Tuesday, May 02, 2023

Movin' On Monday And Bullshitter Biden

Things started looking up yesterday. For one thing, the sun came out about 10:00 and that gave me a lift. For another, I met my Soaring Spirits friends for lunch and we had a good, convivial time. I was pleased to see that Carolyn B. came; she, Nancy, and I used to go to Happy Hour together every week. That ended via COVID, but I told Carolyn I'd call Nance to see if we could renew that activity.

On my way, home I got a text from Ellen to say she had loaded into her car the easel I asked to borrow and would come by with it after work. She did, but as she had said, it was very heavy and bulky, being made out of thick wood. She had barely been able to get it into her trunk and we agreed I wouldn't be able to handle it.  She took it directly to Goodwill and donated it, glad to get it out of her shed.

El had no sooner left than I looked on-line to see where I could get an easel. Hey, Michael's had them. Ironically, that's in the same shopping center as Stone Fire Grille where I had had lunch a few hours before, but I didn't have anything pressing to do, so I bused right back there. It was already over 4:00, so I didn't get home until 7:00, but that was okay.

Luckily, they had a full-sized, but light (I'm not even sure if it's plastic or some kind of balsam wood) easel and I bought it for sixteen bucks. It was easy to take home, just six or so legs plus the hardware to put it together. I'll tackle that today.

Other business: The Ventura Star had an article on Biden's attendance at the White House press corps annual "roast." It reverently reported that before the frivolity, our esteemed leader "acknowledged the several American journalists under siege in authoritarian governments around the world." How anyone could have listened to that without throwing up is beyond me. In reaction, I sent this to The Star--we'll see if they print it:    

--The hypocrisy of the United States government and its lackeys in the press is fabulous. At the annual White House Correspondents' Association dinner, President Biden deplored the journalists who are "under seige in authoritarian countries." The Associated Press in the Ventura Star dutifully reported on his crocodile tears, and the name of Julian Assange was never mentioned, of course. Mr. Assange, an Australian citizen and the founder of Wikileaks, has been detained for eleven years, first in asylum at the Ecuadorian embassy, then in the U.K.'s Belmarsh Prison, where he remains. His misdeed? He revealed U.S. war crimes, notably including the notorious "Collateral Murder" video. His supporters around the world are fighting extradition to the U.S., but one rarely sees any mention of this in the mass media. Maybe its representatives should hide their heads in shame.-- 

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