Monday, June 05, 2023


Whew, what a day. I had every intention of getting my Acting For Amateurs paperwork done early. That included printed a lot of scripts, plus planning and writing the agenda, and so on. Simple, huh? Well, not if your printer runs out of ink straightaway--AAGH! I have some ordered, but it's being shipped and isn't here yet. Okay, I went on line, ordered the ink from Office Depot, paid with a credit card, and planned to pick it up after breakfast--simple number two, huh?

HA! I was just about to take off when Diane texted me. She was getting her hair cut right in the Von's shopping center across the street, and did I want to meet for lunch? Well, sure, and we were going to bring our own and eat outside. However, it was drizzly, so she suggested we eat at Burger King, which, incidentally, is directly next door to Mcdonald's. Fine by me, but I don't eat fast food, so I packed my sandwich and beer and joined her in a booth. We had our usual good time talking and when we parted, Diane asked if I wanted to go to the psychic where she was headed--only twenty dollars for a reading. Oh, good grief, it is to laugh--no, sweetie, you go ahead. 

It was after that that I took two buses to Office Depot, picked up my ink, then deviated to The Market and bought three more solar lights (my newest craze--I'll get over it). Took the 11 and 10 home and by that time, it was three o'clock and--I hadn't done any of the prep work for today--DOUBLE AAGH!   

The upshot was that I wasn't finished until 6:00,* after which I made myself scrambled eggs and (plant-based) sausage for dinner, then jumped in the shower and resolved to better keep my nose to the grindstone in the future. (How long will that last? Anybody's guess.)

* One of the most time-consuming items is trying to get equitable casting for those in the group. I think I got pretty close, but it was difficult. 

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Julie picked me up at 9;00, then we stopped for Regina and off we went to the BCNN  meeting. It was raining (horrors!) and we agreed we didn...