanne that.

The Ventura Museum is having a shindig on the 23rd, celebrating the 150th anniversary of Ventura's founding--or something. Asked Diane if she wanted to go and yes, sure.

Ran over to Von's for eggs and impulsively bought the makings for ice cream. Guess that meant I'd invite Jim for lunch. Called him later--he sounded as if he was hoarse or something. He said he didn't know why, as he has no cough, sore throat, or anything else. We chatted a bit and he'll be here for lunch today. 

Got a "violation notice" from Sunrise Bay, saying my house is in  need of a power wash. Every once in a while, they tell you this, although it never looked bad to me. Will call Bill Galway to do it and let my tenants know.  

I knew my nephew, Dave Wessel, was writing a book and was thrilled to learn it will be published in October. Unlike the book by my niece, his sister, Joan, which is genealogy, his is fiction. The cover:


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Julie picked me up at 9;00, then we stopped for Regina and off we went to the BCNN  meeting. It was raining (horrors!) and we agreed we didn...