Wednesday, May 31, 2023


It was a pretty interesting day, probably because I did something different from the usual. Bused to the  Ventura Museum in town to attend the 11:30 luncheon and lecture by Jon Light, an employment specialist in non-profit organizations. Okay, that doesn't exactly describe me, but I fudged a bit: said I was thinking about an outfit to promote the idea of worldwide peace in schools. 

The large room (I've been there many times) was set up with round, tableclothed tables and chairs. I sat with a young woman who is the coordinator for a program called "Farm to School." The purpose? To try to get children to understand they don't have to be laborers to stay in farm work. There are lots of much higher-level (and better paying) positions if they have the educational background (generally, college) to qualify. I took her card and will mention it to Ellen. 

We were served box lunches from Pirano's (turkey pesto on rolls, pasta salad, and iced tea), then listened to the talk for close to two hours. It took me back to my human resources days at Rider, especially since employment law for profit and non- is the same. Here's a shot of the meeting:

After, I walked down the street to The Coalition and browsed a bit. Bused from there directly to Barnes & Noble, where I bought two of the puzzle books I like. Sprouts is in the same shopping center, so I stopped in to buy four pounds of big, beautiful grapefruit. Boy, that was heavy, especially with the two puzzle books. And, I also stopped on Von's on the way home for two pounds of strawberries; I like to eat them plain, as snacks. Practically staggered home, but made it.    

Called Noreen and we made a date for Friday lunch at the Paradise Cafe. 


I was distressed when I looked out the window on my way home to see this evidently homeless person asleep (or otherwise unconscious) right at the curb and right next to bus. 
Her--or her, I couldn't tell which--hand must have been only inches from the side of the bus. How did we get to this horror? Why can't something be done?  But what would that be? And in the meantime, the rich and powerful shed their crocodile tears and dance and dance while the band plays on... 

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...