Friday, May 26, 2023


I spent a few hours in the morning composing and printing a letter to my BCNN Acting for Amateurs gals--an actual, old-fashioned letter that I put in envelopes with stamps and a return address, then dropped in the little box reserved for the post office. Why that, instead of  email? Because several of my now six-member class don't look at their email. Also, I wanted to alert them to some things (timing, gestures, facial expressions, etc.) of which they should put into practice before they do their plays at the next meeting. Actual printed instructions seem more substantial than an ethereal email they'd have to print out themselves.

Called Diane about coming to lunch on Monday, but since there's no bus service then, she suggested Sunday. She thought that we--including Greg--could bring our lunches and meet near the library, as she and I often do. I doubted very much if Greg would want to do that, but said I'd ask.  

After lunch, I bused to Lassen's and asked.  Greg wasn't enthusiastic about it and realized that I wasn't, either, so we agreed to put off the Diane/Greg/Eckert Tolle meeting until a later time. Just as well and, frankly, I was relieved. Before I left Lassen's, I bought a grapefruit, marveling at how much more expensive all their things are. 

Bused home and got a few other things done--they can't be of major importance, since I don't remember what they were. Vickie called to tell me she had finally met Sharon's husband, Lewis, at Sticks Pool Hall. She said he's a rememarkle player--ranked a 7, which is close to the top. Vickie herself is a 6, but in her characteristically modest manner, said she was over-rated. She's undergoing a new treatment for the cancer: a pill taken for six weeks, I think, then some weeks off, then more. She said the full regime costs something like a hundred thou--incredible. I fervently hope my friend will recover, but the news doesn't sound good.

Coincidentally, we had just hung up when she and I got a text from Suzanne, who's enjoying her trip to Canada with Sister Beatrice. Here they are having high tea at Butchardt Gardens--not sure what province: 


Made a ground turkey stir-fry for dinner. Besides the onions, peppers, and garlic, I added spinach, and it was yummy. Had enough left to freeze for another meal. 

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...