Saturday, May 20, 2023

Flitting Around On Friday

Weight: at home, 128.8, a gain of .08; at T.O.P.S., 129.6, a .05 gain, but still within my comfort zone. There were only four of us and we just chatted about our struggles with weight, but at least it was on-topic.  Three of us will be traveling next week; Lennie to her sister's in Idaho, Cheryl to her granddaughter's in Colorado, and Lora, on a river cruise in Europe. Therefore, we made an executive decision to skip the meeting next week and I volunteered to notify the four other regular members. 

Home and breakfast after 10:00, then I did a few chores, packed my lunch, and set off with my little cart to meet Diane at our usual time and usual spot (12:30 on Telephone Road). We ate, talked, and talked, and talked--didn't say goodbye until 4:00. I then thought I walk to Wal-Mart, but took a different route and, incredibly, got lost. I had to ask somebody in which direction I could find Victoria Avenue and was told I was going the wrong way. Once I got there, I decided not bother with Wal-Mart; I just need oatmeal and bird seed and can get them at Von's.

Called Jim and invited him to lunch on Sunday at Olive Garden--I'm treating him for his birthday--and we talked. He's at a pretty low ebb, his last class having been last Monday. Said he'd apply for unemployment, but hasn't done it yet (he should have done it as soon as he got his separation notice). I guess we'll talk about it tomorrow.

Today, I want to get the rest of my A. for A. prep done, including getting the scripts in the binders. I want to formalize and print my notes, too--thank Zeus the printer seems to have settled down.  

Unfortunately, after enjoying good sleep for several weeks, things went awry. I woke up a little after one and just couldn't get back for several hours. Considering I probably got three miles of walking in, it's probably because of thinking about A. for A. May take a nap today.

I came across this yesterday: yours truly in the botanic garden in Singapore. Must be fifteen or so years ago. Think I'll make a jigsaw out of it. 

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...