Thursday, June 15, 2023

Wednesday With Diane

Showered and washed my hair, then spent time doing something or other, but I haven't a clue as to what it was. Packed lunch and walked over the footbridge to our usual meeting spot by the library. I was a little late for a change--maybe by five minutes--and Diane was there already, of course. (She's always there first when I'm early, too.) We sat and ate and discussed our BCNN activities: mine with Acting for Amateurs, hers with Eckard Tolle. We then talked for a solid three hours, ranging over our childhood, marriage, various romances after divorce (well, I just listened to that one), and hugely enjoyed ourselves.

We broke up about 3:30. I had intended to bus to Office Max for ink, but just didn't feel like it, so walked home. I then took my cart and went over to Von's for a lot of stuff on my list. 

Electronicaly, Julie, Lora, and I went back and forth via texts and calls about when and how we'd celebrate Lora's birthday. We finally hit on breakfast on Monday, as we all seem to be booked most days. That'll be fine; I used to love to go out for breakfast, but haven't lately. Wouldn't you know, I have Soaring Spirits for dinner on Monday, too. Oh, well, since breakfast will be so much later than my usual between 7 and 8, I probably won't need lunch.

Julie alerted me to the BCNN walking group, which will be going from Saratoga Avenue to Kimball, then around the park. I thought I'd join them, but later changed my mind. That's roughly six miles and, without a recess, I don't think I'm up to it.  

My miniature roses are continuing to grow and prosper. The other one is smaller, but also thriving. I love roses.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...