Saturday, May 06, 2023


There were only five of us at T.O.P.S.; nevertheless, Sharon brought enough food to feed an army. You can't see them with the lid one, but in the blue container were two layers of rolled Mexican somethings. I can't remember the name, but some were with beef, some chicken. She also brought a variety dips to put on them, plus the tableware. It doesn't look like much here, but everybody had more than one and she took some home. I had two and skipped my usual oatmeal and citrus breakfast. 


Ever the fashion leader, Sharon paired her hot peppers shirt (it was actually her husband's) with these earrings:

As for the reason we were actually there, I lost .08 both at home and at T.O.P.S., with weights of 127.8 and 128.7, respectively. Yes, the numbers were reversed and why or how I have no idea. 

Didn't get home until 10:30 and, having skipped breakfast, made my lunch, packed up my cart, and set off for Diane's. Walked the mile and some to Telephone Road to get the 11 bus. When I got to east Ventura, I stopped first at Goodwill to drop off some donations, then walked the other half-mile to the park across from Silvercrest.  

She was already there, I sat down, we ate, and--talked and talked and laughed and cried a bit, and talked. It's always a pleasure to be with Diane; no, we don't agree on everything--she always has a lot of mystic stuff going--but we can confide in each other and on many topics, we're in complete accord. I was pleased that she'll be in my acting class, too. Anyway, the weather turned lovely--blue, cloudless, 70--and we didn't say goodbye until after 4:00. 

Had the rest of my turkey stir-fry for dinner, then called Jim Obviously, I still had a lot of talk in me, as we were on the phone for forty-five minutes. Since I'm booked today and tomorrow and he has class on Monday, I invited him for lunch on Tuesday and he accepted. 

I've been continuing to poll my prospective acting class for a day they can all meet and I'm annoyed it's such a chore to get that arranged. So far, Monday seems the choice, but I hadn't heard back from everybody yet. 

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...