Saturday, June 17, 2023


T.O.P.S. went okay. I had committed to doing the program and didn't actually look at the material I found until I got home Thursday night after dinner with Julie and Lora. I quickly worked something up and believe it or not (I found it hard to believe myself), everybody thought it was well done (goes to show how low the bar is set). As for me, according to my home scale, I was 127.6 for a loss of 1.02 pounds; at T.O.P.S., I was 128.7 for a gain of .04. No, it doesn't make sense, but I'm not concerned. Lora brought in a number of big, beautiful grapefruit from her neighbor's tree and, since not all of the others like them, she gave me eight to take home. Even for me, that's a lot, so I rang Suzanne's bell and gave her two. I also reported that Sharon had asked about her and would like to meet up with her. When Suzanne worked at St. John's, she was a medical lecturer and Sharon was in her class. I gave Suzanne Sharon's number and it's up to her if she wants to pursue it.

Didn't get breakfast until 10:30 and after that, I put chicken breasts, onions, broccoli, and seasonings in the slow cooker. Also chopped three green peppers and prepared some of the grapefruits. I then plunged into sorting and putting away my mountain of scripts, class agenda, and other items associated with my Acting for Amateurs classes. I had such a huge number and they were so mixed up, it actually took me four hours to complete the task and I probably have to add some time. I also deadheaded the geraniums and refreshed the water and seed for the birdies. 

Didn't get lunch until 3:30, after which I put the scripts, etc. in containers and stored them on the high shelf in the closet. Called Jim and invited him for lunch today. He was in a pretty low state, but I'll cheer him up by giving him a grapefruit or two.  

It's so ironic that I've been out most days in the cool and overcast weather, yearning for sunshine. Yesterday was finally sunny and nope, I hardly got out. 

No word yet from Shannon and Fractured Actors re auditions.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...