Monday, May 29, 2023


Did my usual Sunday routine--the crossword was particularly enjoyable--then packed my lunch and walked to Ralph's (Supermarket). As I was sure she would be, Diane was already there, although I was early. We browsed a bit, but I didn't see anything better than Von's, so we left and strolled to the outdoor kind of circular park, with fountain. I've gone there myself several times and Diane likes it, too, so here we sat down to eat and talk and talk and talk.  Brother Larry called while we were eating, so I told him I'd call when I got home.

Diane is still very much into Eckert Tolle and expounded at length on his teachings. I've heard a lot of this before and have seen some videos he's done, but am not particularly interested. Diane wants to teach a course for members of our women's club (BCNN), but doesn't want to attend the meeting. I'm not sure she'll get many to sign up, but who knows? After three hours, I walked Diane to Telephone Road, where she got the bus home. I walked back to my place instead of busing, so got three miles in. 

Called Larry after dinner and we chatted away. Shortly after, my niece, Joan, called to say she had finished her family chronicle book and would like to send it to me. She did, I started reading it, and it's not bad. She's writing it for her two little granddaughters, who I know will appreciate it. I'd like to share it with my grandchildren and great-grands, at least the part that concerns her mother, my older sister.  Will finish it today, and contact Joan with comments.

Ellen called in the evening just to chat, which I always enjoy. She's counting the hours until the summer break--two and a half more weeks, then freedom. One year after that, retirement--WOW!

Yesterday, May 28, the two surviving Dionne quintuplets, Annette and Cecile, turned 89 years old:

Here they are a few years before, with sisters Emilie, Marie, and Yvonne and, oh, yes, with Allan Roy Defoe, their doctor, their savior, but also, it could be said, their nemesis:

I've been thinking for some time that I might revive my Whatever Happened to the Babies?  presentation about the quints. I haven't done it for years (never in California) and of course, I still have a mountain of the material I've collected over the years. Only problem would be trying to figure out and get help with, the electronic part. Will mull it over. 

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...