Wednesday, May 17, 2023


Suzanne and I left for WinCo at 9:00 and I stocked up mainly on my staples: mushrooms, spaghetti squash, cauliflower, spinach, grapefruit, and mandarins. Got some other stuff, too. Home, I put them away, then tackled choosing the content for next week's A. for A.

Speaking of--there have been some changes. Joann D., who is 90, told me she would have to withdraw, as her hearing is not adequate (although she wears an aid). However, I called Olga F.S., who wasn't present for the first session, and yes, she'll be at the next. Joan T. emailed, then called, to tell me she had reserved the all-purpose room where she lives at the harbor (I've been there and it's an attractive  community), so we could meet there next time on Memorial Day, where this gathering room is closed. I told Joan I'd make a decision after our next meeting. I will not put it to a vote. This undertaking is a lot of work and I'm the one who labors, so I'll decide. 

Here are some things I have to consider: The transportation company doesn't operate that day, so someone would have to pick m up and take me home. If some have other plans for Memorial Day, it may be pointless, if we can't rehearse the plays I'll have distributed. If we don't meet at Joan's place, I have to decide to either extend into the second week in June (and that may run into kids home from school, vacation plans, and so on), see who all might be able to meet one time another day, or simply end at three meetings, the first week of June.        

Joan T. emailed to the effect that another BCNN member, Sally B., asked if she could sit in next Monday. At first, I refused, but now I'm thinking I may change my mind. I did say she could sit in if she wants to.

Back to content: I decided to do comedy this time and drama after that. As of yesterday, I tentatively chose The Truth, The Embellished Truth, And Nothing Like The Truth; Help Wanted--NOT!; When Cooks Confer; and Tootie Looks At Real Estate. Now I have to laboriously assign roles, and will try--it won't be easy--to evenly distribute them. 

Late in the afternoon, I did about an hour's food prep, cooking the squash, roasting the mushrooms, and cauliflower, and adding salmon and rice for dinner. Now I have a good supply of veggies ready to be heated up. 

Got this yesterday--two days after, thanks to the abysmal mail system--for Mothers Day from the Tokyo Trio. The not-so-little cutie patootie lettered it himself (names obscured) :

Below are some of the cards and gifts from my other treasures:

BCNN Happy Hour at Casa Bella in town, at 4:00 today. 

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Julie picked me up at 9;00, then we stopped for Regina and off we went to the BCNN  meeting. It was raining (horrors!) and we agreed we didn...