Tuesday, May 23, 2023


Acting for Amateurs went pretty well,  considering we were short one.  I asked for input as to when or where we next meet, Memorial Day being out and it was agreed we'd simply extend by a week. 

I opened with having the group provide the answers to their "homework": what factors make you believe in what you're seeing?  I was looking for single words or short phrases and had to corral the superfluous comments, which can be a a problem with this group. I then talked about what works in comedy, giving them some particulars (timing, the element of surprise, and so on). I gave them their scripts and had them break into groups to read and run through them. It worked okay for me to do Olga's part in both The Potato Family and the devil's in Hell on Wheels. Both were received well. 

We talked for a bit after and Dusty, BCNN president, asked if I'd present at one of the fall meetings. I'm not too anxious to do it, but said I'd discuss it with her.  I'm definitely not going to do it without at least two rehearsals beforehand and how that can be arranged, I don't know. Also, I don't want to do it unless all in the group--now only six--can participate.  

After, I talked to Susan S. for some time. She is a retired archaeologist--as is her husband--has a doctorate and has been named to Ventura's Heritage Board  I like her a lot and hope to see more of her. After she left, I joined Dusty A. and Joan T. in conversation. We stood talking for an hour, discussing writing, acting, our past lives, and on from there.

Home at 2:00, had lunch, then bused to Target at the mall. Got underwear and pretzels, strolled around a bit, then bused home. I seasoned and put in the oven the chicken legs and thighs I had bought the other day and had one for dinner. Delish. 

Called Jim to see if he was available for "Lunch With Greg" tomorrow. He is and we chatted. Called Ellen to say we'd be there. She won't be, I'm sorry to say, as she'll be working, so it will just be the five of us: besides me, Greg, Jim, Gwennie 🐱, and Cessy 🐱.


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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...