Sunday, May 21, 2023

Saturday And Show Biz

I spent virtually the ENTIRE day getting session two of Acting for Amateurs in shape. I chose two humorous plays, then laboriously assigned roles. I plan to first ask for their "homework" results, the assignment being to notice what elements go into believing what one sees in a show. I'll put them on the big notebook on the easel, then I'll follow with writing the elements of comedy. After that, I'll give them twenty minutes or so to read their scripts and (I hope we'll have time) to do a quick run-through privately.  I'll then have them do it for the group.

I chose The Potato Family--just a skit, really, but it goes over pretty big--and Hell On Wheels, a much more ambitious piece in rhyming couplets. This last includes the devil, the part Jim played when he was in my A. for A. for SCAN years ago. Since we have no men, I decided to read that myself (type-casting, maybe? 😄).

I took a break about noon and went over to Von's for oatmeal and birdseed. Continued until lunch, ate, and then finished up. Having slept so poorly, I took an hour's nap; felt okay when I got up.  

I called Joan T., who's in the group to tell her that meeting at her place gathering room would be a last resort for Memorial Day. What I want to try is to get people to come on Tuesday, instead; barring that, Thursday or, as a last resort, Wednesday, in which case, I'll have to postpone my dental appointment. 

Finally got to Carole D. to alert her that T.O.P.S. won't meet next Friday. It's unbelievable that her "voice mail" goes to a recording that says callers must provide a five-number (or whatever it is) "registration." When I finally got her and questioned her about it, she said yes, she had very poor phone service--so why in the hell doesn't she do something about it? It's weird.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...